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The most stretched word in this section is " peu + ple " – "people". But some beauty is still there. This is the connecting element between quatrains 10-34 and 10-39. The initial part of the word is at 10-38: “ peu r ”, the ending is at 10-35: “ temple ”.
The fourth line of quatrain 8-97, of course, has its own place for revealing its mysteries. The word " pays ", seen eleven times in the Centuries, helps to find it .
10-45 L'omb re du regne de Nauarre non vray,
Fera la vie de sort illegitime:
La veu promis incertain de Cambray,
Des sept puis l'omb re a` Roy est re nnes & lemures.
10-46 Vie soit mort de L'OR vilaine indi gne ,
Sera de Saxe non nouueau electeur:
De Brunsuic mandra d'amour si gne ,
Faux le rendant au peuple seducteur.
10-47 De Bourze ville a` la dame Guyrlande,
L'on mettra sus par la trahison faicte,
Le grand p re lat de Leon par Formande,
Faux pellerins & rauisseurs defaicte.
10-48 Du plus profond de l'Espai gne ensei gne ,
Sortant du bout & des fins de l'Europe,
Troubles passant aup re s du pont de Lai gne ,
Sera deffaicte par bande sa grand troppe.
10-49 Iardin du monde au pre s de cite' neufue,
Dans le chemin des montai gne s cauees:
Sera saisi & plonge' dans la Cuue,
Beuuant par force eaux soulfre enuenimees.
10-50 La Meuse au iour ter re de Luxembourg,
Descouurira Saturne & trois en lurne:
Montai gne & pleine, ville, cite' & bourg,
Lorrain deluge trahison par grand hurne.
10-51 Des lieux plus bas du pays de Lorraine
Seront des basses Allemai gne s vnis:
Par ceux du siege Picards, Normans, du Maisne,
Et aux cantons se seront re unis.
This is impossible to convey, even showing the whole detailed picture of what is happening on this rather large section of the tenth Centuria. It is also necessary to contemplate what has been created around. Yes, it is clear that the beginning of the word " regne " – "– re -", will always be with a high rating, but its ending is not so common. In more detail, then, starting from quatrain 10-33 up to quatrain 10-40 – the complete absence of even the ending “– gne -”, then in quatrains 10-40 and 10-42 two full-fledged “ regne ” at once, again emptiness, and here is such an explosion, starting from quatrain 10-45 to 10-51. Eight possibilities for composing “ re + gne ” at once, plus one full-fledged word in this section. The growth that the Author claimed is obvious.
Yes , I can imagine how difficult all such searches for answers to the tasks of the Creator – an intellectual, would be without electronic assistants. I suppose, in their absence, you can spend your whole life on this, and maybe more than one. So the computer V help , next subject .
8-99 Par la puissance des trois rois temporelz,
En autre lieu sera mis le saint siege: Ou la substance de l'esprit corporel, Sera remys & receu pour vray siege.
Through the might of the three temporal kings,
The holy throne will be placed in another place:
Where is the substance of the bodily spirit,
Will be filed and accepted for the right place.
Attention should be paid to the modern form of the word " rois ". Only twice in the Centuries it is in this guise. Everything is not easy for Nostradamus, therefore – this is one of the clues in this case.
The first temporary kings are found in quatrain 1-50. Their power is confirmed, as is their temporality: " temp + or + el ". Along with this, the holy throne is also revealed: “ sainct SIEGE ". A very impressive start.
1-50 … Son bruit, loz, regne, sa puissance c rois tra,
Par terre & mer aux Oriens tempeste.
1-51 Chef d'Aries, Iupiter & Saturne,
Dieu etern el quelles mutations ?
Puis par long siecle son maling temp s retourne,
G aule, & I taille quelles esmoutions ?
1-52 Les deux malins de Scorpion conioinct,
Le grand seigneur meurtry dedans sa salle: Peste a `l'eglise par le nouueau roy ioinct,
L' Europe basse & Septentrionale .
1-53 Las qu'on verra grand peuple tourmente,
E t la Loy sainct e en totale ruine…
The second and third temporary kings are found already in future events in the distant tenth Centuria. Their power is also confirmed here – " Puis + sance " and their temporality – " te + mp + or + eil ".
10-68 … Puis partira sans faire longue alee:
Citoyens grande proye en terre prendra,
Retourner classe reprendre grand emblee.
10-69 Le fait luysant de neuf vieux esleue',
Seront si grand par midi aquilon:
De sa seur propre grande alles leue',
Fuyant murdry au buysson d'ambellon.
10-70 L'o eil par obiect fera te lle exc roissance ,
Tant & ardante que tumbera la neige:
Cha mp arrouse' viendra en desc rois sance,
Que le primat succumbera a` Rege.
10-71 La terre & l'air gelleront si grand eau,
L or s qu'on viendra pour ieudy venerer…
In quatrain 10-64 – the last word " siege " in the Centuries, and in 10-63 its holiness is confirmed. The theme is then taken up by the "substance" of 10-65. From the capital letters of the lower part of this section (10-66 – 10-68) the word ESPRIT is collected , and in the upper (10-63 – 10-65) – CORPOReL , or it will develop perfectly from all capital letters one quatrain longer, borrowing the missing E at the word ESPRIT .
10-63 C ydron, Raguse, la cite' au sainct Hieron,
Re uerdira le medicant secours:
Mort fils de R oy par mort de deux heron,
L' Arabe, O ngrie feront vn mesme cours.
10-64 P leure Milan, pleure Luques, Florance,
Que ton grand Duc sur le char montera, Changer le siege pres de Venise s'aduance,
Lors que Colomne a Rome changera.
10-65 O vaste Romme ta ruyne s'approche,
Non de tes murs de ton sang & substance
L'aspre par lettres fera si horrible coche, Fer poinctu mis a` tous iusques au manche.
10-66 Le chef de Londres par regne l'Americh,
L'isle d' E scosse tempiera par gellee:
R oy Reb auront vn si faux antechrist,
Que les mettra trustous dans la meslee.
10-67 Le tremblement si fort au mois de May,
S turne Caper, I upiter, Mercure au beuf:
Venus aussi Cancer, Mars, en Nonnay, T ombera gresle lors plus grosse qu'vn euf.
10-68 L'armee de mer deuant cite' tiendra,
P uis partira sans faire longue alee…
The last quatrain of the eighth Centurion is, so to speak, an extraordinary event. This limit must be overcome. "Debriefing" is supposed to be quite detailed
8-100 Pour l'abondance de larme respandue,
Du hault en bas par le bas au plus hault:
Trop grande foy par ieu vie perdue,
De soif mourir par habondant deffault.
Because of the abundance of tears shed,
Top to bottom from bottom to top:
Too much faith, because of the game life is lost,
Dying of thirst due to a plentiful shortage.
I got stuck in the process of searching for correspondences on the word " larme " – a tear. So much time wasted. This word is quite rare for the Centuries, so luck was supposed to be very fast, but, no matter how I tried, using all the methods familiar to me, to reach for the clues, nothing came of it. The music of the words performed by the Author was not heard. Echoing the lines of one of the quatrains, the lady sitting above the orchestra exuded nothing. Intuition and reason said that it was impossible to move away from tears, they are the main thematic object in this case, the leading element in this game. Nostradamus is constant in this. Brings keywords to your action arena clearly and consistently. What is the matter this time? Why is the connection not being picked up? Here is already a real one, my tear, it's time to well up))). I have to shelve such a wonderful quatrain.
Yet another miracle happened, and glory to the Great God that the described prophetic events, once again, were found not in the actual history of mankind, but in the world created by Michel Nostradamus. It would probably be good if, with each revealed and exposed horror of the Centurian, from our world in which we all live, one after another, real disasters and even someone’s tears, inspired, quite possibly, by the global faith in the words of the Prophet Nostradamus, and therefore always having fertile, prepared soil for their germination. In that case, my motto is: more secret horror stories of the "Prophecies" revealed – less disasters for mankind. I tried before, and I promise to work on this in depth in the future. Is this really how it is? If I see positive results, at the end of my work, I will be endlessly happy about it.
Yes, if I were a Frenchman, this riddle would come to me much easier. Pay attention to the word " lamentable " – "deplorable", this is – an abundance of tears.
It was this that left my attention with all the aggravating circumstances in the form of a temporary dead end. Moreover, I don’t even remember exactly what prompted me to cling to this word. If I say that this is fate, will anyone believe?