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Properties of Interacting Low-Dimensional Systems – Huang Danhong

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Filling the gap for comprehensive coverage of the realistic fundamentals and approaches needed to perform cutting-edge research on mesoscopic systems, this textbook allows advanced students to acquire and use the skills at a highly technical, research-qualifying level. Starting with a brief refresher to get all readers on an equal footing, the text moves on to a broad selection of advanced topics, backed by problems with solutions for use in classrooms as well as for self-study. Written by authors with research and teaching backgrounds from eminent institutions and based on a tried-and-tested lecture, this is a must-have for researchers, research students and instructors involved with semiconductor junctions, nanostructures and thin film systems.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9783527638178

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