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ADJECTIVE Something that is compact takes up very little space, or no more space than is necessary.

compact disc compact discs

NOUN a music or video recording in the form of a small plastic disc

companion companions

NOUN someone you travel or spend time with

company companies

NOUN 1 a business that sells goods or provides a service

2 If you have company, you have a friend or visitor with you.

PHRASE 3 If you keep someone company, you spend time with them.

comparative comparatives

ADJECTIVE 1 You use comparative to show that something is true only when compared with something else.

NOUN 2 In grammar, the comparative is the form of an adjective or adverb that shows an increase in size, quality or amount. It is usually formed by adding -er to a word, for example, bigger, faster, or by putting more before the word, for example, more difficult.

compare compares, comparing, compared

VERB When you compare things, you see in what ways they are different or similar. • We compared our hair to see whose was longest.

comparison comparisons

NOUN When you make a comparison, you consider two things together and decide in what ways they are different or similar.

compartment compartments

NOUN 1 a section of a railway carriage

2 one of the separate sections of something such as a bag or a box

compass compasses

NOUN 1 an instrument with a magnetic needle that always points north. You use a compass to find your way.

PLURAL NOUN 2 Compasses are a hinged instrument for drawing circles.


NOUN pity and sympathy for someone who is suffering

compassionate ADJECTIVE

compass point compass points

NOUN one of the 32 marks on the dial of a compass that show direction • North, south, east and west are compass points.

compel compels, compelling, compelled

VERB 1 If you compel someone to do something, you force them to do it.

ADJECTIVE 2 A compelling story or event is extremely interesting.

3 A compelling argument or reason makes you believe that something is true.

compensate compensates, compensating, compensated

VERB 1 To compensate someone means to give them money to replace something that has been lost or damaged.

2 If one thing compensates for another, it cancels out the bad effects of it. • The trip to Disneyland compensated for her long illness.

compete competes, competing, competed

VERB 1 If you compete in a contest or game, you take part in it.

2 If you compete, you try to do better than others.


ADJECTIVE Someone who is competent at something can do it satisfactorily. • He is a competent nurse.

competition competitions

NOUN an event in which people take part to find out who is the best at something

compile compiles, compiling, compiled

VERB When you compile information, you collect it and put it together.

complain complains, complaining, complained

VERB 1 If you complain, you say that you are not happy about something. • The neighbours complained about the noise.

2 If you complain of pain or illness, you say that you have it.

complaint NOUN

complement complements, complementing, complemented

VERB 1 If one thing complements another, the two things go well together. • Her piano music complements the poem.

NOUN 2 In grammar, a complement is a word or phrase that gives information about the subject or object of a sentence. For example, in the sentence Rover is a dog, is a dog is the complement.

Do not confuse complement with compliment.

complete completes, completing, completed

VERB 1 If you complete something, you finish it. • She has just completed her third short story.

ADJECTIVE 2 If something is complete, none of it is missing.


ADVERB totally

SYNONYM: utterly

complex complexes

ADJECTIVE 1 Complex things have many different parts and are hard to understand.

NOUN 2 a group of buildings used for a particular purpose, such a sports complex

complexion complexions

NOUN the quality of the skin on your face


ADJECTIVE Something that is complicated is hard to understand.

complication complications

NOUN something that makes a situation more difficult to deal with

compliment compliments

NOUN If you pay someone a compliment, you tell them you admire or like something about them.

Do not confuse compliment with complement.

component components

NOUN The components of something are the parts it is made of.

compose composes, composing, composed

VERB 1 If you compose a piece of music, a letter, or a speech, you write it.

2 If something is composed of particular things or people, it is made up of them.

composer composers

NOUN someone who writes music

composition compositions

NOUN 1 a piece of music or writing

2 the things that something is made up of


NOUN a mixture of rotted plants and manure that gardeners add to the soil to help plants grow

compound word compound words

NOUN a word with a single meaning, but made up of two or more words. For example, gingerbread, housework and teapot are all compound words.

comprehend comprehends, comprehending, comprehended

VERB If you comprehend something, you understand it.

comprehensive comprehensives

ADJECTIVE 1 Something that is comprehensive includes everything that you need to know.

NOUN 2 a school where children of all abilities are taught together

comprehensively ADVERB

compress compresses, compressing, compressed

VERB If you compress something, you squeeze it or shorten it. • She compressed her story into one page.

compromise compromises, compromising, compromised

NOUN 1 an agreement in which people accept less than they really wanted

VERB 2 When people compromise, they settle for less than they really wanted.


ADJECTIVE If something is compulsory, you have to do it.

computer computers

NOUN an electronic machine that stores information and makes calculations

computerize computerizes, computerizing, computerized; also spelt computerise

VERB When a system or process is computerized, such as train timetables or bank accounts, the work is done by computers.