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Sex By The Numbers – Marie Donovan

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Dear Esteemed Clients, Please disregard any minor discrepancies in your holdings. We are working diligently to discover which of our trusted executives has his hand in the till. Sincerely, the Management.Accountant Keeley Davis has been hired to find out who's been bilking money from the well-respected Bingham Bros. investment firm. To do so, Keeley will have to don a disguise and work closely with tastier-than-homemade-cherry-pie controller Dane Weiss!As Keeley tramps herself up as Dane's personal assistant Cherry Smith her calculations start paying off big dividends–like when she serves up a hot plate of Dane à la mode. But as things start to really sizzle, Keeley wonders whether she can keep her eyes on the bottom line. . . when all she can think of is keeping Dane in her bed?

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781408932025
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