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Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus
Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus
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Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus

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A u point mour ir ceux qui machineront,

Fors vn que monde sur tout ruyne ra.

9-52 L a paix s'approche d'vn coste', & la guerre,

Oncques ne feut la poursuitte si grande:

P laindre homme, femme sang innocent par terre,

E t ce sera de France a` toute bande.

9-53 Le N eron ieune dans le trois cheminees,

F er a de paiges vifz pour ardoir getter:

Heu re ux qui loing se ra de telz menees,

Trois de son sang le fer ont mort guetter.

9-54 A rriuera au port de Corsibonne ,

Pres de Rauenne , qui pi ll era la dame:

E n mer profonde legat de la V lisb onne ,

S ouz roc cachez rauiront septante ames.


Nostradamus brings new two heroes to the pages of his book. Anix and Nanar, why did the Author need them?

8-85 Enter Bayonne & a`saint _ _ Iean de Lux

Sera pose ' de Mars la promottoire

aux Hanix d' Aquilon _ Nanar hostera lux ,

Puis suffocque ' au lict Sans adiutoire .

Between Bayonne and Saint Jean de Luxe

Mars ledge will be located

Nanar will take away the light from Anix from Aquilon,

Then suffocating in bed without help.

Anix ( Han + ix ) from Aquilon is the owner of the light, I confirm this, and post the place in the Prophecies where this is recorded.

2-88 …Mouton, Lutece, A ix ne garantira.

2-89 Du iour seront demis les deux grandz maistres

Leur grand pouuoir se verra augmente:

La terre neufue sera en ses haultz estres,

Au sanguinaire le nombre racompte.

2-90 Par vie & mort c han ge regne d'Ongrie:

La loy sera plus aspre que seruice:

Leur grand cite' d'vrlements plaincts & crie,

Castor & Pol lux ennemis dans la lyce.

Continuation of the story The author moved to the ninth Centuria. In it, Anix ( Ha + nix ) meets Nanar ( Na + nar ). Here and Mars appears, or even two. The second is MARS .

9-62 … Seront croisez par ranc tous attachez ,

Le perti na x Oppi, & M andragora,

Raugon d'Octobre le tiers seront laschez.

9-63 Plainctes & pleurs crys, & grands urlemens

Pres de Nar bon a Bayonne & en Fo ix ,

O quel horrible calamitz c han gemens,

A uant que Mars reuolu quelques foys.

9-64 L'Aemathion passer montz Pyrennees,

En Mars Narbon ne fera resistance…

A little higher is the subject of their dispute – LVX . Surprisingly, there are also two Mars in this area, exactly the same. Here same going the word "ho + st + era".

9-55 … L 'an ensuiuant viendra la pestilence

Si fort ho rrible que ieune, vieulx, ne be st e,

S ang, feu, Mercure, Mars , Iupiter en France.

9-56 Camp pres de Noudam passera Goussan ville,

Et a M aiotes laissera son enseigne:

Conuertira en instant plus de mille,

Cherchant les deux remettre en chaine & legne.

9-57 A u lieu de DR VX vn R oy repos era …

Yes, many Mars have been found, but not all of them. It is required to find one that is associated with the word " promontoire ", and located between Bayonne and, possibly, found LUX, because such rare words are nearby. " Bayonne " – in 9-63, which also has Mars, but standing after Bayonne, i.e., does not fit into the conditions of the assignment (between Bayonne and … Lux), and " promontoire " – in 9-60.

The correct Mars is also nearby. MARS.

9-62 A u grand de Cheramon agora,

Seront croisez par ranc tous attachez,

Le pertinax Oppi, & M andragora,

Raugon d'Octobre le tiers seront laschez.

It remains to find Nanar, suffocated ( suffoque ) in bed ( lict ). He Same found , welcome V this make sure : "Na + nar".

2-38 …Quand les mo nar ques seront concilies:

Mais l'vn d'eux viendra si malencombre,

Que guerres ensemble ne seront ralies.

2-39 Vn an deuant le conf lict Italique,

Germains, gaulois, hespaignolz pour le fort:

Cherra l'escolle maison de republicque,

Ou, hors mis peu, seront suffoque mors.

2-40 Vn peu apres non point longue interualle,

Par mer & terre sera faict grand tumulte,

Beaucoup plus grande sera pugne na ualle…


Who will be one of the next objects of attention? This time – the seducer – " seducteur ", placed in a pit to heighten the effect.

8-95 Le seducteur sera mis en la fosse,

Et estache' iusques a` quelque temps,

Le clerc vny le chef auec sa crosse

Pycante droite attraira les contens.

The seducer will be placed in the pit,

And tied up for a while

Clerk, one with the head with his staff

Sharp straight, will attract satisfied.

The seducer began his career in quatrain 3-95. Modest then, he did not show himself in any way, he just looked seductive. " Seductiue " – seductive. By adding the missing ending "– eur " – it manifests itself.

3-95 _ vne autre beaucoup plus seductive ,

_ Boristhenes premier viendra faillir ,

Par dons & langue vne plus attractiue .

3-96 Chef de Fossa n aura gorge copee,

Par le duct eur du limier & leurier…

But he was noticed by Nostradamus, the pit – “ fossa ”, apparently in the Latin manner, ending in “ a ”, – too. The author decided to tie it for a reason, too. The word " estache '" is present only four times in the Centuries, so its second presence in quatrain 3-91 could not go unnoticed, and the Magister took advantage of this fact. "– Foss -" in the Centuries is the same rarity. This letter combination was noted five times. Yes, the chapter – " Chef " – where without it, is also here.

With a clerk in this area – complete emptiness. No clues were found, which can not be said about " cro + sse ". Author This definitely was noted .

3-90 …Vn chef de cla sse istra de Carmanie,

Qui prendra terre au Tyrren Phocean.

3-91 L'arbre qu'estoit par long temps mort seche`,

Dans vne nuict viendra a` reuerdir:

Cro n.roy malade, prince pied estache'…

However, the story of the clerk has its development elsewhere in the Centuries. The whole picture is formed on it, described in the third line of quatrain 8-95.

5-13 … Fureur grin sse ant chassera gent lybique

Despuis Pannons iusques Hercules la hare.

5-14 Saturne & Mars en leo Espaigne captiue,

Par chef lybique au conflict attrape',

Proche de Malthe, Heredde prinse viue,

Et Romain sceptre sera par coq frappe'.