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Dostoevsky, Berdyaev, and Shestov. Three Russian Apostles of Freedom – Daniel McNeill

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Dostoevsky held on stubbornly to only what a free examination of what was human in himself revealed. Lev Shestov wrote, “To enter the world of the human soul in order to subordinate it to the laws that exist for the outside world means to voluntarily renounce in advance the right to see everything there and accept everything". In «The Brothers Karamazov» , Dostoevsky revealed that God himself demands that man be free. Nicholas Berdyaev wrote, “In true humanity not only is the nature of man revealed but God Himself is revealed also." Three great thinkers reveal the authentic path to freedom.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: русский
  • Издательство: SelfPub
  • ISBN: 978-5-532-04954-3
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