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Witness Undercover
Witness Undercover
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Witness Undercover

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As the bell dinged their arrival, Laura looked up at the man beside her. “I hope my—Nolan’s awake this time. After I turn in this paperwork, I want to see him.”

As they exited, she lightly touched Griffin’s arm. “I’d like to use the restroom before we check on him.”

“Sure. I’ll wait for you here.”

She walked back past the elevators and down the sparsely populated hall, then pushed open the door to enter the ladies’ room. Chrome faucets gleamed against the white countertops and sinks. The floor and stall doors were also white.

She finished quickly and moved to the sink, putting her purse on the floor at her feet. After washing and drying her hands, she bent to pick up her bag.

Suddenly something snaked around her throat and bit sharply into her skin. She registered a thin cord around her neck as she was jerked back against a hard masculine body. The cord tightened, cutting off her air.

Choking, she clawed frantically at his hands, trying to get her fingers beneath the razor-thin band. It tightened even more, pulling at her hair and crushing her windpipe.

Spots danced before her eyes. The edges of her vision went black and a surge of pure panic shot through her. She twisted, still trying to get her hands under the cord biting into her flesh. The man lifted her off her feet and she struggled, accidentally kicking the trash can.

Desperate for help, she kicked violently, connecting again with the can. She managed to slam the heavy metal container into the wall. Her vision blurred as she distantly heard what she thought was the sound of the falling can.

She felt herself fading. A scream welled up, but she couldn’t get out even a sound. Terror flooded her.

Abruptly, the pressure around her throat eased and she fell, hitting her head on the corner of the sink. She was conscious enough to register a series of grunts and then a sickening thud against the tile.

Suddenly Griffin was on the floor beside her.

“Laura?” He leaned over her, moving her hair gently out of her face as he peered at her. “Laura?”

His face came into focus, his hard-edged features stamped with concern.

She lifted a shaky hand to her throbbing head.

“Can you breathe?” he asked.

She nodded, forcing words past her bruised throat as she gripped his hand. “What happened?”

“You were attacked.”

It had come too close on the heels of yesterday’s attack. Fear sliced through her like a blade, jamming her breath painfully in her chest. “He found me. Vin found me.”

“Looks that way.”

Everything went black.

THREE (#ulink_00c543e7-ccb0-5fd8-b0a2-d9488ab1c6ec)

It was the blood. There wasn’t even that much of it, but the sight of it had images ricocheting through Griffin’s mind. Seeing Laura crumpled on the floor brought back the ambush. The firefight. The searing pain in his broken femur as he carried Ace’s body down the rocky terrain.

This wasn’t the same. Griffin fought to push away the pictures. He carefully helped Laura to a sitting position, glad to see recognition creep across her chalk-white face.

Fear sharpened her pretty features. Eyes wide, she stared up at him. “Who just tried to kill me? Did you get them?”

Griffin shook his head. “I heard the noise in here and rushed to reach you. I only saw his shadow as he headed into the emergency stairwell. I headed straight for you, and Sydney went after the assailant. Did you see anything? Can you describe him?”

“No. He was behind me.”

“Did you notice anything about him? Cologne? Distinctive voice? Scars or tattoos?”

Laura thought hard. “There was something on his left wrist or hand. It might’ve been a tattoo. I don’t know. Everything happened so fast.”

The tattoo possibility was something at least, Griffin thought grimly.

“Laura?” Joy rushed into the ladies’ room, followed by Cheryl, the red-haired nurse. “What happened?”

“Are you all right?” The nurse moved closer, her gaze probing.

Laura struggled to stand and Griffin clasped her elbow to steady her. Once she was on her feet, he curled his hand lightly around her upper arm to make sure she stayed upright. She was still pale. And trembling.

Concern pinched Joy’s features as she looked her niece over. “What happened?”

“It was nothing.” Laura gave a wobbly smile. “I fainted and hit my head.”

“Knocked over the trash can,” Griffin added.

The last thing they needed was to draw attention to what had happened in here. That would bring hospital security at the least and maybe even OCPD. “She forgot to eat this morning.”

Beside him he felt her surprise, but she recovered quickly.

“Yes. I became light-headed and passed out.”

Her story was good and would hopefully minimize the scrutiny. Griffin saw the objection on Joy’s face and caught her gaze, hoping the older woman would understand to remain quiet. To his relief, she said nothing about the large morning meal they had all shared.

Cheryl’s brow furrowed. “Your neck is chafed and you’ve got a bump on your head.”

“I’ll have a headache and a bruise.” Laura touched the swelling at her hairline. “But I’m fine.”

The nurse looked skeptical but followed Laura out the restroom door. Laura reassured the redhead once more before the other woman left them.

As Laura turned to Joy, the stairwell door opened and Sydney rushed through. She was flushed, her dark hair pulled back in a ponytail.

She reached them, green eyes sparking with irritation. “Lost him in the parking lot.”

Joy speared all three of them with a stern look. “What really happened in there?”

Laura explained while Griffin stepped off to the side to speak with Sydney.

The brunette angled toward him, keeping him on her left in order to accommodate the hearing loss she’d sustained in a line-of-duty injury when she’d served as a sharpshooter on the SWAT team. Her gaze moved constantly over the area and its visitors.

“No sign of the assailant.”

Griffin shoved a hand through his hair, frowning at the sight of the swelling on Laura’s temple.

The man had slipped into the restroom, right past Griffin. What if he had arrived later? What if Laura had been hurt worse?

A greasy knot formed in his stomach. It wasn’t the same as what had happened in Afghanistan and if he quit right now, it never would be.

Sydney elbowed him, eyeing him with a certainty that said she knew he was blaming himself. “This isn’t your fault.”

“I think Boone should take over,” he said.

Joy and Laura walked up in time to hear him.

“Boone?” the older woman asked. She turned to Griffin. “Why do you think Boone should take over? Because that man managed to get to Laura in the ladies’ room?”

He nodded.

Laura shook her head. “But you got to me quickly. I’m fine.”

“See?” Sydney said quietly. “You’re the only one blaming you.”

Laura glanced from his coworker to him. “For what?”

Before Griffin could say anything, Sydney turned to Laura. “Would you like a different bodyguard? I’d be happy to step in. So would Boone.”

“No, I don’t want a new bodyguard. Why would I? Unless...” She looked at Griffin. “Do you have another client or another job?”


She frowned. “Then do you have a problem with me?”

“No.” Griffin dragged a hand down his face. “Not at all.”

Sydney arched a brow as if to say “See?”

Laura stared up at him with confused blue eyes. “You probably aren’t used to babysitting someone. Is that the problem?”

“It’s not that.”

“Then what?”

“Like your aunt said, that guy slipped right past me,” he said through clenched teeth. “It shouldn’t have happened.”

“No, it shouldn’t have.”

Griffin mentally kicked himself.

“But,” she continued, “it’s not your fault that it did.”

Sydney nodded. “That’s right.”

Laura gazed up at him earnestly. “I’d prefer it if you would stay with me through the entire process, but it’s your decision.”

There was no blame in her eyes or her voice. No resentment, either. It took a second for Griff to process that.

She probably wanted him to continue because she was too shaken by the attack to realize she’d be better off without him.

“I know you can keep me safe.”

He wished he were half as sure as she sounded. “You do?”


“All right, then.” He couldn’t deny the warmth he felt at her vote of confidence. “Let’s get back to my house.”

She hesitated. “No.”

“No?” Had she really just said that? Griff drew up short. “Why not?”

“I want to see my dad first.”

“Not after what just happened,” he said bluntly.

“This is the best time.”

“How do you figure?” He tempered his voice, cognizant of the people around them. “Didn’t you just say you wanted me to stay with you through this? That you thought I could keep you safe? The safest thing is to get out of here.”

“I don’t want to take a stupid risk and if you really think I am, I’ll leave. But whoever tried to hurt me is gone. And probably won’t try anything else today. Plus Sydney is here if you want or need any backup. I want to see my dad.” Her voice cracked. “I need to see him.”

Sydney had combed the hospital and grounds, looking for the assailant. There had been no sign of the guy. He was long gone.

“There might not be another chance,” Laura said quietly.

She had a point. Griffin didn’t like it, but Laura was right about this being the best time to see her father.

After the syringe incident last night and now this, it was plain that someone had tipped off Arrico to Laura’s presence. If they stayed here, Griff could observe any suspicious behavior, see if anyone hovered around or seemed too interested in Laura or her father. Especially Nurse Cheryl, who had been nearby after both attacks.

“All right, I agree. Under one condition.


“If I say it’s time to go, then we go.”

“Okay. Thank you.”

He nodded. They were staying. And he was still Laura’s bodyguard. He hoped she didn’t regret her decision. He hoped he didn’t, either.

* * *

After agreeing to meet Aunt Joy and Sydney later at Griffin’s house, Laura and Griffin headed down the hall. Thank goodness he’d agreed to let her see her dad. Two attacks in the past two days told Laura she might not get another chance.

Griffin slid a look at her. “I’d really like to check out your neck and head.”