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2 a band of light that shines from something such as a torch or the sun

VERB 3 If you beam, you smile broadly.

bean beans

NOUN the seed or pod of a plant, eaten as a vegetable or used for other purposes • runner beans • coffee beans • soya beans

bear bears, bearing, bore, borne

NOUN 1 a large, strong, wild mammal with thick fur and sharp claws • polar bear • grizzly bear

VERB 2 If someone or something bears something, they carry it or support its weight. • The ice wasn’t thick enough to bear their weight.

3 If something bears a mark or typical feature, it has it. • The room bore all the signs of a violent struggle.

4 If you bear something difficult, you accept it and are able to deal with it. • The loneliness was hard to bear.

beard beards

NOUN the hair that grows on the lower part of a man’s face

beast beasts

NOUN 1 an old-fashioned word for a large, wild animal

2 INFORMAL If you call someone a beast, you mean that they are cruel or spiteful.

beat beats, beating, beat, beaten

VERB 1 If someone or something beats someone or something else, they hit them hard and repeatedly. • The rain was beating against the window.

2 If you beat someone in a race or game, you defeat them or do better than them.

3 When your heart beats, it pumps blood with a regular rhythm.

NOUN 4 the main rhythm of a piece of music or poetry


ADJECTIVE very attractive or pleasing

SYNONYM: lovely

beauty beauties

NOUN 1 the quality of being beautiful • the beauty of the stars on a clear night

2 The beauty of an idea or a plan is what makes it attractive or worth doing. • The beauty of going in September is that the sea will be warmer for swimming.

beaver beavers

NOUN a mammal with a big, flat tail and webbed hind feet. Beavers build dams.


CONJUNCTION 1 Because is used with other words to give the reason for something. • I went home because I was tired.

PHRASE 2 Because of is used with a noun that gives the reason for something. • I had to stay late because of detention.

beckon beckons, beckoning, beckoned

VERB If you beckon to someone, you make a sign to them with your hand, asking them to come to you.

become becomes, becoming, became, become

VERB If someone or something becomes something else, they start feeling or being that thing. • I became more and more angry.

[from Old English becuman meaning to happen]

bed beds

NOUN 1 a piece of furniture that you lie on when you sleep

2 an area of ground in a garden which has been dug and prepared for planting

3 The bed of the sea or a river is the bottom of it.


ADJECTIVE If a person or animal is bedraggled, they are wet, dirty and messy.

bedroom bedrooms

NOUN a room for sleeping in

bedtime bedtimes

NOUN the time when you go to bed

bee bees

NOUN a winged insect that makes honey. Many types of bee live in large groups.

beech beeches

NOUN a tree with a smooth, grey trunk and shiny leaves


NOUN the meat of a cow, bull or ox

beehive beehives

NOUN a specially designed structure in which bees are kept so that their honey can be collected


VERB the past participle of be (#ulink_7945d8a8-f211-58da-a469-315b6c509627)

beer beers

NOUN an alcoholic drink made from malt and flavoured with hops

beetle beetles

NOUN a flying insect with hard wings that cover its body when it is not flying

[from Old English bitan meaning to bite]

beetroot beetroots

NOUN a round, dark red root vegetable


ADVERB, PREPOSITION OR CONJUNCTION If something happens before, it happens earlier than something else. • Can I see you before you go?

ANTONYM: after

beg begs, begging, begged

VERB 1 When people beg, they ask for food or money, because they are very poor.

2 If you beg someone to do something, you ask them very anxiously to do it. • David begged his dad to take him to the cinema.


VERB the past tense of begin (#ulink_b38c845c-52d0-598d-850d-f4f0ed059127)

begin begins, beginning, began, begun

VERB If you begin something, you start it.

beginner beginners

NOUN someone who has just started to learn something

SYNONYM: learner

beginning beginnings

NOUN The beginning of something is when or where it starts.


VERB the past participle of begin (#ulink_91c2a7fd-35b8-5846-9149-a541aeeccc2b)


PHRASE If you do something on behalf of someone or something, you do it for them or in their name. • We did the sponsored swim on behalf of various charities.

behave behaves, behaving, behaved

VERB 1 If you behave in a particular way, you act in that way. • He knew that he’d behaved badly.

2 If you behave yourself, you act correctly or properly.


PREPOSITION 1 at the back of • The moon disappeared behind a cloud.

2 supporting someone • The whole school was behind him in the competition.

ADVERB 3 If you stay behind, you remain after other people have gone.

4 If you leave something behind, you do not take it with you.


ADJECTIVE a cream-brown colour


VERB the present participle of be (#ulink_7945d8a8-f211-58da-a469-315b6c509627)

belch belches, belching, belched

VERB 1 If you belch, you make a sudden noise in your throat because air has risen up from your stomach.

2 If something belches smoke or fire, it sends it out in large amounts. • Smoke belched from the factory chimneys.

NOUN 3 the noise you make when you belch

belief beliefs

NOUN If you have a belief in something, you are certain that it is right or true.

believe believes, believing, believed