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The Christmas Rose: The most heart-warming novel of 2018, from the Sunday Times bestseller
The Christmas Rose: The most heart-warming novel of 2018, from the Sunday Times bestseller
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The Christmas Rose: The most heart-warming novel of 2018, from the Sunday Times bestseller

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‘That’s a long time to be apart. Are you sure he hasn’t changed his mind?’

‘I’ve known Max since I was a child. He wouldn’t behave like that and he wrote beautiful letters.’

Cora tossed one boot on the floor and began to unlace the other. ‘You’ve got more faith in men than I have, kid. In my experience they’re rats, all of ’em.’

Rose moved the grubby stays from the chair and sat down as another wave of dizziness threatened to overcome her. ‘I thought he’d be at the Captain’s House.’

‘Well, he weren’t, and you’ll have to get used to the idea that he’s changed his mind.’ Cora picked up a pillow and threw it to Rose. ‘Here, get your head down, love. You’ll have to wait for morning to get some grub. I don’t keep food in me room because of rats – the four-legged kind.’ Cora chuckled and turned on to her side with a creaking of bed springs. ‘There’s a spare blanket under me bed,’ she added sleepily. ‘Night-night.’

Rose slid off the chair, lifted the trailing edge of the coverlet to look under the bed, and found herself staring into the beady eyes of a huge spider. She retreated hastily and curled up as best she could on the chair, resting her head on the pillow. Cramped, stiff and cold, she thought longingly of her old room in the school house, and the tantalising aroma of baking that floated up from the kitchen where Sadie was undoubted queen. She and her husband, Laurence, ran the school that Max’s stepfather had built for the local children. Rose was in awe of Raven Dorincourt, but both Max and Jimmy thought the world of him. Even so, she preferred gentle, unworldly Laurence, who believed strongly that girls ought to be as well educated as boys, and she had benefited from his teaching.

As she struggled with the cold and damp of an English winter and the discomfort of trying to sleep in an upright chair, Rose was beginning to doubt the wisdom of her actions. Had she been carried away on a romantic dream, fuelled by ardent love letters from Max? More to the point, what would she do now that she was on her own in London? The questions kept coming but there were no answers. Eventually, she fell asleep from sheer exhaustion.

‘Wake up.’

Someone was shaking her and Rose opened her eyes to such an unfamiliar scene that she thought she was dreaming.

‘You was dead to the world,’ Cora said cheerfully. ‘Put your boots on, Rose. We’re going out to get some breakfast.’

Rose stretched her cramped limbs, wincing with pain as the feeling came back to her hands and feet in the form of pins and needles. ‘Where are we going?’

‘There’s a coffee stall on Tower Hill.’ Cora sat on the edge of her bed and pulled on her boots. ‘How are you off for readies?’

‘I’ve got some money,’ Rose said warily. ‘But it won’t last very long. I was counting on Max meeting me at the docks.’

‘You said your Max was related to the Colvilles. Is that true?’

‘His elder sister married into the family. I was at her wedding.’

‘So she knows you.’ Cora tied the second bootlace into a neat bow and stood up, reaching for her hat. ‘Then after we’ve had breakfast I think we should pay a call on this lady. The Colvilles are rolling in money.’

‘I don’t want to go begging,’ Rose protested. ‘I’m sure Max has a good reason for not coming to meet me. Anyway, I told you, Cora. I don’t know where Caroline lives.’

‘But I do.’ Cora thrust a hatpin into the feathery creation on her head. ‘Don’t argue, kid. Food first and then we’re going to Finsbury Circus. I know that’s where we’ll find them because one of their footmen was a client of mine, if you get my meaning?’ She winked and opened the door. ‘Come on, don’t loiter. I’m dying for a cup of coffee.’

Having eaten a ham roll and drunk a mug of hot, sweet coffee, Rose was beginning to feel more optimistic. The fog had lifted, leaving a sooty smell lingering in the air, and it was bitterly cold, but at least they could see where they were going and Cora set off at a brisk pace with Rose hurrying after her. The blisters on her heels had burst and were painful, but she was feeling more positive and the thought of receiving news of Max, or even finding him at home with his sister, made the walk to Finsbury Circus seem less arduous. But it was a nerve-racking experience as they had to dodge in and out of the traffic and push their way through crowds of pedestrians. Rose was uncomfortably aware of the withering looks that Cora received from respectable matrons, who had their maidservants in tow, and the knowing grins from the costermongers and road sweepers. Whistles, cat calls and scornful glances accompanied them, but Cora herself did not seem to notice and she marched onwards, head held high, and the black and red ostrich feathers on her hat fluttered in the breeze. She swung her hips and twirled her reticule as if performing on stage, to the obvious delight of small urchins, who mimicked her shamelessly. In daylight the colour of Cora’s hair was even more remarkable – almost white at the tips, darkening through every colour of yellow to bronze at the roots – but beneath all the paint and rouge Cora’s good nature shone out like a beacon, and Rose was well aware that she owed her new friend a huge debt of gratitude. What might have befallen her last evening without Cora’s timely intervention was anyone’s guess.

‘We’re here,’ Cora announced, coming to a sudden halt.

Rose just managed to avoid colliding with her as she stopped, staring up at the grand façade of what was undoubtedly a mansion. Sadie had often mentioned the old days, before Mr Manning’s premature death, when the family lived in Finsbury Circus, and she might have been describing this very house.

‘What do we do now?’ Rose whispered.

Cora marched up the steps and knocked on the door. ‘I ain’t going to the tradesmen’s entrance. The blooming servants are worse than their masters when it comes to looking down on people.’ She moved a step closer as the door was opened by a liveried footman.

‘Go away,’ he said through clenched teeth. ‘This is a respectable household.’ He was about to shut them out when Cora put her foot over the threshold.

‘I dunno what makes you think I ain’t respectable,’ she said boldly, ‘but I’m as good as you, Jem Wilkins, and I don’t think your superior would take very kindly to one of his men frequenting a—’

Wilkins opened the door a fraction wider. ‘Shut up, Cora. Don’t let the world know my business.’

‘Then let us in. This young lady is a friend of Max Manning. She wants to see him.’

Wilkins rolled his eyes. ‘She can’t be much of a friend if she doesn’t know that Captain Manning’s regiment sailed for Alexandria nearly two months ago.’

‘No,’ Rose said faintly. ‘I don’t believe it. Max wouldn’t do that to me. He would have let me know.’

Cora turned on her in a fury. ‘You was miles out at sea, you silly cow. Why didn’t you think of that? You never said he was a soldier.’

‘Let me shut the door, Cora,’ Wilkins said urgently. ‘Go away and take her with you.’

‘No.’ Rose found her voice. ‘If Captain Manning is away I need to see Mrs Colville. She’ll remember me.’

Wilkins folded his arms across his chest. ‘Well, that’s going to be a bit difficult, miss. Because Mr and Mrs Colville are away from home.’

‘Stop smirking, you smug devil,’ Cora snapped. ‘I can still peach on you to the butler or the housekeeper. Either will do.’

‘The master and mistress left on a business trip to Australia six weeks ago,’ Wilkins said stiffly. ‘Now go away, please. I can’t tell you anything else.’

‘Just a minute,’ Rose cried anxiously. ‘Do you know how long Captain Manning will be away?’

Wilkins gave her a pitying look. ‘According to the newspapers the war in Egypt is over, but I doubt if the generals themselves know when the troops will be sent home. Sorry, miss, but there it is.’ He gave Cora a push that almost overbalanced her and slammed the door.

Rose sank down on the top step. ‘I can’t believe this is happening to me,’ she murmured, shaking her head.

‘A pretty pickle you got yourself into, kid.’ Cora stared down at her, frowning. ‘Sitting there, feeling sorry for yourself, ain’t going to help either.’

‘I need to think,’ Rose said slowly. ‘I’m sure that Max would have made arrangements for me to be provided for until he returns.’

‘If he comes back at all.’ Cora threw up her hands. ‘Don’t look at me like that, young ’un. He went to fight in a war. If the bullets don’t get him he might have fallen sick from them foreign diseases. You got to face facts, love.’

‘Then I’ll travel to Egypt so that I can be near him.’

‘Oh, really! You said you got no money, and it’s a long way to walk.’

Rose stood up, bracing her shoulders. ‘I’ll get work and I’ll find a way.’

‘Well, I can’t leave you here, but I got to earn a living, too. You’d best come home with me.’ Cora gave her a calculating look. ‘Regan would take you on. He’s always looking for fresh faces and young bodies, especially virgins.’

Rose felt the colour flood her cheeks and she turned away. ‘I’m not that sort …’ She broke off, too embarrassed to finish the sentence. Cora had been kind to her, and how she supported herself was nobody’s business but her own.

‘It’s all right, love. I’m used to having my profession thrown in my face. It bounces off like rain on a pigeon’s feathers.’ Cora hitched her shawl around her shoulders as she negotiated the steps. ‘Come on if you’re coming. You can stay with me for another night or two, but you got to make yourself scarce when my gents come to call. D’you understand?’

Rose followed more slowly. ‘Thank you, Cora. I won’t impose on you any longer than necessary. I’ll look for work of some sort and a place to live.’

‘You ain’t going home then?’

‘I was happy in Bendigo, and Sadie and Laurence were kind to me, but they aren’t family. I have no ties there now.’ Rose fell into step beside Cora.

‘What about Max’s mother? Don’t she approve of you or something?’

‘She said we were too young to marry, and her husband agreed with her. They said that Max should establish himself in his career before thinking of marriage.’

‘Maybe you should write and tell her that he’s let you down. She might send you money.’

Horrified, Rose almost lost her footing on the uneven pavement. ‘I wouldn’t think of asking for charity.’

‘Suit yourself, but your young man got you into this mess, so it’s up to him or his family to get you out of it.’

Tears stung Rose’s eyes but she was determined not to cry. ‘I have only myself to blame, Cora. It’s up to me to find a solution.’

Cora shot her a sideways glance. ‘You’re obviously well educated, Rose. But without references you won’t find it easy to get work.’

‘I can cook simple things, and I can look after small children. I can scrub floors and wash dishes.’

‘Put us two together and we’d make someone a perfect wife,’ Cora said, chuckling. ‘Walk faster, Rose. I got work to do, even if you haven’t.’

Regan was hanging around outside the house in Black Raven Court, and Rose took an instant dislike to him. Despite his thickset physique and aggressive expression, his scarred face and broken nose suggested that he had come off worst in a good many fights. His unsavoury appearance, and the stench of his unwashed body made Rose shrink away from him, but his beady eyes lit up with interest the moment he spotted her.

‘You can forget it, Regan,’ Cora said firmly. ‘She’s not for sale.’

‘Pity. I could find plenty of work for someone like her.’ Regan smiled at Rose, putting her forcibly in mind of the Big Bad Wolf in the fairy tale, except that the teeth he displayed were broken and hideously decayed.

Cora turned to Rose with a warning frown. ‘You’d best go about your business, Rosie. I’ll see you tonight, but knock three times on the door or you won’t get an answer.’ She turned away, proffering her arm to Regan. ‘What pleasures have you got for me today, cully?’

Rose shivered as a chill east wind rushed up from the river. The sky was heavy with cast-iron clouds that threatened rain. She wrapped her shawl more tightly around her body and started walking, although she had no idea of where she might be going, but it was too cold to stand still. Her bright dreams for the future were fading fast, and she had very little money. She closed her eyes, praying silently for inspiration, and then she remembered what Adele had said just before they parted. Acting on impulse, she hailed a passing cab.

‘Elder Street, cabby.’ Rose climbed inside and closed the half-doors with fingers that were numbed by the cold. Sadie had warned her to pack more warm clothes, but she had travelled as light as possible, hoping to purchase a more suitable wardrobe in London. She wished now that she had paid more attention to Sadie, and had not allowed herself to be carried away by rash promises from Max. She took her purse from her reticule and counted the coins. There would be precious little left after paying the cab fare, but she had no idea where Elder Street was situated in relation to the Tower, and the pain in her feet was crippling. Perhaps Adele could find some kind of work for her that would pay enough to keep body and soul together until Max returned home. One thing was certain, there was no way she could raise enough money to buy a passage home, but she was not prepared to give up her dream, not yet anyway. She would wait for Max and they would marry and live happily ever after, just like the princes and princesses in the story books.

Adele rushed into the front parlour holding out her hands in welcome. ‘It’s good to see you, Rose. I’ve been thinking about you and your young man.’ She turned to the maidservant who had let Rose in and was now hovering in the doorway. ‘Bring us tea and cake, please, Bridget.’

The girl, who could have been no more than thirteen, acknowledged the instruction with a vague nod of her head and backed away very slowly.

Adele closed the door on her. ‘She’s still learning,’ she said by way of explanation. ‘But what brings you here today, Rose? Is everything all right?’

‘Not exactly.’ Rose clasped and unclasped her hands, suddenly nervous. It was one thing to be told that Max had been called upon to fight for his country, but quite another to put it into words.

‘To tell you the truth, Adele, I am in a very difficult situation.’

Chapter Three (#u40ff26be-dccf-51e8-9218-248f909f4da2)

Despite interruptions from Bridget when she brought in the tea tray, and another when she returned with a plate of small cakes, and yet again when she came back with the plates that she had forgotten in the first place, Rose managed to explain the circumstances that had brought her to Spitalfields.

Adele sipped her tea, frowning thoughtfully. ‘I am so sorry, Rose. You were looking forward so much to seeing Max again. It must have been a bitter disappointment.’

Rose nodded, swallowing hard to prevent herself from bursting into tears.

‘You were lucky to have been befriended by such a good woman,’ Adele added earnestly. ‘I’ve never believed in judging others harshly, and Cora seems to be very kind-hearted.’

‘She is, and I don’t know what I would have done had she not taken me under her wing, but I can’t expect her to look after me. I need to be able to support myself.’

‘Surely your family in Bendigo would make the necessary arrangements for your passage home?’

‘I’m sure they would, but I’ve come this far, Mrs Parker. I want to be here when Max returns from war.’

‘I don’t think you’ve thought it through, Rose, but I can see that you’ve made up your mind.’ Adele replaced her cup on its saucer. ‘Maybe Festus would have some useful suggestions.’ She eyed Rose thoughtfully. ‘You are well-spoken and ladylike. I suppose you could try for a position as lady’s maid or companion.’

‘I haven’t any references, and I wouldn’t know where to start if someone wanted me to put up their hair or wash their fine lace, but I’m not afraid of hard work.’

‘Wait here, Rose. I’ll go and speak to Festus – he’s attending to his correspondence in his study.’ Adele jumped to her feet and left the room without giving Rose a chance to argue.

She reached out to take another slice of cake, but, tempting as it was, she decided that it would be greedy, and she folded her hands in her lap waiting for Adele to return. The room was quite small and the heavy velvet curtains seemed to absorb what little light filtered through the small windowpanes, but a fire burned merrily in the grate and the air was filled with the aroma of tea and chocolate cake, furniture polish and just a hint of old books.

She stood up and went to examine the leather-bound books on a shelf in one of the chimney recesses, but they were all academic works on philosophy and religion, nothing that would remotely interest her, despite her love for reading. A stuffed green parrot seemed to be glaring at her from the inside of a glass dome, and she wondered why anyone would want such a keepsake. Its eyes appeared to follow her and she moved on to study a photograph of a much younger Festus and Adele in their wedding finery, but at the sound of approaching footsteps she returned to her chair and sat down, folding her hands primly in her lap once more.

Adele entered the room followed by Festus, who gazed at her soulfully. ‘I understand you are in a sorry predicament, Rose,’ he said in sepulchral tones. ‘Rash actions often end in disaster.’

‘It’s not exactly a disaster, my dear.’ Adele laid her hand on his sleeve. ‘As I just told you, Rose has come to ask our advice.’

Festus went to stand with his back to the fire. ‘You are a well-educated young lady, Rose.’

‘I think so, sir.’

‘Living on your own in a big city is not to be recommended.’ Festus stroked his chin, something he did when he was thinking deeply, which was a habit that Rose had noticed during their time at sea. ‘If you want my honest opinion,’ he said at length, ‘I think you ought to go home and wait there for your young man.’

Rose knew that this was good advice and probably the most logical thing to do, but somehow logic and common sense seemed to have flown out of the window, and a stubborn streak that she had not known she possessed had taken hold of her.

‘Thank you both, but it isn’t as easy as that. As I explained to your wife, I haven’t enough money to pay for a passage home.’

Adele glanced anxiously at her husband. ‘We would lend it to you if it were possible.’

‘Which I’m afraid it is not,’ Festus added quickly. ‘Our means are limited, Rose. But your young man is related to the owners of the largest shipping line in the country, isn’t that so?’

‘It is, but Mr and Mrs Colville are away on a business trip. There is no one in London who could help me, and, if I’m honest, I don’t want to return home, not yet anyway. What I need is a job so that I can support myself until Max returns from Egypt.’

‘Young ladies do not go out to work.’ Adele’s eyes widened and she pursed her lips. ‘What would your sainted papa say if he knew?’

‘My pa was a practical man, Mrs Parker. He worked hard for his living and he would expect me to do the same.’

Adele raised a hanky to her eyes. ‘Oh dear, this is very distressing. I wish we could help.’

‘You must get away from that place of ill repute,’ Festus said firmly. ‘We would offer you sanctuary here, but this house is quite small and it belongs to my mother. We have to respect her wants and needs.’

Rose jumped to her feet. ‘Thank you, but all I wanted was some advice as to what sort of work I might do. I didn’t mean to put you in a difficult position. I think it best if I go now.’

‘Festus, we can’t allow Rose to leave without at least trying to help her.’ Adele clutched her husband’s arm, gazing up at him with imploring eyes.

‘My dear, we’ve been out of the country for five years. I expect things have changed significantly since we left.’