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adfeiliadnm decay, ruin

adfeiliedigadj decayed, in ruins

adfeiliovb to decay, to moulder

Adfentnm Advent

adfer, adferu, adferydvb to restore

adferf (-au) nf adverb

adferfoladj adverbial

adferiadnm restoration

adferoladj restorative; remedial

adferwr (-wyr) nm restorer

adflasnm after-taste, bad taste

adfydnm adversity

adfydusadj adverse, miserable

adfynachnm renegade monk

adfywadj half alive, half dead

adfywhauvb to revive, to reanimate

adfywiad (-au) nm revival

adfywiovb to revive, to resuscitate

adfywioladj refreshing

adiadnm drake

adionm addition ▶ vb to add

adiolyn (adiolion) nm additive

adladd, adloddnm aftermath

adlais (-leisiau) nm echo

adlam (-au) nm home; rebound; cic adlam drop-kick

adlamuvb to rebound

adleisiovb to resound

adlewyrch, adlewyrchiad (adlewyrchiadau) nm reflection

adlewyrchuvb to reflect

adlewyrchydd (-ion) nm reflector

adlog (-au) nm compound interest

adloniadoladj of or for entertainment

adloniantnm recreation, entertainment

adlonnivb to entertain, to refresh

adluniovb to remodel, to reconstruct

adnabodvb to know, to recognize

adnabyddiaethnf knowledge, acquaintance

adnabyddusadj known, familiar; well-known

adnabyddwrnm knower

adnau (adneuon) nm deposit, pledge; ar adnau on deposit

adneuovb to deposit

adneuoladj depositing

adneuwr (-wyr) nm depositor

adnewyddadwyadj renewable

adnewyddiad (-au) nm renewal, renovation

adnewydduvb to renew, to renovate

adnewyddwr (-wyr) nm renewer, renovator

adnod (-au) nf verse

adnoddaunpl resources

adolygiad (-au) nm review

adolyguvb to review

adolygydd (-ion) nm reviewer

adran (-nau) nf division, section, department

adrefadv homewards, home

Adriatignm:yr Adriatig the Adriatic (Sea)

adroddvb to relate, to recite

adroddgan (-au) nf recitative

adroddiad (-au) nm report; recitation

adroddwr (-wyr) nm narrator, reciter

aduniadnm reunion

adunovb to reunite

adwaith (-weithiau) nm reaction

adweithiovb to react

adweithioladj reactionary

adweithydd (-ion) nm reactor

adwerthuvb to retail

adwrnm coward, churl

adwy (-au, -on) nf gap, breach; pass

adwyth (-au) nm evil, misfortune, illness

adwythigadj cruel; evil, baneful; sore, sick; harmful

adyn (-od) nm wretch

adysgrif (-au) nf copy, transcript

adysgrifiovb to copy, to transcribe

addasadj suitable, proper

addasiad (-au) nm adjustment, adaptation

addasrwyddnm suitableness, fitness

addasuvb to suit, to adapt, to fit

addawoladj promising

addefvb to acknowledge, to own, to admit

addefiadnm admission, confession

addewid (-ion) nf promise

addfainadj slender, shapely

addfedadj seeaeddfed

addfwynadj gentle, meek, mild

addfwyndernm gentleness, meekness

addienadj fair, beautiful

addovb to promise

addodnm:wy addod nest-egg

addoednm death, hurt

addoedivb to delay, to postpone

addoediadnm prorogation

addoeradj sad, cruel; chilling

addoldy (-dai) nm place of worship

addolgaradj devout, reverent

addolgarwchnm devoutness, reverence

addolivb to worship, to adore

addoliadnm worship

addolwr (-wyr) nm worshipper

adduned (-au) nf vow

adduneduvb to vow