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crysbais (-beisiau) nf jacket, jerkin

crystyn (crystiau) nm crust

crythor (-ion) nm fiddler, violinist

cryw (-iau) nm creel; weir

cuadj dear, fond, kind

cuchiovb to scowl, to frown

cuchiogadj scowling, frowning

cudyll (-od) nm hawk

cudyn (-nau) nm lock (of hair), tuft

cuddadj hidden, concealed

cuddfa (-feydd) nf hiding-place; hoard

cuddiadnm hiding

cuddiedigadj hidden, concealed

cuddiovb to hide, to conceal

cufydd (-au) nm cubit

cul (-ion) adj narrow, lean

culfor (-oedd) nm strait

culhauvb to narrow; to grow lean

culninm narrowness

cunadj dear, beloved; lovely

cunnog (cunogau) nf pail

curnm throb, ache, pain; care, trouble

curad (-iaid) nm curate

curadiaeth (-au) nf curacy

curfa (-feydd) nf beating, flogging

curiad (-au) nm beat, throb, pulse

curiovb to pine, to waste

curlawnm pelting rain

curn (-au), curnen (-nau) nf mound, core, rick

curnennuvb to heap, to stack

curovb to beat, to strike, to knock; to throb; to clap

curwr (-wyr) nm beater

curyll (-od) nm hawk

cusan (-au) nmf kiss

cusanuvb to kiss

cut (-iau) nm hovel, shed, sty

cuwch (cuchiau) nm scowl, frown

CV (-s) nm CV

cwafriovb to quaver, to trill

cwar (-rau) nm quarry

cwarelnm windowpane

cwb (cybiau) nm kennel, coop, sty

cwbladj, nm all, whole, total

cwblhadnm fulfilment

cwblhauvb to fulfil, to complete, to finish

cwcer (-au) nm cooker

cwcwnf cuckoo

cwcwallt (-iaid) nm cuckold

cwcwalltuvb to cuckold

cwcwll (cycyllau) nm hood, cowl

cwch (cychod) nm boat; hive; cwch gwyllt speed boat

cwd (cydau) nm pouch, bag

cweir (-iau) nm thrashing, hiding

cweryl (-on) nm quarrel

cwerylavb to quarrel

cwerylgaradj quarrelsome

cwest (-au) nm inquest

cwestiwn (-iynau) nm question

cwestiynuvb to question

cwfaintnm convent

cwflnm hood

cwffiovb to fight, to box

cwgn (cygnau) nm knot; knuckle; joint

cwilt (-iau) nm quilt

cwlbren (-ni) nm bludgeon

cwlff (cylffiau), cwlffyn (cylffiau) nm chunk


cwlltwr (cylltyrau) nm coulter

cwm (cymau, cymoedd) nm valley

cwmannm rump; stoop; churn

cwmanuvb to stoop

cwmni (-ïau, -ïoedd) nm company

cwmnïaethnf companionship

cwmpas (-oedd) nm round; o gwmpas about

cwmpasogadj round about, circuitous

cwmpasuvb to round, to wind, to surround

cwmpawd (-odau) nm compass

cwmpeini, cwmpninm company

cwmwd (cymydau) nm commot

cwmwl (cymylau) nm cloud


cwndid (-au) nm song, carol

cwningarnf warren

cwningen (-ingod) nf rabbit

cwnsel (-au, -oedd, -i) nm council; counsel, advice, secret

cwnselavb to counsel

cwnsler (-iaid) nm counsellor

cwnstabl (-iaid) nm constable; cwnstabl heddlu PC, police constable; prif gwnstabl chief constable

cworwmnm quorum

cwota (-âu) nm quota

cwpan (-au) nmf cup, goblet; chalice

cwpanaid (-eidiau) nm cupful

cwpl (cyplau) nm couple; tie beam

cwplâd, cwpláuseecwblhad; cwblhau

cwpled (-i, -au) nm couplet

cwplws (cyplysau) nm coupling; brace

cwpwrdd (cypyrddau) nm cupboard; cwpwrdd ffeilio filing cabinet

cwr (cyrrau) nm edge, border, skirt

cwrbynnm kerb

cwrcwdnm stooping; squatting