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It didn’t matter. Lilith’s piece would never be joined to complete any puzzle that Jackie had a role in creating.

And what about her sisters? Did they want to claim their full inheritance? If, like Lilith, Jackie had given the two babies to other people to raise, they might not share Jackie’s depravity. They might be just as horrified by the information as Lilith. What if at this moment they were seeking her out, hoping that Lilith might have some answers for them?

She needed to find a way to contact them. Instantly she thought of Sister Peter. She would know how to find someone. She was forever talking about how the Internet was such a powerful tool. Bringing the entire world together. Once Lilith found her sisters Sister Peter would know which authorities could be trusted. As an American, she had a deep understanding of justice and the system that upheld it.

But to use her like that, Lilith would have to tell the nun why she needed her help. The burden of Jackie’s files was too much to share. Lilith couldn’t claim to be an expert on the world, but she was at least savvy enough to know that the information in her possession could make her a target. Certainly the people listed on these files would want to find this information once they learned of Jackie’s death. Find it and destroy it along with anyone who might continue to blackmail them.

Her mind wandered back to the man in the monastery. The brothers called him a warrior. Warriors fought. But who did he fight for? A man of violence, did he use his skills to help or to hurt people?

Dismissing the idea before she let her mind formulate it fully, she knew she would not ask Tarak for help. It was too risky. She couldn’t involve anyone she didn’t trust. Better to keep the information hidden rather than risk exposure.

Which meant she was on her own in trying to find a way to locate these other women. She would see if they had received a spider from their mother. Then together they could decide what to do next. The simplest solution would be to destroy it all. Lilith, however, would wait until she had their counsel.

Outside she heard a noise. Acting quickly, she hid the computer under her sleeping mat. She returned the memory stick to its hiding place in the necklace and dropped the spider inside her silk coverall.

Another helicopter. This one circled overhead searching for a place to land. The pilot must have spotted the small landing area, because it began its descent.

“My, we’re becoming popular around here,” Sister Joseph said as she hustled her round body over to where Lilith stood in the center of the village. “Do you know what this is about?”

“No, Sister.” It wasn’t a lie but she knew it could not be a coincidence.

Calmly Sister Joseph folded her arms over her large bosom. “Are we in trouble, Lilith? I’m not asking because I am upset. I just want to know what we’re dealing with. I have more than my sisters to think about. I feel responsibility toward the villagers, as well.”

Lilith turned to find Sister Peter rushing up to join them. She stopped short and also crossed her arms over her breasts. She looked as concerned as Sister Joseph.

“I do not know what this is about. But I cannot promise it will not lead to trouble,” she said honestly to both of them. “Be alert.”

Sister Peter nodded. “I’ll round up the villagers. Let them know to keep the children close.”

Lilith waited as once more it was the children leading the parade for the visitors coming out of the jungle. Until their parents intervened and pulled them away from the excitement. At first the children resisted, but ultimately they obeyed, leaving only the helicopter’s passengers.

Lilith counted five large men of varying colors and race, all outwardly armed. Some with more than one weapon attached to different body parts. They looked as fierce as she imagined they wanted to. More men of violence.

But it was the woman in front of them that caught her attention.

About Lilith’s height, the woman’s skin was a lighter shade of brown than Lilith’s, but her eyes…they were Jackie’s eyes. Not the color, but the shape. There was no doubt she was looking at another one of Jackie’s daughters.

“Let me guess,” the woman said to Lilith, opening her arms in welcome. “You are Lilith.”

“Yes,” she whispered even as she felt the air clog in her throat.

The woman smiled broadly and widened her arms even more. “Well, hell. Come give your big sister Echo a hug!”

Chapter 5

The woman stopped a few feet short of Lilith. Her arms dropped to her sides. “Oh, that’s right. No hugging, is there? Oh well, we’ll just air kiss and call it a reunion.”

The words made sense, but Lilith couldn’t decipher her tone. Nor did she understand the woman’s attitude. They were two women who were linked by a biological bond. They were relatives coming together for the first time. Yet Lilith could find no sign of the significance of this moment in the woman’s voice. She seemed cavalier about their meeting. Not relieved. Not happy. Not afraid.


“You found me,” Lilith realized. “How?”

“Mummy’s little gift to me,” Echo told her. “I have to assume you got one, too. A special gift, that is?”

“I…” Lilith’s throat locked up. “I do not think we should talk about this in front of others.”

“Oooooh. A cautious little thing, aren’t you? That’s good. That means you’re smarter than I was probably going to give you credit for being.”

Sister Peter stepped up to stand beside Lilith. She was touched by the sign of support from the sister, but still Lilith would rather Sister Peter not say anything. “Lilith, what is this woman saying? Is she your sister?”

“The name is Echo.” Echo stretched out her hand to the nun but quickly pulled it back. “Oh, sorry. I keep doing that. This is a leper colony, right? Maybe I would do better not touching anything while I’m here. So, a nun? Wicked. Are you my sister’s friend?”

“I am,” Sister Peter said.

“Then you must know about her loss. Our mother—a mother we didn’t even know we had—is gone. Killed. I’ve come to grieve with the only family I have left. I’m sure you can appreciate that.”

“Killed?” Lilith repeated, focusing on only that. Killed was very different from dead.

“Yes,” Echo relayed. “It was awful. When I heard I was angry. So hurt. But it’s true. I had my people verify the information. Mummy was murdered by a woman named Allison Gracelyn. You don’t know her, but our two families have been at odds for years. Where Mummy succeeded in making something important of herself, Allison’s mother failed. Allison never got over that. She wanted revenge. More than that, she wanted to steal our mother’s empire. Something you must understand by now is quite…extensive.”

Lilith said nothing, but she felt Echo’s eyes boring into her, studying her as if to learn something that Lilith didn’t want to reveal. She tried to focus on the story that Echo was telling her, but all she could think was…danger.

“Or do you?” Echo wondered aloud. “In this backwater village maybe you don’t even know what…” She stopped herself and shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. All that matters is that I’m here. You and I are connected. Isn’t that amazing?”

It should have been, but amazement was the last thing Lilith felt.

“We must do something to celebrate,” Echo continued. “A feast and some wine. We can sit and talk. I want to know you, sister. Intimately. Just like I’m sure you want to know everything there is to know about me.”

“Lilith, I must go and see to my duties,” Sister Peter interrupted. “You’re welcome to use the meeting hall to talk and get…acquainted. Also, I’m sure the monks would welcome your guests.”

“Absolutely.” Sister Joseph beamed. “Please make yourself welcome. Any friend of Lilith’s is naturally welcome here. We’ll leave you to catch up. I am sorry for your loss. Both of you. Sometimes even those people who don’t play a large role in our life can still make a horrible dent when they leave it. God bless you both.”

Echo clutched a hand to her heart. “God bless you, too, Sister. Thank you for those kind and meaningful words.”

Lilith watched Echo watch the nun walk away. She watched her make a gesture behind her back and thought again that every word she said would have to be scrutinized for truth.

“Nuns, huh?” Echo asked. “This place is crawling with them. Does that mean you’re one, too? Makes sense, I suppose, since you can’t ever let anyone touch you.”

“No. I’m not a nun,” Lilith said carefully. Instinctively she knew that information was power to her sister and the less said the less power she might have.

“We could leave here,” Echo offered Lilith. “I could snatch you up in my helicopter. We could find the closest piece of civilization and hope they have decent curry. Wouldn’t that be fun?”

Lilith shook her head. She wasn’t going anywhere with this woman if she could help it. “I prefer not to leave the village. The meeting area is this way. There we can sit and talk. We have food, but no wine.”

“Oh, well. Boys.”

Lilith started walking in the direction of the lodge that was referred to as the meeting hall. It was where the sisters took their meals together. Prayed together. Where the elders in the village met to discuss issues. It was a simple single-room structure, but it would serve their needs. Glancing back over her shoulder, she could see Echo’s men following close behind, their faces strangely neutral as they passed many inhabitants who were covered to hide their faces or missing limbs.

She’d labeled them as men of violence and instantly the label made her think of Tarak. But these men seemed different to her. Colder. Tarak’s face had never been so neutral. Certainly not when he was in the grip of the fever. And definitely not when he was looking at her.

They reached the wood structure and Lilith led them inside. Sunab, daughter of one of the village elders, offered to feed the guests so that Lilith could visit with the newcomers. Lilith accepted the offer and together they sat at a long table. Echo on one side, Lilith on the other. Her men sat at the opposite end apart from the two women. None of them spoke.

“So,” Echo began. “What shall we dish about?”

“I am sorry…dish? I speak English. Sister Peter has taught me some idioms, but I am not familiar…”

“Dish. Chat. Talk. Converse. I think we should start with Mummy’s gift. You got one, too. You don’t seem all that surprised by my being here, which means you must have accessed it somehow. Where is it?”

Lilith smiled graciously at Sunab as the girl poured her a cup of water. She reached for it and took a few sips, watching Echo scrunch up her nose at the fruit and flat bread being offered.

“There is another one like us,” Lilith said, avoiding the question. “Are you aware of that? Do you know her?”

Echo focused her gaze back on Lilith. “Of course I know we had another sister. She was murdered. Sad that we didn’t get to know her. But she was also killed by that woman I mentioned. Not her directly. One of her minions. Still, Gracelyn was behind it.”

“You make this woman sound dangerous.”

Echo chuckled. “Allison Gracelyn is a very powerful, very bad woman. Her mother founded an academy where Allison now sits on the board. A school for girls. She trains them in her image. These pupils destroyed our mother, acting on Gracelyn’s orders. Then they went after our sister. Dangerous? Yes, I would say she’s dangerous. But that doesn’t mean I’m afraid of her.”

“Of course not,” Lilith said. “Our sister. Who was she?”

“Her name was Kwan-Sook. She was special like us. A real giant of a woman, if you know what I mean. But deformed. As an invalid she was easy for Gracelyn’s girls to eliminate.”

Killed, murdered, eliminated. The words came so easily. “This woman killed Jackie. Then Kwan-Sook. Why?”

“I told you why. For revenge. For the information in Mummy’s control. Information is power. Information over powerful people is, well…really valuable stuff. Anyone would kill for that.”

Not anyone. But at least Echo confirmed Lilith’s belief that information was a tool that she liked to use. “I meant to say why now? Was there something that happened that triggered this woman to act?”

Echo lifted her shoulders. “Who knows. Maybe she stumbled upon something. Some thread that led her to Mummy. That doesn’t matter. What matters is that there is only us left. And if you think she won’t be coming after us and Mummy’s gift then you’re wrong.”

“You think she could find me here?”

“She found Mummy. She can find anyone. So where are you keeping it?”

To ask Keeping what? would have been foolish. Lilith didn’t completely understand this woman yet. Maybe hopelessly, she still found herself looking for some commonality between them. But she knew one thing for certain. Her sister was no fool.

Keen intelligence resonated in the glint of her brown eyes. Just like they had in Jackie’s.

“It is hidden,” she answered finally.

Slowly Echo nodded.

“Excellent idea. Precautions are necessary. Have you read everything?”

“No. I could only open some of the files. Others were filled with gibberish.


Lilith accepted Echo’s statement. “What I did read did not make much sense to me.”

It wasn’t exactly a lie. For a woman who tried to adhere to Buddhist precepts the acts of depravity those people committed didn’t compute. However, Lilith knew that she was deliberately misleading Echo. It was obvious that Echo couldn’t hide her disdain for the humble place where she’d found her sister. It might be useful to let her believe that Lilith was as simple and uneducated as Echo wanted to believe she was.

“It is a lot to take in for me, as well. I, too, only had access to part of the data. But tell me more about you. This skin condition you have. Is it terribly annoying?”

Given the way she reacted when they first met, Lilith had already determined that Echo knew about her condition. Suddenly she felt at a disadvantage. She hadn’t read enough to know what skill Echo or the other sister who had been murdered possessed.

“It is manageable. Sometimes I can use it to help people.”

The woman’s lips turned up in what should have been a smile. “Help people. That’s sweet. You’re a softy, aren’t you? I can tell. Help people. That’s priceless.”

Echo looked away as if she were studying the structure. Analyzing. Calculating. Lilith could practically hear her brain working.

When she focused her gaze on Lilith once more the smile was gone. “We could do that together. We could take this information and use it somehow to help people.”


Echo shifted on her bench. “I don’t know exactly how this minute. But we’ll think about it. We’ll discuss it. You’ll show me where you’ve hidden her…computer?”


“Laptop,” Echo repeated slowly. “We’ll pool the information that we have and we’ll see how we can use it to make this world a better place. Wouldn’t that be fun? Two sisters working together to fight evil and injustice. Our first mission would be to take down Allison Gracelyn and her academy. Finding justice at last for our poor dead mother and sister.”

Lilith wondered if Echo could hear the insincerity in her voice. “I think it is important that the right thing be done with the information we have been given.”


No longer able to stay in Echo’s company, Lilith stood and worked to keep her knees from trembling. “I have chores I must see to. Please stay and eat.”

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