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Winning Charlotte Back
Winning Charlotte Back
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Winning Charlotte Back

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She simply smiled.

The waitress arrived with their orders. They were silent while they added mustard and ketchup to their burgers and fries. Charlotte picked up her burger and took a huge bite. Delicious. She’d pay tomorrow when she had to ride a few more miles on her bike, but for tonight she was going to indulge.

“The town has sure changed since I was here last,” Rick said.

“Did you really think everything would be the same after twelve years? Like we were frozen in time or something?” Her answer came out sharper than she intended, but really.

“No. I just mean that it’s grown. The downtown is bigger and there are more businesses. When we were driving in I noticed a lot more houses. There have got to be more than the nineteen hundred people the population sign says.”

She shrugged, something she had never done in the past. It wasn’t decorum. Swirling a fry in her puddle of ketchup, she answered, “There may be a couple hundred more residents. There’s a new subdivision on the other side of the lake. I’m not exactly sure if they’re in Sweet Briar proper or not. A lot of the people you see in town are tourists.”


“What brought you back to town?”

“A job. I’m opening a medical practice.”

She felt her eyebrows rise. “You’re a doctor? I thought you went back to New Jersey to take over your father’s company.”

“I never wanted that. I’ve always wanted to be a doctor. My father wouldn’t listen to what I said, so I had to show him with my actions.”

“I’m glad it worked out for you.”

He winced. Clearly he hadn’t missed the sarcasm in her voice. “Charlotte. I know I said it before and I’ll keep saying it until you believe me. I am sorry.”

“I do believe you, so you can stop apologizing. It just doesn’t make a difference. Maybe if you’d apologized as sincerely and in person twelve years ago. Now... I don’t care. Okay?”

“I’m ready for dessert,” Bobby interrupted, undoubtedly stopping Rick from offering another apology she didn’t care to hear.

“Eat your salad first.”

Bobby looked at Charlotte as if appealing to her for help. She wiped her mouth and hands, tossed her napkin on the table, then opened her purse and pulled out some cash. “Sorry, kid. You’re on your own. I’ve got to get going.”

Rick placed his hand on hers. “Dinner’s on me.”

“That’s not necessary,” Charlotte said, pulling her hand away.

“As you pointed out, I invited you to join us and we enjoyed the pleasure of your company. I’m trying to raise my son to know that under those circumstances I should pay the bill. Please.”

Far be it from her to stand in the way of Rick raising a proper young man. “Okay. Thanks.” She stood and he did the same, letting her pass. “See you around, Bobby.”

The kid smiled. “’Bye, Charlotte.”

Charlotte walked out of the restaurant without looking back. Even though she kept her eyes fixed firmly on the path ahead of her, she couldn’t help wondering what life would have been like if the man at the table hadn’t jilted her, and the boy sharing the table had been hers. How much happier she’d be if she had the family she’d always wanted.

Chapter Four (#ud331756f-56b2-54e4-9246-e72215417a01)

“Put your dishes in the sink,” Rick said, halting Bobby middash. Bobby had practically swallowed his cereal whole in his rush to get away. Rick tried not to take his son’s rejection personally, but understanding didn’t take away the sting. It was hard to reconcile this kid with the one who’d been his best bud from the moment they’d met. “Don’t go far. We’ve got a lot of cleaning to get done. The furniture is arriving Monday.”

Bobby huffed out a loud breath then grabbed his bowl and cup and dropped them into the sink with a loud clatter. Lucky for him nothing broke. Not that the dishes were all that expensive. It was the attitude that was getting on Rick’s last nerve. And wasn’t that phrase a blast from the past. He now knew what his mother meant when she’d said those words about him years ago. He was going to apologize to her for everything he’d done wrong the next time he spoke to her, whenever that was. His younger sister had taken over the family business four years ago, and ever since then his parents had been traveling like the retired people they were. They were currently on a nine-month cruise around the world.

Grabbing his basketball, Bobby went through the house, each step punctuated by the thud of the ball bouncing off the floor. Rick gritted his teeth, determined not to say anything. He didn’t want all of their interactions to be confrontational. Last night at dinner was the first time in a while that Bobby had smiled. He’d almost been his old self. He’d seemed awed—and bewildered—by Charlotte. Rick could definitely relate to the bewilderment. When she’d said goodbye, Bobby had a goofy, love-struck grin on his face. Rick wondered if his son had developed his first crush.

Any other time and with any other woman, Rick would have found Bobby’s crush amusing. Not now. Charlotte might have eaten dinner with them last night, but he didn’t kid himself that they’d put the past behind them. Bobby might be gung ho about establishing a relationship with Charlotte, but Rick knew she didn’t feel the same. Bobby had been rejected and hurt enough. Rick didn’t want Charlotte adding to that pain, even inadvertently.

He heard the front door slam shut as he was taking his last swallow of coffee. The thump of the basketball pounding against the driveway soon followed. Rick glanced at the clock as he headed for the front door. He couldn’t imagine Charlotte would be happy about being awakened before seven o’clock on a Saturday morning. He opened the door and stepped into the warm North Carolina morning. “Stop with the ball. You’ll wake up Charlotte.”

“No, I won’t,” Bobby protested. “She’s already awake.”

Rick descended the stairs and crossed the grass. Charlotte’s garage door was up and she was checking the air in her rear bicycle tire. She looked up but didn’t speak before turning back to the pump.

“I hope Bobby didn’t disturb you with his basketball,” Rick said. Dressed in pink shorts that hit her midthigh and a pink-and-white-striped shirt, she was definitely disturbing him. She pushed to her feet and he got an even better view of her long, toned legs.

Her brown eyes were bright and sharp with intelligence. Her honey-brown skin was clear and glowed with good health. Her cheekbones were high and her full lips were enticing in their perfection.

“He didn’t.” She wheeled out her bike then lowered her garage door.

“Hey, are you going for a ride now? I’m not doing anything, so I’ll come with you.” Bobby abandoned his ball in the middle of the driveway and raced toward their garage. “Dad, open the door so I can get out my bike.”

“I told you we have work to do around here.”

“All I do is work. I had to pack up our old house then clean it up. Now you’re making me clean up this house so I can unpack the same junk. You never let me have any fun. Why did you bring my bike if you’re never going to let me ride it?”

“Charlotte didn’t invite you.”

Bobby turned hopeful eyes to Charlotte. Yep, that was puppy love Rick saw in his son’s eyes. “It’s all right with you if I come, isn’t it?”

Charlotte’s face didn’t give anything away. That was a change from the girl he used to be able to read like a book. But back then she’d only had one page. Whatever her dad wanted was what she did. Now she seemed to have developed the ability to keep her feelings from showing on her face. “I ride fast.”

“I’m fast. Aren’t I, Dad. I can probably ride faster than you.”

“I’m riding a long way. I’m going to the beach and riding on the sand, which isn’t easy. You need strong muscles in order to do that.”

Bobby pumped up his chest. “I am strong. I carried those heavy boxes yesterday plus I helped bring in our beds. And I can ride a long time.” He shifted from one foot to the other. “Come on, Dad. Open the door.”

“I can tell him no if you want to go alone.” Rick made the whispered offer despite knowing how disappointed Bobby would be.

Charlotte looked at Bobby, who was holding his breath, his face revealing his anxiety. Her lips turned down but Rick could tell she was weakening. She nodded once. “Fine. This time.”

Bobby grinned.

“Okay. I’ll be right back,” Rick said, following his son.

He opened the garage door. Bobby wheeled out his bike and then Rick did the same. He’d loaded their bikes at the last minute, hoping he and Bobby could do something fun that would draw them closer again. Rick didn’t want to let the opportunity slip away. They could clean later.

“What are you doing?” Charlotte asked when Rick rode up beside her. She’d accepted his apology and even eaten dinner with him, but clearly she hadn’t forgiven him. Not that he blamed her for holding a grudge.

“You said you didn’t mind company.” Under other circumstances he wouldn’t foist himself on her, but this was a chance to get closer to Bobby. And who knew, maybe he would be able to show Charlotte how much he regretted his past behavior, that he wasn’t the same person he’d been back then.

Her lips twisted and her eyes narrowed, but she still looked ridiculously sexy. “I said Bobby could come.”

“Yeah, Dad, she said I could come. We don’t want you hanging around us.”

Rick froze. He knew his son was lashing out because he was in pain, but that didn’t make the rejection hurt any less. Rick met Charlotte’s eyes. There was some emotion there, but before he could figure out what it was, she blinked and it was gone.

“Oh, for pity’s sake,” she snapped, “let’s just go.” She pressed her pedals and shot down the driveway, Bobby not far behind.

She wasn’t kidding when she said she rode fast. Good thing he was in shape. Even so, it took him two blocks to close the distance between them. Their speed didn’t allow them time to talk, but it didn’t hinder him in checking out her spectacular body and the way her round bottom looked on the seat of her bike.

After about a mile, Bobby began to fall back and Rick slowed. Charlotte had been adamant about not adjusting her pace in order to suit them, so he was surprised when she slowed as well. Not enough that Bobby would notice and take a hit to his ego, but enough for them to catch up to her at the entrance to the beach. She stopped and stood with her legs on either side of the bike. “You’re a great rider, Bobby.”

His son beamed and stood a little taller. “Thanks. Are we going to ride on the sand? I’ve never done that before.”


Bobby gave a cheer and his smile broadened. Incredibly, Charlotte had managed to get smiles out of his son without really trying. Maybe she’d be able to help him get Bobby back on the right track, since nothing he tried was working. But that was if she would agree to spending time with them, something he seriously doubted.

“Stay away from the edge of the water. The damp sand is murder to get through.” With that Charlotte once more began pedaling furiously. She set a good pace as they rode, but he had the feeling she was going more slowly than usual in deference to Bobby. Words couldn’t express how grateful he was to her for that simple kindness. It was such a sharp contrast to the way Bobby’s mother had walked away without giving him a second thought.

After about twenty minutes Charlotte made a U-turn and they started back across the beach. She didn’t stop when they came to the entrance, but rather sped onto the road. Then she slowed, and she and Bobby rode side by side. The wind carried their voices but Rick couldn’t make out the words. Once they laughed and he was filled with envy. To his shame he was jealous that Charlotte had established a rapport with his son that he’d lost. She’d gotten more smiles out of Bobby today than he’d managed in months. Worse, he envied his son for making Charlotte smile, something he had yet to do.

When they arrived home, they pulled into Charlotte’s driveway and hopped off their bikes. She unlocked her garage door and started to raise it.

“That was fun,” Bobby said, running to help Charlotte. “Thanks for letting me come.”

“Sure.” She smiled. “I guess you need to help your father clean up before your furniture gets here. See you later.”

Bobby sighed and Rick waited for the explosion. It didn’t come. Instead, Bobby nodded. Grinned. “Yeah. See you later.”

Rick tossed Bobby their keys. “Unlock the door and put up your bike. I’ll be there in a minute. I need to talk to Charlotte.”

Charlotte stiffened, but didn’t speak until Bobby was out of earshot. “We don’t have anything to talk about.”

“I just wanted to thank you for letting us come with you. I know you would have preferred to go alone.”

“I didn’t mind Bobby’s company.”

He tried not to wince at her direct hit. “Got it. Well, thanks. You made Bobby’s day.”

She turned and vanished inside her garage, pulling the door down behind her. He turned away from the closed door and pasted on a smile before he went to join his son.

Charlotte sat on her patio, staring into her coffee and trying to beat back the guilt that poked her conscience. No matter how hard she tried to block it out, she kept seeing the hurt on Rick’s face when she’d told him he was a nuisance. Okay, so she hadn’t said it in so many words, but her meaning had been unmistakable. Naturally she didn’t want him hanging around, but she didn’t have to be nasty about it. Especially since she’d allowed him to accompany her on her ride. He’d known he and Bobby had intruded and he’d been trying to be polite. In the blink of an eye she’d turned into the horrible person she was sick of being. A person she’d vowed to stop being.

She exhaled, but the guilt stayed with her. Now she owed Rick an apology. Unlike him, she wouldn’t wait twelve years to deliver it.

The sound of a large truck rumbling down her street yanked her away from her musings. Air brakes sounded followed by the slam of doors. Rick’s movers had arrived. Her quiet morning over, she walked to the front of her house just as Rick emerged from his door and spoke briefly with the men. A moment later there was chaos. Organized chaos, but chaos nonetheless.

Bobby spotted her and raced over. Apparently they were now best pals. He was one of a few. She frowned and forced herself to face the truth. He was one of one.

“Can I hang out with you?”

“Don’t you want to tell the movers where you want your stuff?”

“As if Dad will let me. He said I could decide where I put my bed, but the next thing I knew, he was saying I couldn’t put it in the middle of the room. He made me put it against a wall.” His eyes flashed with anger and he frowned.

“Did you really want it in the middle?”

“Yeah. Wouldn’t you?”

“Nope. If you put it against the wall, it’s easier to shove stuff under it when you have to clean your room.”

He smiled. “I didn’t think of that. Where should I put the dresser?”

“I don’t know. It depends on the layout of the room. You know, like where the door is and the windows and closet.”

He rubbed his thumb over his nose. He hung his head a little although she couldn’t imagine why. “So there is a right place for things to be?”

“Not necessarily. You can put your furniture the way you like it best. It’s just putting it in a certain place will make it more convenient for you.”

“My mom always did things like that.”


“She liked it. She liked buying pillows and lamps and stuff. And clothes. Dad used to tell her to stop spending money on so much useless junk, but she would just buy stuff and hide it. Then she would pretend she’d had it for a long time.”

Charlotte wouldn’t touch that wearing a hazmat suit. “Okay. Well, the next time you talk to her you can ask her for advice.”

His shoulders slumped so much he looked like a turtle going into his shell. “I don’t know how to talk to her. She left and never came back.”

Oh, no. Poor kid. “When?”

“A long time ago.” He sniffed. “She doesn’t want to be my mom anymore.”

“Then she’s a fool. You’re a great kid.”

He looked at Charlotte in surprise, then wiped his arm across his eyes. She saw the tears but knew better than to comment on them. She would hate having anyone witness her break down. As far as people knew, she was made of stone. Everyone knew stone didn’t cry.

“How come you aren’t at work?”

He’d shared his hurt. It was only fair that she do the same. “I used to work for my father’s company. I did everything he wanted. Not just at work, either. All the time. Last week, the day you moved to town, he gave the job I worked hard to get to someone else. So I quit.”

“Wow. Did you yell and throw stuff?”

She had to smile. “No. I just stood up and left the meeting.”

“Why didn’t he give you the job? Is it because you’re a girl?”

Was it? Maybe. But she had no control over that. “No. I think it’s because he doesn’t love me. Not really.”