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From Genome to Proteome – Michael Dunn

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As research on the human, animal, plant and microbial genomes matures towards descriptive fullness, the need for understanding the proteome has clearly emerged as the next major endeavor of life sciences. Proteomics – the quantitative analysis of all proteins working in a cell at a specific time and at specific conditions – provides deep insight into the highly organized network of expression, modification and degradation of proteins. Compiled in this book are reviews and research articles which describe the recent advances and perspectives of this new field of research. The articles are grouped into the following sections: – Sample Preparation and Solubilization – Developments in Electrophoresis – Detection and Quantitation – Mass Spectrometry – Proteome Data Analysis and Management – Prokayotes and Yeast – Biological Fluids – Eukaryotic Cells and Tissue – Oncology – Plants Proteomics is a new key for the functional analysis of living systems and of equal importance for basic as well as application oriented research.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9783527613496

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