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High-Risk Reunion
High-Risk Reunion
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High-Risk Reunion

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Then two players on the opposing team parted and revealed Michelle out of bounds, throwing the ball into play.

His daughter was safe. Some of his tension flowed out of him.

Tory kept going while his daughter ran toward her team’s basket. A Mustang player passed the ball back to Michelle. Cade wanted to watch, but he needed to catch up with Tory while he called Paul and let him know that Michelle was safe.

Tory stopped at the edge of the home team’s bench. Sounds of cheers erupted around Cade, and he looked out onto the court. Michelle had scored. It had been years since he’d been in this gym. He’d been looking forward to seeing her play tonight. But the moment he’d been looking forward to was now tainted with a threat to Michelle because of Tory’s job.

“I wish they would take a break. Michelle would never forgive me if I ran onto the court and snatched her off it.” Tory stood rigid next to Cade, her arms folded over her chest, while following her daughter’s every move. Tension poured off her, her teeth digging into her bottom lip.

A minute later, the fans jumped to their feet, yelling, “Go Mustangs.” Forgetting for a few seconds why he was here with Tory beside him, Cade added his encouragement. A girl threw the ball to Michelle who had a better position to take the shot, and she tossed the ball into the air.

The swish as it passed through the net set the crowd off again, and Cade cheered, grinning as though he’d made the shot. “That’s the way to play.”

Tory threw him a piercing look. Cade sobered.

The visiting coach called a time-out.

“Finally.” Tory charged toward the head coach as the players came off the court.

Cade followed.

“Coach Bates,” Tory called out.

The balding man glanced in her direction, his forehead wrinkled. He took several steps to Tory. “Is there something wrong, Mrs. Carson?”

“I need to take Michelle out of the game,” Tory said while Cade scanned the crowd for any threat, many fans watching what was happening between the coach and Tory. “There’s been a threat.”

“Against the team?”

“No, my daughter. She’s in danger.” Tory finally pointed to Cade. “This is Ranger Cade Morgan. He’s here to escort her from the gym.”

Cade spied Michelle marching over to them, her cheeks red, her blue eyes so like his own, darkening with questions. He touched Tory’s elbow and nodded toward Michelle a few feet away.

“What’s wrong, Mom?”

“You need to leave with me now. I’ll explain everything outside.”

“But I can’t. The game just started. We barely have the lead.”

“Sorry. This isn’t up for debate.” Tory grasped Michelle’s hand, then looked at the crowd still bunched around the exit.

Cade stepped forward. “We’ll use the back door.” Then to the coach, he asked, “Is it still locked from the outside, but we can leave through it?”

The man nodded, still bewildered.

“Let’s go.” Cade took up the rear while indicating the exit at the far end of the gym where fewer people stood. “Wait at the door.”

Cade continued to assess his surroundings. The man Tory was prosecuting right now was ruthless. But he wouldn’t let his daughter—or Tory—be Mederos’s victim. Tory paused at the doors leading into the back hallway where the weight room and a smaller gym were located. Michelle stopped and turned to watch the game.

Seeing the two together was like staring at a younger version of Tory, except for Michelle’s blue eyes. Both had long, curly blond hair, a thin build and an oval face with a sprinkle of freckles across their pert noses.

“Let me check the hall first.” He went through the double doors first, inspecting the corridor on both sides. Empty. “Okay, let’s hurry.”

Cade trailed right behind Tory and Michelle, frequently glancing behind him. When they reached the rear exit, Cade went out first, checking the area. Now all they had to do was round the building and make it to his SUV in the parking lot.

He gestured in the direction they should go, his grasp on his gun. Tory grabbed Michelle’s hand and headed to the left side of the gym.

A few feet from the corner, Michelle halted and tugged her hand free. “What’s going on? You’re scaring me.” She looked over her shoulder at Cade. “Who are you?”

He pulled his jacket open. “I’m Cade Morgan and you two are in danger. I’m here to take you to your house for Chief Drake.” He wanted to say so much more. But there was no time for that right now.

Michelle’s eyes widened. “Mom, is that true?”

Tory flashed him a penetrating look, meant to stop him from saying anything else. “Yes. We had a break-in at the house.”

But Cade would say or do whatever was needed to keep them safe. He stepped around the pair and peered around the corner. “It’s clear. My SUV is on this side of the parking lot. We’ll head for it.”

The exit door they used opened. Cade ushered the two around to the side of the building before anyone saw them. He peeked at whoever was coming outside. Three teenage boys, dressed in sweats, left the rear of the gym. They didn’t appear to be members of the biker gang.

He quickly covered the short distance between himself and Michelle and Tory.

“Why can’t we drive home in our car?” Tory asked as she halted at the front side.

“Because it’s been sitting out in the parking lot for the whole town to see and have access to.”

“So is yours.”

“But I’m not the one they’re after.”

The color drained from Tory’s face.

“Who are they?” Michelle plastered herself against the brick building, distress taking over her expression. “Mom?” She glanced between him and Tory.

“I’ll tell you later. We need to do what Cade says. He was your dad’s best friend in high school. He has our best interest at heart.”

“But why would—”

The sound of motorcycles roared through the air, coming nearer as riders entered the school parking lot, all wearing the skull and crossbones emblem on their jackets.


TWO (#ulink_c3ad0666-8dd0-5cc8-92eb-adcdfbce3a63)

Cade poked his head around the corner. There were three bikers. The motorcycles went up and down the rows of vehicles. His SUV was fifty feet away. Too far to run to undetected.

Cade withdrew his cell phone and placed a call to the police station. “I need at least one squad car if not two to come to the parking lot at the high school gym. There are three members of Mederos’s gang patrolling the cars. Have the officers put their sirens on.”

“Are they looking for us?” The pitch of Michelle’s voice rose.

He pulled back while Tory tried to comfort Michelle. Her hands trembled, and she balled them.

“Maybe. Hard to tell. I’m being cautious.” Cade didn’t want to alarm his daughter so much that she shut down, but she needed to know the severity of the situation.

“Mom, is this about the trial you’re prosecuting?”

“I think so,” Tory answered.

In the distance the sound of sirens blared. “When I say move, run for the black SUV five cars in. I’ll be right behind you two.” Cade slid his weapon out of his holster and pointed it at the ground.

As the police grew closer, coming in from two different directions, first one biker left the parking lot, then a second one did, followed by the third gang member when one of the patrol cars came barreling down the street toward the gym. That police officer went after the last biker.

“Go. Now.” Cade hurried after Tory and Michelle, keeping his gaze trained on his surroundings. Although all three motorcycles had vanished down several side streets, the sense of being watched plagued him each step closer to his SUV. “Get down when you’re inside.”

He pushed his key fob to open his doors. Michelle scrambled into the backseat with Tory right behind her. He started to climb into his SUV when one of the patrol officers pulled up. He’d met Officer Sims the other day at the station.

Cade walked over to him. “I need you to check out the DA’s car for anything suspicious. I noticed one biker stop for half a minute by her red Chevy Malibu two rows over. Call me and let me know if anything was planted.” Cade handed him his card with his cell phone number on it, then returned to the driver’s side door and climbed inside.

Tory said something to Michelle, but when he sat behind the steering wheel, Tory pressed her lips together and stared out the window. His daughter lowered her chin and twisted her hands together in her lap.

As he drove toward Tory’s house, tension pulsed in the silence of the car. He glanced at the backseat several times en route to her place. With her arms crossed over her chest, Tory caught him looking and narrowed her gaze. Her stiff posture spoke volumes of what she was feeling—no doubt all of it directed at him. At one point they had talked about getting married, then September 11 had occurred and everything had changed.

Cade pulled into her driveway. He wished that Tory and he could talk about their past. That wasn’t possible right now, but they would have to eventually, because he intended to discover who had invaded her home, which meant they would have to spend time together.

Michelle jumped out of Tory’s car and charged toward the porch, her arms stiff at her sides.

Tory scrambled from the passenger’s seat. “Wait, Michelle. Don’t go inside yet.”

Exiting his SUV, Cade strode toward the house as Paul came out onto the porch. Tory spoke to Michelle on the sidewalk then climbed the stairs to talk to the police chief. Cade hurried toward the pair.

Michelle blocked his path. “What’s going on with Mom? Why is the police chief here too? How bad is it?”

For a few seconds, Cade didn’t know what to say. “You’ll need to ask your mother. I haven’t been inside yet.”

“Cade, would you join us?” Paul glanced at the teenager. “We need to make some plans—alone.”

“Then I’ll go inside to my room.” Michelle stomped up the stairs to the porch.

“No!” Tory said, reaching for her daughter.

The police chief moved in front of Michelle. “In a moment you can go into the house. Give me a few minutes to talk with your mom.”

Michelle looked at each of them, then trudged to the porch swing and plopped down on it, crossing her arms and frowning. “I’m not a baby, you know.”

“I know, honey. Just give us a minute.” Then she whispered to Paul, “You’d better hurry. She isn’t the most patient girl, and pulling her out of the game when she was shooting so well isn’t sitting well with her.”

Paul planted himself in front of the door. “Before you go inside, I need to tell you what Detective Alexander also found on your pillow in your bedroom. It was a photo of you leaving the courthouse in the clothes you have on today. The word Boom was written across it in red. What time did your daughter go to the gym?”

“She told me it would have been about thirty minutes before I came home.”

Paul frowned. “That means the intruder had only a small window of time to do this. There could have been more than one of them.”

“That means he was probably outside watching. He—they could have...” Tory curled her hands.

Despite what happened in the past, Cade wanted to hold her, reassure her, especially when he saw the color drain from her face in the dim light from the porch. He stopped himself before he did that. Instead he clasped her upper arm, the touch familiar to him and yet strange.

“Michelle is looking,” she said.

He slid his hand away, not wanting to give his daughter any ideas about their relationship. He was only concerned for Tory in a strictly professional capacity. They might both work in the justice field, but that was all they had between them now.

No, we have Michelle between us.

“What should we do? I have to protect my daughter.”

The quavering in her voice reminded Cade of when Tory as a teenager had told him her mother died. That day their relationship had deepened. The year before he’d dealt with his dad passing away. He’d known what she was feeling at the time. “I’ll protect you and your daughter at my ranch until we know what’s going on for sure. And I think that Michelle needs to know what’s possibly happening here. It’s too important to keep her in the dark.”

“At your ranch! I’m sure Derek’s parents would take us in for a few days.” Panic laced her whispers. “I know they live in San Antonio but it isn’t too far—”

“Can they protect you two?” Cade cut in. “Do you want to put them in danger too if someone is truly after you...or your daughter?”

Tory shook her head. “Doesn’t your uncle live at the ranch?”

“Why do you think I wanted to be a Texas Ranger? I grew up thinking I’d follow in Uncle Ben’s footsteps. He knows what he’s doing. He used to protect the governor.”

Paul shifted toward him. “That’s a good suggestion, Cade. When she’s at the county courthouse, the police and the sheriff’s departments can protect her.”

“What’s taking y’all so long? I’m starving.” Michelle rose, one hand on her waist, reminding Cade of Tory when she was upset with him back when they dated. “What’s all the whispering about?”

“You need to tell her what’s going on. If you don’t want to, I can.” Cade stressed the last two words.

Tory glared at him. “I’m her mother, and I’ll tell her. But I prefer not to do it on the front lawn. I’ve seen Mrs. Applegate peeking out her window. I’m surprised she hasn’t come outside trying to listen to our conversation. What happened here will be all over town soon, and I don’t want to add to it.”

Paul backed away a few steps. “We still need to figure out what’s going on. Most likely it is one or more members of the Mederos gang. I think y’all need to talk in private. Call me when you’re settled in, Tory.”

“Chicken,” Cade said with a chuckle.

Paul grinned. “Yep. Reminds me of when y’all were dating in high school. Two strong, opinionated people clashing.” He tipped the brim of his cowboy hat and nodded at Michelle, still at the other end of the porch.

“You two need to pack your clothes. Let’s go into the living room to talk, then you should get what you both need to take to the ranch.” Cade glanced at Michelle. “She’s coming over here.”

“Mom, I’m almost an adult. What’s going on? Is this connected to the Mederos-gang case?” She set both fists on her waist.

Tory faced Michelle. “Let’s talk in the living room.” She slid her arm across her daughter’s back.

Michelle shrugged away, her eyes large. “You’re scaring me.”

Tory pushed the front door wide. “Inside first.”

Michelle huffed and plodded into the living room, then whirled around, both hands on her waist again. “Why was the police chief here? Why did you take me out of the game?” She fluttered her hand at Cade. “Why is he here?”