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An Amish Harvest
An Amish Harvest
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An Amish Harvest

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“Go on, Anna. I can manage here. Samuel, do you need your mother to do anything for you before she leaves?” Rebecca’s voice was so sweet he could almost hear the honey dripping from her tongue.”

“Nee, I don’t need anything at the moment,” he said through clenched teeth. If she was trying to be annoying, she was doing a fine job.

“Excellent. You see, Anna, Samuel and I will rub along well together. Don’t keep your customer waiting. I’ll sit with him until you come back. He and I need to get better acquainted, anyway.”

* * *

Rebecca hadn’t expected it to hit her so hard.

Stepping through Samuel’s doorway was like stepping back in time. All her previous patients had been elderly folks or new mothers. Not since her husband’s death had she taken care of a grown man in the prime of his life. Memories flooded her mind pulling her spirit low. Day after day, she had watched Walter grow weaker and less interested in what went on around him and more dependent on her. She willingly became his crutch, not realizing the damage she caused until it was too late.

Rebecca struggled to hide her dismay at the sight of Samuel. She had forgotten how much he resembled Walter. They were of the same height. They had the same broad shoulders and straight golden brown hair cut in the familiar Amish bowl hairstyle. Could she do this? Could she be a better nurse to Samuel than she had been to her dear Walter?

God had placed this challenge in her path. It was a test of her strength and her faith. She would not waver but stand firm and do her best. Even if the patient didn’t like what she had to do.

She made shooing motions with her hands to get Anna moving. She knew she was being hard on Samuel and his mother, but after listening to Isaac on the buggy ride here, she already understood some of the family’s problems. Samuel’s mother was smothering him with kindness.

While Rebecca felt sorry for Samuel, more sympathy wouldn’t do him any good. Isaac had expressed his concerns about Samuel’s state of mind. Samuel wasn’t getting up. He wasn’t trying to do things for himself. It was so unlike Samuel that no one knew what to do. Luke and Noah both felt guilty about the accident. They blamed themselves for not taking better care of the equipment. They were trying their best to make it up to Samuel. His mother had taken to treating him like a child instead of a grown man. The more she did for Samuel, the less he did for himself.

Rebecca’s husband had been a strong man suddenly struck down with a heart attack at the age of thirty-five. It left him weak, unable to work his land and feeling useless. It took a long time for her to understand what was wrong with him, why he wouldn’t try to get better. He had simply given up and eventually his damaged heart failed him.

That wasn’t going to happen to Samuel, no matter what outcome he faced. With God’s help, she was going to make a difference this time. Samuel needed to be shocked out of his complacency and self-pity. Thankfully, Isaac had had the good sense to hire her.

She was embarrassed to admit how fast she had jumped at his offer. Isaac hadn’t even had a chance to mention her salary before she told him she could start. He had agreed to her usual wage without comment, clearly relieved she was willing to take on the job.

The same could not be said for her mother.

Rebecca put that conversation out of her mind and sincerely hoped her mother and John were having a pleasant visit at her home. No doubt, she would be the primary topic of their conversation, but she was here in this house for a reason. Anna Bowman wasn’t going to release the reins of her son’s care easily. Rebecca braced herself for the coming battle.

“It’s a beautiful day outside. Why don’t you go sit on the front porch and enjoy it. This nice fall weather won’t last long.”

“I’m fine where I am.”

“You may be fine, but trust me when I tell you these sheets need to be laundered.”

“They’re fine. Go away.”

“I’m not going anywhere. Your father hired me to do a job.”

“What job? Annoying me?”

“If that’s what it takes to get you better, I will do it gladly. Come on, up you go.” She flipped the covers back. He wore blue-striped pajamas. He curled his bare toes and crossed his burned arms gingerly. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“All right. I guess I shall have to wash these sheets with you in them.” She picked up the glass of water beside the bed and poured some on his feet.

* * *

“Are you crazy?” Samuel jerked his foot away from the cold liquid. Had she just poured water on his bedding? The woman was off in the head.

“Now the sheets are wet so you’ll have to get up.”

“I can’t believe you would do such a thing to a sick man. Where is my father? If he hired you, he can fire you.”

“You are injured—you aren’t sick. There’s nothing wrong with your feet and legs. I do understand that even simple tasks are now a challenge, but hiding in bed is not the answer. Swing your legs over the side and sit up for a few minutes. Don’t stand too quickly, and you won’t get dizzy.”

“What choice do I have?” He rubbed his foot on his pajama leg to dry it.

“Several. You can stay in your damp bed.”

He didn’t respond.

“Not to your liking? All right. You could yell for your brothers or father to come and escort me home. I’m sure your brothers won’t think less of you for letting a woman get the upper hand and having to rescue you from my clutches. Shall I go get one of them for you?”

He would never hear the end of it. “Leave them be. They have work to do.”

“Goot. I’m glad to hear you say that. So do I. I’m going to move your legs to the side of the bed.”

“I can do it.” He didn’t wait for her help. He swung his feet off the bed and used his elbows to push himself into a sitting position. He kept his hands raised so he wouldn’t bump them.

She touched his shoulder. “Are you dizzy?”

“A little.” He hated to admit it.

“Take some deep breaths.”

He did and the wooziness passed.

“Now, I’m going to keep hold of your elbow while you stand.”

“What if I fall?”

“I’ll try not to trip over you while I’m making your bed.”

He wasn’t amused. “Very funny.”

“I thought so.”

“I’m serious. I could fall and hurt you.”

“You could, but you won’t. If you start feeling weak, I’ll have a chair right behind you.”

He heard her drag the ladder-back chair that sat at his desk closer. “Are you ready?”

“Will you pour water on my head if I say I’m not?”

“Nee, I would not want to get your bandages wet. However, I notice you don’t have any dressings on your back.”

His father was going to have to get rid of this woman. “What kind of nurse would pour cold water down her patient’s back?”

“One who is tired of waiting for her patient to get out of bed!”

He rose to his feet, fully expecting to pitch forward on his face the way he had the first time he’d tried to stand by himself. It had been agony getting up and back into bed without help. He never wanted to feel so helpless and alone again.

“Very good. Take two paces forward and then turn left. The doorway will be directly in front of you.”

With her firm grip on his elbow to guide him, he managed half a dozen steps, but his hands were starting to throb and his legs were growing weaker. He held his hands higher. The thought of descending the stairs without being able to see made his legs shake. Fear sent cold shivers crawling down his spine.

“That’s enough for now,” she said. “Go ahead and sit down. The chair is right behind you.”

He had to trust her. His knees gave way. He sat abruptly, but the chair was in the right spot. At least he wasn’t lying facedown on the floor.

“Raise your hands a little higher. I’m going to pile some pillows on your lap so you can rest your arms on them.”

He braced for the ordeal, but she handled his burned hands with gentleness, arranging the pillows at the perfect height for his comfort. “You did very well, Samuel.”

Was that praise from her? “Danki.”

“Will you be all right here for a few minutes?”

Her tone was definitely kinder. She had a pleasant voice when she wasn’t ordering him around or poking fun at him. “I’ll be fine. Close the window. I don’t like the draft.”

She began humming as she closed the window. It was an old hymn, one he liked. He heard her pulling the sheets off the bed and bundling them together. She was still humming as she carried them out of the room. The sounds of her light footsteps on the stairs faded and he was alone.

He shifted in the chair. He was comfortable enough. It was better than lying down. Not that he would admit as much to Rebecca Miller. He wiggled his toes and then lifted his legs, first one then the other. How had they become so weak so quickly? He kept working them until he heard her coming up the stairs.

“I’m back.”

“I can hear you.”

“It won’t take me a minute to remake the bed if you’re tired.”

“The mattress is wet. You can’t expect me to sleep in a soggy bed.”

“I barely got the linens damp. The mattress is fine, but I’ll flip it over if it makes you feel better.”

“There’s no need if it isn’t wet.”

“Okay.” She continued humming. The flap of the sheets told him she was making his bed. He heard the slight sound of her hands smoothing the fabric into place. The flowery scent was stronger now.

“What is that smell?”

“Lavender. I sprinkle lavender water on the sheets before I iron them. It keeps them fresh-smelling a lot longer. Is it bothering you?”

He took a deep breath. “Nee, it smells good.”

“I grow lavender in my garden and I make it into soaps, oils and sachets. It’s a very beneficial plant and it has so many uses. It’s soothing on the sheets and the scent can help some people sleep better.”

She stopped talking. He sensed that she was standing beside him. He tipped his head away from her. “Do you have a glass of water in your hand?”

“Why? Are you thirsty?” She was trying to keep her voice even, but he heard the humor lurking underneath. She was laughing at him.

“I was afraid you’d think I need a bath.”

“You do.”

He hadn’t had one since before the accident. Maybe it was past time. He’d have Timothy help him with that this evening. He was the only one of Samuel’s brothers with enough patience and the ability to work in silence. Samuel quickly changed the subject. “Do you sell your homemade soaps?”

“Nee, I give them away to family and friends.”

“You should consider selling some in our store. The Englisch love Amish-made stuff and they pay well for things like my mother’s jams and jellies.”

“I’ll think about it. I could certainly use some extra income. Are you ready to get back in bed?”

Was he? Not really. It wasn’t bad being up as long as he wasn’t alone. “I might sit here awhile longer.”

* * *

Rebecca allowed her smile of triumph to widen. She knew he would feel better once he was up. “All right. I’m going downstairs and start supper.”

“You’re leaving?” The touch of panic in his voice surprised her.

“I’m only going downstairs. I will hear you if you call. What would you like for supper?”

“Some of Mamm’s chicken broth will be okay. I’m not fond of the beef broth.”

Her mouth dropped open. “Is that all you’ve been eating? Broth?”

He shifted uneasily in his chair. “My face hurts. I can’t use my hands. Mamm figured out that something I can sip through a straw works best.”

“No wonder you’re so weak. I need to get some real food into you.”

“I’m not going to have someone spoon-feed me. Especially you.”

“That sounds like pride. Our faith teaches us to put aside all pride and be humble before God. Are you a prideful man, Samuel?”

She waited, but he didn’t answer. “I didn’t hear what you said,” she prompted.

“I’m not prideful,” he answered softly, but with an edge of irritation.

“Of course not. I’m sorry I misunderstood. Please forgive me. If you’re okay in the chair, I’m going to get the wash started and then supper. Which one of your family members shall I ask to help you with your meal and your bath?”

“Timothy. But I’m not coming downstairs to eat.”

“That’s fine. Just call if you need me.”

She crossed the room to the door, but didn’t leave. Instead, she waited and watched.

He turned his head to the side as if listening for her. After a long minute, he muttered, “Fat chance I’ll ask her for help.”