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Dark Seduction
Dark Seduction
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Dark Seduction

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Dark Seduction
Brenda Joyce

He has sworn to protect the innocent through the ages… Malcolm is a newly chosen Master, a novice to his extraordinary – and dangerous – powers. When his lack of control results in a woman’s death he’s determined to fight his darkest desires, denying himself all pleasure…until fate sends him bookseller Claire.Yet nothing can prepare safety-conscious Claire for powerful medieval warrior Malcolm sweeping her back into his time. In this treacherous world Claire needs Malcolm to survive, but she must somehow keep him at arm’s length.For Malcolm’s soul is at stake – and fulfilling his desires could prove fatal…

Advance praise for


“Brenda Joyce mesmerises…[The] Masters of Time® [series] is intense, compelling and wickedly erotic!”

—New York Times bestselling author Virginia Henley

“Brenda Joyce has consistently written high-quality romance. Now she’s adding a chilling touch of the paranormal. It’s a ‘keeper’ – I loved it.”

—New York Times bestselling author Heather Graham

“In the mood for timeless danger and passionate adventure? Dark Seduction is sensual paranormal romance by a master! Brenda Joyce delivers a book you won’t want to put down.”

—New York Times bestselling author Christina Skye

Dark Seduction


Brenda Joyce (

Also by Brenda Joyce

The de Warenne Dynasty





The Deadly Series



For my son, the genius who brainstormed the original concept with me – without the “hot” parts, of course!


This book would not have been possible without many different layers of support and faith. I would like to thank my agents, Aaron Priest and Lucy Childs, who suspended their own uncertain feelings toward the paranormal genre and got solidly behind the original concept for The Masters of Time®, allowing me to “sell” the concept. I must also thank my editor, Miranda Stecyk, for her lavish support. Although uncertain of some paranormal elements, she was open-minded enough to let me “go for it” and became a great cheerleader for the work in progress, encouraging me as a writer, while sharing her enthusiasm in-house, and for both I am indebted. And of course, my assistant and proofreader, Laurel, once again offered priceless support, enthusiasm and encouragement. Thank you all!

Table of Contents

Cover Page (#ude9138c7-e226-50d8-84ce-175f90504208)

Praise (#u20f61192-abf7-52bd-a863-edd4b7948b38)

Title Page (#ua83e1beb-3956-5f4b-ac45-db9900588d68)

Other Books By (#u6d5c8702-6d88-5153-8f68-ec4d963b6f60)

Dedication (#ud20223c8-b589-54f4-b832-b68c4ec82fae)

Prologue (#u2d6b65c5-c0c4-5720-973e-8050648d62ad)

Chapter One (#u4c47694e-b6e9-5559-9a06-1648f1700ea8)

Chapter Two (#uca145e60-f4fa-5d3b-b022-c3a4992eef39)

Chapter Three (#uf6c8bf4f-f456-53d8-b17a-0ee1058dd182)

Chapter Four (#u582e507e-07ca-5b0e-9207-248420037e0f)

Chapter Five (#u6ad4ed45-b48f-5f8b-96fa-4b5b45d44451)

Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Thirteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Fourteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Fifteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Sixteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Seventeen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Eighteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Nineteen (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter Twenty-One (#litres_trial_promo)

Dear Reader (#litres_trial_promo)

Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)


The Past

WHEN Claire awoke, it was the dead of night.

For one moment, she was disoriented and confused. It was raining heavily outside. She lay in a canopied bed in a room she did not recognize. As she blinked in the darkness, she saw a fire in a stone hearth and two small, narrow windows. Instead of glass, iron bars bisected them. Through the bars, she saw a torrential night sky. And then she heard him.

Claire…come to me.

Claire bolted upright, alarmed. Instantly, she recalled Malcolm’s near brush with death. But he wasn’t with her in the room; she didn’t know where he was. Was Malcolm all right? How long had she been unconscious? The sky had been cloudy earlier, but there hadn’t been any sign of rain.

Claire…upstairs…above ye. I need ye…

Claire froze, breathing hard. She was very much alone, but he was using telepathy to communicate with her and his thoughts were as clear as if he’d spoken them. He was somewhere above her. She could feel him. Claire faltered, her insides hollowing with terrible urgency. He was hurt, close to death. They had locked him up somewhere. She could save him.

Claire jumped from the bed. She was warm, but not from the small fire—her blood was running hot in her veins from his potent summons. She had to find him. She was choking on desperation. Claire tore the brat from her body and flung it aside, but she found no relief from the feverish heat. She had to be with Malcolm. Swallowing, she became very still, listening for him.

It took but a moment to get past the sound of her pounding heart. And then she felt his torment. He was weak from the battle, his body savagely cut, and he was in pain. He could not even sit up. She had to find him. He needed her. He needed to be deep inside her, taking power from her.

Claire tensed as heat flared between them. He had heard her. He knew she was coming and he was waiting for her.

She looked up at the ceiling. Aidan had told Royce to take Malcolm to a tower. There were four towers, one on each corner of the curtain walls of the castle. Both gatehouses had towers, too, but she was certain he was directly above her. Claire jerked on the neckline of her leine, the linen sticking to her wet skin. It did not become easier to breathe.

She ripped the offending gown from her body, panting hard, clad only in her denim skirt and T-shirt. Where are you?

Claire. Upstairs. Above ye. ’Tis the East Gatehouse.

She smiled, her heart pounding with renewed urgency. I am coming. Claire tried the doorknob and realized it was locked. She was instantly enraged. They had locked her in the chamber!

Hurry, lass.

Claire inhaled and caught his scent. She could smell sex. His lust filled the room from the ceiling above. Frenzied, she pulled on the old-fashioned door handle. Her fear had given her superhuman strength, because the door blew in, the lock snapping.

Panting, she peered into the corridor and saw that it was empty, a single torch burning in one wall sconce. Barefoot, she soundlessly ran up the narrow, winding stone staircase. Her flesh felt as if it might explode from her body if she did not leap into his arms soon.

Another landing faced her, one torch burning in the hall. Claire didn’t stop. She went to the next level, where she found a small round antechamber instead of a corridor. A heavy wood door faced her, bolted from the outside, an iron padlock on it.

A throbbing tension filled the anteroom. Malcolm’s.

He was on the other side of that door, hard and hot, promising her a universe of ecstasy. Claire now knew she would eagerly die for his touch.

Claire moaned and found her dagger stuck into the waistband of her skirt, jamming it into the padlock. In New York City, she would have never been able to pick such a lock. But now she viciously thrust the dagger into the lock and it sprang open. Moisture began to trickle down her legs. Claire flung the bolt aside and yanked the door open.

His silver gaze slammed into hers.

Malcolm lay naked on his back on a pallet at the far wall, a pale linen bandage glaring in contrast against his swarthy skin. His head was turned toward her and he was watching her carefully. He was fully erect. Claire understood; he had become the hunter lying in wait for her. She was eager to be his prey.

Claire wanted to run to him, but at the sight of so much beauty and the anticipation of so much pleasure, she simply could not move.

A smile began as he sat up slowly, grunting with pain. The bandage was stained with red blood. “Come t’ me, Claire.”

Claire stumbled forward as he carefully stood, clearly weak from the battle and loss of blood. She caught him, wrapping her arms around him, and when his entire naked body came into contact with hers, tears of desire began.

“Lass,” he gasped, holding her in a viselike grasp. He flung his head back and his power fell over her like a huge cloak. Claire was cocooned in warmth that began an invasion from the outside, in. She was acutely aware of a soft, sweet draining sensation—and as aware of Malcolm, groaning uncontrollably, head flung even farther back. Suddenly she felt his terrible pleasure begin.

He cried out thickly. “Aye, Claire!”

She met his gaze as he seized her arms and she saw the triumphant lust there. He smiled savagely, spread her thighs, his mouth against hers. He thrust deep, gasping. “Ye taste good.”

A huge wave broke and Claire wept in more pleasure than she had dreamed, but Malcolm moved now, draining her and coming at the same time, and the wave kept breaking. Lightning comprehension shocked her as the universe became solidly black and filled with exploding stars, each one another one of her climaxes. This time she would be lost in this galaxy of endless pleasure, she was never coming out and she didn’t want to. Every climax was more violent, more brutal and better than the one before. It didn’t matter. This was how she wanted to die, giving Malcolm her life, while riding his huge hardness into eternity.

His seed streamed and burned. He roared his pleasure as he took her, the sound that of a beast, not a man.

Claire wept and begged for more, and more always came. She somehow knew she could not withstand this, but she wanted it anyway. Another terrible wave broke, crushing her with ecstasy.

Suddenly Malcolm roared a final time—and thrust himself away from her.

Claire wanted to protest but she couldn’t. She was in a vortex of pleasure and pain and spinning away so rapidly now that she realized she was really dying. She could feel the last essence of her life spinning out of her, faster and faster, like a whirling top about to keel over…

Claire began to settle, limp and empty, fading away. She looked down on her nearly naked body, sprawled out on the stone floor, and saw Malcolm standing by the window, staring at her in horror. Aidan and Royce bent over her now. And suddenly the tower was filled with blinding light. Suddenly she saw the Ancients faintly outlined and crowding into the room…

“Is she alive?” Malcolm cried.


The Present

CLAIRE WAS AFRAID of the dark.

It was dark now—and something had just thudded downstairs.

She stood absolutely still in the bedroom that was above her bookstore. Claire sold old and rare books and manuscripts, as well as the occasional used but rare tome, and because of the quarter-of-a-million-dollar inventory she kept downstairs, she had a state-of-the-art security system, a Taser and a gun. She knew she hadn’t left a window open, as it was sweltering in the city in July, and she would never leave a window open anyway. It was too dangerous. Crime was out of control in the city. Last month, her neighbor, a wannabe model, had been murdered, and although the police weren’t saying so, she suspected it had been a pleasure crime. She strained to hear, debating getting her Beretta from her bedside drawer.

But she heard nothing now. As she stood there, clad in a pair of cotton candy-striped boxers and a thin ribbed tank top, her bedroom looking as if a tornado had cycled through it, the stray cat that had appeared earlier that day wandered in from the hall outside. She was flooded with relief. The cat had knocked something over! She shouldn’t have suspected the worst—after all, her motion-detection sensors hadn’t gone off—but even after all these years, she hated being alone at night.

Terrified, the child crouched by the door, as a dark, deathly shadow drifted by.