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111 egg breakfast ideas – Den Pasarskiy

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For several years I was immersed in breakfasts - for my family. While my wife slept, I cooked. With the kids, for the kids. And all the time my son asked me to make eggs for breakfast. Always different. I had to experiment. My son didn't stand still either. He came up with the name “Goodygay.” It's the name of a product he doesn't eat in this dish (today). It was different every time. Today it's parsley, tomorrow it's paprika. In the end, to satisfy the demands of a little three-year-old gourmet was made a lot of dishes. So the idea was born to create, all that was made in the kitchen into a book. The ideas are systematized from the public domain. I didn't come up with them. I organized them for my own convenience. And then I used them to create dishes for my son and my family. Now you can use them too. Good morning. We have new eggs.

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