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cwrdd1 (cyrddau) nm meeting

cwrdd2, cwrddydvb to meet, to touch

cwrelnm coral

cwricwlwm (cwricwla) nm curriculum

cwrlid (-au) nm coverlet

cwrs (cyrsiau) nm course; fit; prif gwrs main course; cwrs hyfforddiant training course

cwrt (cyrtiau) nm court

cwrtaisadj courteous

cwrteisi, cwrteisrwyddnm courtesy

cwrw (cyrfau) nm ale, beer

cwrwg, cwrwglseecorwg

cwsgnm sleep

cwsmer (-iaid) nm customer

cwsmeriaethnf custom

cwstard (-iau) nm custard

cwstwm (cystymau) nm custom, patronage

cwt1 (cytiau) nfm tail, skirt, queue

cwt2 (cytiau) nm hut, sty

cwtaadj short, curt

cwter (-i, -ydd) nf gutter, channel

cwtogivb to shorten, to curtail

cwthr (cythrau) nm anus, rectum

cwthwm (cythymau) nm puff of wind, storm

cwymp (-au) nm fall, tumble

cwympovb to fall; to fell

cwyn (-ion) nfm complaint, plaint

cwynfanvb to complain, to lament

cwynfanllydadj querulous

cwynfanusadj plaintive, mournful

cwynovb to complain, to lament

cwyrnm wax

cwyrovb to wax

cwys (-au, -i) nf furrow-slice, furrow

cybôlnm nonsense, rubbish

cybolfanf hotchpotch, medley

cybolivb to muddle; to talk nonsense; to mess, to bother

cybydd (-ion) nm miser, niggard

cybyddavb to stint, to hoard

cybydd-dod, cybydd-dranm miserliness

cybyddlydadj miserly

cycyllogadj hooded, cowled

cychwr (-wyr) nm boatman

cychwynvb to rise, to stir, to start; to switch on

cychwynfanf start, starting-point

cychwyniad (-au) nm start, beginning

cydadj joint, united, common; fellow ▶ prefix together

cydadroddvb to recite together

cydaid (-eidiau) nm bagful

cydbwyseddnm balance

cydbwysovb to balance

cyd-destun (-au) nm context

cyd-drafodaethnf negotiation

cyd-ddigwyddvb to coincide

cyd-ddigwyddiadnm coincidence

cydfodnm agreement, concord

cydfodolaethnf coexistence

cydfynedvb to go with, to concur, to agree

cyd-fywvb to cohabit

cydffurfiovb to conform

cydgordiovb to agree, to harmonize

cydgwmni (-ïau) nm consortium

cydiedigadj adjoined

cydiovb to join; to bite; to take hold

cydletywr (-wyr) nm roommate, flatmate, housemate

cydnabodvb to acknowledge ▶ nm acquaintance

cydnabyddiaethnf acquaintance; recognition

cydnabyddusadj acquainted; familiar

cydnawsadj congenial

cydnerthadj well set

cydolnmf, adj whole

cydraddadj equal

cydraddoldebnm equality

cyd-rhwngprep between

cydsyniadnm consent

cydsyniovb to consent

cydwastadadj level (with), even

cydweddogadj conjugal

cydwedduvb to accord, to agree

cydweithfa (-feydd) nf co-operative

cydweithiovb to cooperate

cydweithrediadnm co-operation

cydweithredoladj co-operative

cydweithreduvb to co-operate

cydweledvb to agree

cydwladoladj international

cyd-wladwr (-wyr) nm compatriot

cydwybod (-au) nf conscience

cydwybodoladj conscientious

cydwybodolrwyddnm conscientiousness

cydymaith (cymdeithion) nm companion

cydymdeimladnm sympathy

cydymdeimlovb to sympathize

cydymffurfiadnm conformity

cydymffurfiovb to conform

cydymgaisnm competition, rivalry, joint effort

cydymgeisydd (-wyr) nm rival

cyddwysiad (-au) nm condensation

cyddwysovb to condense

cyfadran (-nau) nf faculty (in college), period (in music)

cyfaddasadj fit, suitable, convenient