Книги автора Colin Crouch
Colin Crouch
любовные романы, ужасы / мистика, любовно-фантастические романы, мистика, мистические романы, мистические тайны, странная фантастика / weird fiction, приключенческая фантастикаThe financial crisis seemed to present a fundamental challenge to neo liberalism, the body of ideas that have constituted the political orth…
The financial crisis seemed to present a fundamental challenge to neo liberalism, the body of ideas that have constituted the political orth…
Colin Crouch
зарубежная классика, литература 20 века, семейная сага, нравственные ценности, портрет эпохи, роман-эпопея, начало XX векаCapitalism is the only complex system known to us that can provide an efficient and innovative economy, but the financial crisis has brought…
Capitalism is the only complex system known to us that can provide an efficient and innovative economy, but the financial crisis has brought…
Colin Crouch
личная эффективность, саморазвитие / личностный рост, мотивация, коучинг, жизненный выбор, психология успеха, как достичь успеха, самопознание, самореализация, как обрести счастье, поиск предназначения, поиск себяThe financial crisis seemed to present a fundamental challenge to neo liberalism, the body of ideas that have constituted the political orth…
The financial crisis seemed to present a fundamental challenge to neo liberalism, the body of ideas that have constituted the political orth…