Книги автора David Crane
David Crane
боевики, остросюжетная литература, фэнтези, боевая фантастика, боевое фэнтези, придворные интриги, магическое фэнтези, боевая магия, фантастический боевик, сверхспособности, бояръ-анимеA groundbreaking work of Romantic biography; David Crane’s book is an astonishingly original examination of Byron, and a radical approach to…
A groundbreaking work of Romantic biography; David Crane’s book is an astonishingly original examination of Byron, and a radical approach to…
David Crane
фэнтези, русское фэнтези, славянское фэнтези, этническое фэнтези, мифологическое фэнтезиBefore WWI, little provision was made for the burial of the war dead. Soldiers were often unceremoniously dumped in a mass grave; officers s…
Before WWI, little provision was made for the burial of the war dead. Soldiers were often unceremoniously dumped in a mass grave; officers s…
David Crane
ужасы / мистика, детективы, триллеры, мистикаA groundbreaking work of Romantic biography; David Crane’s book is an astonishingly original examination of Byron, and a radical approach to…
A groundbreaking work of Romantic biography; David Crane’s book is an astonishingly original examination of Byron, and a radical approach to…
David Crane
фэнтези, героическое фэнтези, магические миры, психологизм, эпическое фэнтезиThrough the lives of three outstanding naval officers – each considered the most brilliant commander of his generation – David Crane offers …
Through the lives of three outstanding naval officers – each considered the most brilliant commander of his generation – David Crane offers …
David Crane
социальная философия, психическое здоровье и психогигиенаBefore WWI, little provision was made for the burial of the war dead. Soldiers were often unceremoniously dumped in a mass grave; officers s…
Before WWI, little provision was made for the burial of the war dead. Soldiers were often unceremoniously dumped in a mass grave; officers s…
David Crane
общая психологияBefore WWI, little provision was made for the burial of the war dead. Soldiers were often unceremoniously dumped in a mass grave; officers s…
Before WWI, little provision was made for the burial of the war dead. Soldiers were often unceremoniously dumped in a mass grave; officers s…
David Crane
исторические любовные романы, пираты, Византия, обычаи и традиции, свадебные ритуалыDavid Crane has given us the definitive biography of one of Britain’s greatest heroes and explorers.‘It seems a pity, but I do not think I c…
David Crane has given us the definitive biography of one of Britain’s greatest heroes and explorers.‘It seems a pity, but I do not think I c…
David Crane
эзотерика / оккультизм, книги по философии[Previously published as ‘Went The Day Well’]A sweeping political, social, military and cultural overview of the United Kingdom on the eve, …
[Previously published as ‘Went The Day Well’]A sweeping political, social, military and cultural overview of the United Kingdom on the eve, …
David Crane
детская проза, детские стихи, книги для детей, детям от 4 лет, русская деревня, волшебные существа, волшебные сказки, сказки на ночь‘There is a mad chap come here – whose name is Trelawny… He comes on the friend of Shelley, great, glowing, and rich in romance… But tell me…
‘There is a mad chap come here – whose name is Trelawny… He comes on the friend of Shelley, great, glowing, and rich in romance… But tell me…
David Crane
‘There is a mad chap come here – whose name is Trelawny… He comes on the friend of Shelley, great, glowing, and rich in romance… But tell me…
‘There is a mad chap come here – whose name is Trelawny… He comes on the friend of Shelley, great, glowing, and rich in romance… But tell me…
David Crane
боевики, остросюжетная литература, боевая фантастикаThrough the lives of three outstanding naval officers – each considered the most brilliant commander of his generation – David Crane offers …
Through the lives of three outstanding naval officers – each considered the most brilliant commander of his generation – David Crane offers …
David Crane
‘I do not want to die. The thought that we may be cut off from each other is so terrible and that our babe may grow up without my knowing he…
‘I do not want to die. The thought that we may be cut off from each other is so terrible and that our babe may grow up without my knowing he…
David Crane
David Crane has given us the definitive biography of one of Britain’s greatest heroes and explorers.‘It seems a pity, but I do not think I c…
David Crane has given us the definitive biography of one of Britain’s greatest heroes and explorers.‘It seems a pity, but I do not think I c…
David Crane
Before WWI, little provision was made for the burial of the war dead. Soldiers were often unceremoniously dumped in a mass grave; officers s…
Before WWI, little provision was made for the burial of the war dead. Soldiers were often unceremoniously dumped in a mass grave; officers s…
David Crane
[Previously published as ‘Went The Day Well’]A sweeping political, social, military and cultural overview of the United Kingdom on the eve, …
[Previously published as ‘Went The Day Well’]A sweeping political, social, military and cultural overview of the United Kingdom on the eve, …