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Collins Welsh Dictionary Gem Edition: trusted support for learning
Collins Welsh Dictionary Gem Edition: trusted support for learning
Collins Welsh Dictionary Gem Edition: trusted support for learning


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Collins Welsh Dictionary Gem Edition: trusted support for learning

daroganu vb to predict, to foretell

daroganwr (-wyr) nm predictor, prophet, soothsayer, forecaster

darostwng vb to lower; to subdue; to subject, to humiliate

darostyngiad nm humiliation; subjection

darpar (-ion, -iadau) nm preparation, provision ▶ adj intended, elect

darpariaeth (-au) nf preparation, provision

darparu vb to prepare, to provide

darparwr (-wyr) nm provider

darwden nf ringworm

das (-au, deisi) nf rick, stack

dat- prefix see dad-

data nm data

datblygiad (-au) nm development, evolution

datblygol adj nascent, developing

datblygu vb to develop, to evolve

datblygus adj developmental

datblygydd (-ion) nm developer

datchwyddiant nm deflation

datgan vb to declare; to recount; to render

datganiad (-au) nm declaration; rendering

datganoli vb to devolve, to decentralize ▶ nm devolution

datganoliad nm devolution

datganu vb to declare; to sing, to render

datgeliad (-au) nm detection; revelation

datgelu vb to detect; to reveal

datgloi vb to unlock

datglymu vb to unhitch, to undo

datgorffori vb to dissolve (parliament)

datgorfforiad nm dissolution

datguddiad (-au) nm revelation, disclosure

datguddio vb to reveal, to disclose

datgyffesiad nm recantation

datgyffesu vb to recant

datgymalu vb to dislocate, to dismember

datgysylltiad nm disestablishment

datgysylltu vb to disconnect; to disestablish

datod vb to undo, to untie, to dissolve

datrannu vb to dissect

datro vb to change; to undo

datrys vb to solve

datrysiad (-au) nm solution, resolution

datseinio vb to resound, to reverberate

datsgwar (-au) nm square root

datysen (datys) nf date

dathliad (-au) nm celebration

dathlu vb to celebrate

dau (f dwy) adj, nm two

dau-, deu- prefix two, bi-

dauddyblyg adj twofold, double

daufiniog adj double-edged

dauwynebog adj two-faced

dawn (doniau) nmf gift, talent

dawns (-iau) nf dance

dawnsio vb to dance

dawnsiwr (-wyr) nm dancer

dawnus adj gifted, talented

de adj, nf right ▶ nm south

De Affrica nf South Africa

deall vb to understand ▶ nm understanding, intellect, intelligence

dealladwy adj intelligible

deallgar adj intelligent

deallol adj intellectual

dealltwriaeth (-au) nf understanding, intelligence

deallus adj understanding, intelligent

deallusion npl intelligentsia

deallusrwydd nm intelligence

deau adj, nf right ▶ nm south

debentur (-on) nm debenture

debyd (-au) nm debit

debydu vb to debit

dec (-iau, -s) nm deck

decilitr (-au) nm decilitre

decimetr (-au) nm decimetre

decstros nm dextrose

dectant nm ten-stringed instrument, psaltery

dechrau vb to begin ▶ nm beginning

dechreuad (-au) nm beginning

dechreunos nf nightfall, dusk

dechreuol adj initial

dechreuwr (-wyr) nm beginner

dedfryd (-au) nf verdict; sentence

dedfrydu vb to sentence

dedlein (-s) nf deadline

dedwydd adj happy, blessed

dedwyddwch, dedwyddyd nm happiness, bliss

deddf (-au) nf law, statute, act

deddfeg nf jurisprudence

deddfegwr (-wyr) nm jurist

deddfol adj legal, lawful

deddfu vb to legislate, to enact

deddfwr (-wyr) nm legislator

deddfwriaeth nf legislation, legislature

deddfwriaethol adj legislative

deddlyfr (-au) nm statute book

de-ddwyrain nm southeast

defni vb to drip, to trickle

defnydd (-iau) nm material, stuff; use

defnyddio vb to use, to utilize, to employ; defnyddio’r cwbl o, defnyddio’r cyfan o use up

defnyddiol adj useful

defnyddioldeb nm usefulness, utility

defnyddiwr (-wyr) nm user, consumer

defnyn (-nau) nm drop

defnynnu vb to drop, to drip, to dribble, to distil

defod (-au) nf custom; rite, ceremony

defodaeth nf ritualism

defodol adj ritualistic

defosiwn (-ynau) nm devotion

defosiynol adj devotional, devout

deffro, deffroi vb to rouse; to wake

deffroad (-au) nm awakening

deg adj ten ▶ nm (-au) ten

degaidd adj denary

degawd (-au) nm decade

degiad (-au) nm decimal

degol (-ion) nm, adj decimal

degoli vb to decimalise

degoliad nm decimalisation

degolyn (degolion) nm decimal

degwm (-ymau) nm tenth, tithe

degymu vb to tithe

dehau, deheu see deau

deheubarth, deheudir nm southern region, south

deheuig adj dexterous, skilful

deheulaw nf right hand

deheuol adj southern

deheurwydd nm dexterity, skill

deheuwr (-wyr) nm southerner

deheuwynt nm south wind

dehongli vb to interpret

dehongliad (-au) nm interpretation

dehonglwr (-wyr), dehonglydd (-ion) nm interpreter

dehydrad (-au) nm dehydration

dehydru vb to dehydrate

deial (-au) nm dial

deialog (-au) nmf dialogue

deialu vb to dial

deifio vb to singe, to scorch; to blast; to dive

deifiol adj scorching, scathing

deifiwr (-wyr) nm diver

deigryn (dagrau) nm tear

deilbridd nm humus

deildy (-dai) nm bower, arbour

deilen (dail) nf leaf

deilgoll adj deciduous

deiliad (-on, deiliaid) nm tenant; subject

deiliant (-nnau) nm foliage

deilio vb to leaf

deiliog adj leafy

deillio vb to proceed, to emanate, to issue

deinameg nf dynamics

deinamig adj dynamic

deinamo (-s, -au) nm dynamo

deincod nm teeth on edge

deincryd nm chattering or gnashing of teeth

deintio vb to nibble

deintrod (-au) nf cog

deintydd (-ion) nm dentist

deintyddiaeth nf dentistry

deintyddol adj dental

deiseb (-au) nf petition

deisebu vb to petition

deisebwr (-wyr), deisebydd (-ion) nm petitioner

deisyf, deisyfu vb to desire, to wish; to beseech, to entreat

deisyfiad (-au) nm request, petition

del adj pretty, neat

delfryd (-au) nm ideal

delfrydiaeth nf idealism

delfrydol adj ideal

delfrydu vb to idealize

delfrydwr (-wyr) nm idealist

delff nm churl, oaf, dolt, rascal

delio vb to deal

delw (-au) nf image; form, mode, manner

delwedd (-au) nf image

delweddaeth nf imagery

delweddu vb to portray

delwi vb to pale, to be paralysed with fright

dellni nm blindness

dellt npl (nf -en) laths, lattice, splinters

democratiaeth (-au) nf democracy

democratig adj democratic

demograffeg nf demography

demograffig adj demographic

deng adj ten (before certain words)

dengar adj attractive

dengarwch nm attractiveness

deniadau npl attractions, allurements

deniadol adj attractive

denims npl denims

Denmarc nf Denmark

denu vb to attract, to allure, to entice

deon (-iaid) nm dean

deondy (-dai) nm deanery

deoniaeth (-au) nf deanery

deor vb to brood, to hatch, to incubate

deorfa (-fâu, -feydd) nf hatchery

de-orllewin nm southwest

deorydd (-ion) nf incubator

derbyn vb to receive; to accept; to admit

derbyniad (-au) nm receipt; reception

derbyniadwy adj admissible

derbyniol adj acceptable

derbyniwr (derbynwyr) nm = derbynnydd

derbynneb (-ynebau, -ynebion) nf receipt, voucher

derbynnydd (-ynyddion) nm receiver

deri npl (nf dâr) oak-trees, oak

dernyn (-nau) nm piece, scrap

derwen (derw, deri) nf oak-tree, oak

derwydd (-on) nm druid

derwyddiaeth nf druidism

derwyddol adj druidic(al)

desg (-iau) nf desk; desg dalu checkout

desgant (-au) nm descant

desibel (-au) nm decibel

destlus adj neat

destlusrwydd nm neatness

detector (-au) nm detector

dethol vb to select, to pick, to choose ▶ adj select

detholedd nm selectivity

detholiad (-au, detholion) nm selection, anthology

deu- see dau-

deuawd (-au) nfm duet

deublyg adj double, twofold

deuddeg adj, nm twelve

deufin adj two-edged

deuffocal adj bifocal

deugain adj, nm forty

deugraff nm digraph

deunaw adj, nm eighteen

deunydd (-iau) nm stuff, material; deunydd lapio packaging

deuocsid nm dioxide

deuod (-au) nm diode, binary

deuol adj dual

deuoliaeth nf dualism, duality

deuparth nd two-thirds

deuris adj two-tier

deurudd nd the cheeks

deuryw adj bisexual

deurywiol adj bisexual

deusain nd diphthong

deutu nd: o ddeutu about

dewin (-iaid) nm diviner, magician, wizard

dewines (-au) nf witch, sorceress

dewiniaeth nf divination, witchcraft

dewinio vb to divine

dewiniol, dewinol adj prophetic, divinatory

dewis vb to choose, to select ▶ nm choice

dewisiad nm choice, option

dewisol adj choice, desirable; optional

dewr adj brave ▶ nm (-ion) brave man, hero

dewrder nm bravery, valour

di- neg prefix without, not, un-, non-, -less

diabetig adj, nm diabetic

diacon (-iaid) nm deacon

diacones (-au) nf deaconess

diaconiaeth nf diaconate

diadell (-au, -oedd) nf flock

diaddurn adj unadorned, plain, rude

diaelodi vb to dismember; to expel a member

diafael adj slippery, careless

diafol (diefyl, dieifl) nm devil

diaffram (-au) nm diaphragm

diagnosis nm diagnosis

diangen adj unnecessary, free from want

dianghenraid adj unnecessary, needless

di-ail adj unequalled, unrivalled

dial vb to avenge, to revenge ▶ nm vengeance, revenge

dialedd (-au) nm vengeance, nemesis

dialgar adj revengeful, vindictive

dialgarwch nm vindictiveness

di-alw-amdano adj redundant, uncalled for

dialwr (-wyr), dialydd (-ion) nm avenger

diamau adj doubtless

diamcan adj aimless, purposeless

diamedr (-au) nm diameter

diamedral adj diametral

diamheuol adj undoubted, indisputable

diamod adj unconditional, absolute

diamodol adj unconditional, unqualified

diamwys adj unambiguous

diamynedd adj impatient

dianc vb to escape

dianwadal adj unwavering, immutable

dianwadalwch nm immutability

diarddel vb to expel, to excommunicate

diarddeliad nm expulsion, excommunication

diarfogi vb to disarm

diarfogiad nm disarmament

diarffordd adj out of the way, inaccessible

diargyhoedd adj blameless

diarhebol adj proverbial

diaroglydd (-ion) nm deodorant

diarwybod adj unawares

diasbad nf cry, scream

diasbedain vb to resound, to ring

diatreg adj immediate

diau adj true, certain; doubtless

diawl (-iaid) nm devil

diawledig adj devilish

di-baid, dibaid adj unceasing, ceaseless

di-ball, diball adj unfailing, infallible, sure

diben (-ion) nm end, purpose, aim

di-ben-draw adj endless

dibeniad (-au) nm ending, conclusion; predicate

di-benllanw adj off-peak

dibennu vb to end, to conclude, to finish

diberfeddu vb to disembowel, to eviscerate

dibetrus adj unhesitating

dibl (-au) nm border, edge

di-blwm adj lead-free

diboblogaeth nf depopulation

diboblogi vb to depopulate

dibrin adj abundant, plentiful

dibriod adj unmarried, single

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