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A Savannah Christmas Wish
A Savannah Christmas Wish
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A Savannah Christmas Wish

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“That sucks.” Molly grimaced. “Plus, I don’t want you to move. I love working with you.” She sighed. “My hours are way down, and working with Cade’s son—not good. He needs seasoning.”

Bess laughed. “You make him sound like a slab of steak. He’s not that bad.”

Molly rolled her eyes. “He’s not you.”

“Thanks.” Bess patted her friend’s hand. “I don’t want to move, either. Plus, I’m responsible for Carleton House.”

“How’s that going?”

“We’re finalizing the architectural designs.” Bess wiggled. “I can’t wait to tear down the flagstone wall. You’ll work with me, right?”

“Absolutely.” Molly nodded. “What are you planning in the courtyard?”

Bess talked and sketched on her place mat until their salads arrived.

“I love your ideas.” Molly took a bite. “Let me know when you’re ready to work.”

“I’m toying right now. Once the wall is down, I’ll have a better sense of the space.”

“Any offers on your apartment?” Molly asked.

“No, thank goodness.”

Molly pointed with her fork. “If you need a place to stay, you can crash at my apartment.”

“You only have one bedroom.” Bess tried to keep the shock from her voice.

“We’d figure something out.”

“Thanks for the offer.” It would be as bad as living with Abby and Gray. “I hope my apartment takes forever to sell.”

After they finished eating, Bess headed to Fitzgerald House. Daniel’s silver truck was parked next to the Carleton carriage house. Good. She could pin him down on when she could get into the gardens.

The carriage-house doors hung open. A power saw filled the entrance. As she headed through the doorway, the changes amazed her.

The skeleton of a curving stairway rose from the center of the space. Pillars and walls defined the rooms. She explored, finding a bathroom and guest bedroom. She’d helped Abby and Gray as they’d worked on the layout, but it was different seeing it in real life.

Footsteps echoed on the floor above. Boots slapped on the stairs. Whoever it was moved fast. A nail gun’s rhythmic beat continued above her head.

Long legs came into view first. She knew those lean, muscled thighs and the hips that emerged. She’d held on to those hips as tight as the tool belt strapped there.

She gritted her teeth. Sure, he made her heart beat triple time. He also kissed like a dream and melted her insides, but he didn’t really see her. He thought she was still irresponsible.

His boots hit the main level. “Bess.”

“I saw your truck.” She crossed her arms, lining up her arguments. “I’m wondering when I can get the wall down. I want a date.”

He rubbed his neck. “You can start next week.”

“Oh.” She let her hands drop. “Okay. Good.”

He snickered. “You thought I’d put you off.”

“I...” Yes.

“You keep forgetting, we have the same goals.” He closed the distance between them. The smell of freshly cut wood drilled into her core.

She took a step back, hating her body’s reaction to him. “Anything new on the Carleton House changes we requested?”

“I’m waiting on one more answer.” He checked his phone. “The engineer promised to call today.”

“Well, good.” She backed toward the door, needing to escape his intoxicating scent. “Let me know what you hear.”

“Will do.” He frowned at her. “Are you working in the Fitzgerald House gardens this afternoon?”

“No. The ballroom.” She escaped out the door. “Text me.”

She jogged to the Fitzgerald carriage house, where she stored her decorating supplies. Might as well vent her sexual frustration on work. She grabbed a cart and dug out the box of pale green tulle and bows. Carefully, she added glittery white tree branches to the pile along with boxes of fairy lights.

This bride wanted her large double white arbor. She started to move the arbor, but the wood gave a groan. “Shoot.”

She called Nigel, a B and B employee. “Any chance you could help move an arbor?”

“Can you wait forty-five minutes? I’m picking up guests at the airport.”

“Oh. I’ll find someone else.” There were strong men working at the carriage house, but she didn’t want to ask Daniel.

She’d start with this load. The cart rattled as she pushed it across the flagstones. She went in through the service door, wedged the cart into the elevator and headed to the ballroom on the top floor. The last wedding held here had been Mamma’s.

Daniel had looked hot that night. Heat rushed over her face. Who was she kidding? Daniel always looked hot. Ten years ago he’d broken her teenage heart. This latest rejection had only bruised her ego.

Bess needed to stop thinking about him. He didn’t respect who she’d become. She needed to be stronger and smarter than this...this lust bubbling inside her.

Back in the carriage house, she wiggled and shifted, finally loading the arbor on the cart. Hanging on to a leg, she pulled the cart around the curving garden paths. The wood groaned whenever the cart wobbled.

She bit her lip. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea.

“What are you doing?” Daniel’s deep voice boomed across the courtyard.

Her shoulders stiffened. “Moving an arbor.”

His boots were heavy and quick on the garden path stones. “Where to?”

“The ballroom.”

Daniel laughed. He actually laughed.

She jerked the cart back into motion, hoping to run over his toes.

“Wait.” He grabbed the cart’s back handle. “You’ll never fit through the door.”

“I know.” She’d planned to get Abby or maybe housekeeping staff to help.

Grabbing the center of the arbor, he stood it up, setting it across the path.

She winced. “Watch out for my roses.”

He raised an eyebrow. Pushing straight up with his arms, he carried the arbor, barely keeping it from scraping the ground. His muscles bulged. “Get the doors.”

She tore her gaze away his fascinating arms. “We have to take it up the outside stairs.”

“I should have guessed,” he mumbled.

She slipped under the arbor, brushing against Daniel’s body. Inhaling, she caught his addictive scent. “This way.”

“Did my dad make this?” he grunted.

“He sure did.” She patted the wood. “Said it would last.”

“I can tell. It weighs a ton.” Daniel sidestepped up the large stone steps. “I need your help.”

She slithered by his hard, fantastic-smelling body one more time. Was he doing this to taunt her?

He tipped the frame on its side.

She steadied the leg and lifted. Working together, they inched up the stone steps.

“The third floor?” Daniel set the arbor on its side on the second-floor landing. “Who usually helps you move this?”

“I’ve only used it in the courtyard.”

He took a deep breath. “Ready?”

“Ready.” She hefted the heavy leg. She had tears in her eyes by the time they reached the landing.

“Break,” he called, laying the arbor down.

She shook out her aching arms.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Never better,” she gasped.

He grabbed the wood. “Okay, last flight.”

She got under the leg and let the edge rest on her shoulder. The wood ate into her skin, but it took more weight off Daniel.

“Finally,” he called from the landing. He stood the arbor up, raised his arms and rested them against the frame. “Where do you want it?”

Lifting the arbor, he followed her into the ballroom.

“Right here.” The bride wanted the feel of an outdoor wedding without worrying about her makeup melting in the heat.

He set it down.

She pushed and pulled until it was in the perfect spot. “Thanks for your help.”

“No problem.” He touched her shoulder and his finger came away bloody. “What happened?”

“Ow.” The wood had sliced a line in her skin. “The arbor.”

“This needs to be cleaned,” he said.

His fingers moving on her skin had her stomach doing cartwheels.

He pulled her to the women’s bathroom. Grabbing paper towels, he soaked them in hot water and hand soap. “This might sting.” His tone was serious.

She jerked. “I can clean this myself.”

“I’ve got it.” He brushed down her tank top and bra strap.


“Oh, stop.” He gently cleaned the cut. His hair brushed her cheek as he inspected the wound. “I’ve seen you naked.”

“It won’t happen again,” she mumbled.


Darn it. It was different seeing Daniel worried about something other than his work.

“Do you have Band-Aids?” His fingers stroked her shoulder.

She shivered from his touch. “I don’t think so.”

Carefully folding a paper towel, he used her bra strap to anchor the makeshift bandage. “That ought to hold.”

“Thanks.” Her voice shook.

“How does it feel?” He cupped her shoulders.

Feel? She only felt his hands. Her stupid heart pounded and it wasn’t from hauling the arbor up the stairs. “I’m fine.”

His gaze darkened.

She held her breath. She wanted him to step closer. He might kiss and reject, but the need to feel his lips on hers was almost painful.

“Bess.” He stared at her mouth.