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ADJECTIVE 2 typical of a place or person • Noise and traffic fumes are characteristic of cities.


NOUN a party game where one team guesses what the other team is acting out


NOUN burnt wood used as a fuel. Charcoal is also used for drawing.

charge charges, charging, charged

VERB 1 If someone charges you money, they ask you to pay for something you have bought or received.

2 rush forward • She charged into the room.

PHRASE 3 If you are in charge of someone or something, you are responsible for them. • I left him in charge of the shop while I went out.

chariot chariots

NOUN a two-wheeled open vehicle pulled by horses in ancient times

charity charities

NOUN 1 an organization that raises money to help people in need

2 money or other help given to people in need

charm charms, charming, charmed

NOUN 1 something you wear for good luck

2 the quality of being attractive and pleasant

VERB 3 If you charm someone, you use your charm to please them.

chart charts

NOUN a diagram or table showing information

chase chases, chasing, chased

VERB If you chase someone, you run after them or follow them in order to catch them or make them leave a place.

chat chats, chatting, chatted

NOUN 1 a friendly talk with someone

VERB 2 When people chat, they talk to each other in a friendly way about things that are not very important.


chatroom chatrooms

NOUN an internet site where users have discussions using e-mail

chatter chatters, chattering, chattered

VERB 1 When people chatter, they talk about unimportant things.

2 If your teeth chatter, they knock together and make a clicking noise because you are cold.

chauffeur chauffeurs

NOUN a person whose job is to drive another person’s car • He had a chauffeur to drive him everywhere.

cheap cheaper, cheapest

ADJECTIVE 1 Something that is cheap costs very little money.

2 Cheap sometimes means of poor quality.

cheaply ADVERB

cheat cheats, cheating, cheated

VERB If someone cheats in a game or exam, they break the rules in order to do better.

check checks, checking, checked

VERB 1 If you check something, you examine it to make sure that everything is all right. • Check your work carefully when you finish.

NOUN 2 an inspection to make sure that everything is all right

3 Checks are different coloured squares that form a pattern.

checkout checkouts

NOUN the place in a supermarket where you pay for your goods

cheek cheeks

NOUN 1 Your cheeks are the sides of your face below your eyes.

2 speech or behaviour that is rude and disrespectful • Their grandparents won’t stand any cheek from them.

cheeky ADJECTIVE cheekily ADVERB

cheer cheers, cheering, cheered

VERB When people cheer, they shout loudly and happily. • We cheered our team when they won.


ADJECTIVE A cheerful person is happy.

cheerfully ADVERB

cheese cheeses

NOUN a solid savoury food made from milk

cheetah cheetahs

NOUN a wild mammal like a large cat with black spots, mainly found in Africa

[from Sanskrit citra + kaya meaning speckled body]

chef chefs

NOUN a head cook in a restaurant or hotel

[from French chef meaning head]

chemical chemicals

NOUN 1 a substance made by the use of chemistry • Dangerous chemicals should be handled carefully.

ADJECTIVE 2 involved in chemistry or using chemicals • a chemical reaction

chemist chemists

NOUN a shop that sells medicines and cosmetics


NOUN the scientific study of substances and the ways in which they change when they are combined

cheque cheques

NOUN a printed piece of paper that people can use to pay for things

cherry cherries

NOUN a small, juicy fruit with a red, yellow or black skin and a hard stone in the centre


NOUN a game played on a board with 64 squares. Each player has 16 pieces.

chest chests

NOUN 1 the front part of your body between your shoulders and your waist

2 a large wooden box used for storing things

chestnut chestnuts

NOUN 1 a reddish-brown nut that grows inside a prickly, green outer covering

2 the tree that produces these nuts

ADJECTIVE 3 Something that is chestnut is reddish-brown in colour.

chew chews, chewing, chewed

VERB When you chew something, you use your teeth to break it up in your mouth before swallowing it.

chewing gum

NOUN a kind of sweet that you chew for a long time, but which you do not swallow

chick chicks

NOUN a young bird

chicken chickens

NOUN a bird kept on a farm for its eggs and meat; also the meat of this bird


NOUN an illness that causes a fever and blister-like spots to appear on the skin

chief chiefs

NOUN 1 the leader of a group or organization

ADJECTIVE 2 main or most important

chilblain chilblains

NOUN a sore, itchy swelling on a finger or toe, which causes discomfort in cold weather

child children

NOUN 1 a young person who is not yet an adult

SYNONYMS: kid, youngster