Книги автора Shelley Cooper
Shelley Cooper
любовное фэнтези, героическое фэнтези, некромантия, магические миры, эпическое фэнтези, приключенческое фэнтези, романтическое фэнтезиWILL YOU HELP ME HELP MY SON?The beseeching words were spoken by the most enchanting woman police chief Carlo Garibaldi had ever encountered…
WILL YOU HELP ME HELP MY SON?The beseeching words were spoken by the most enchanting woman police chief Carlo Garibaldi had ever encountered…
Shelley Cooper
сделай сам, рукоделие и ремесла, хобби / увлечения, модные аксессуары, мягкие игрушки, валяние шерсти, валяные игрушки, оригинальные поделкиPolice officer Laura Langley's objective was clear: pose as art appraiser Ruby O'Toole and infiltrate suspected drug kingpin Joseph Merrill'…
Police officer Laura Langley's objective was clear: pose as art appraiser Ruby O'Toole and infiltrate suspected drug kingpin Joseph Merrill'…
Shelley Cooper
WILL YOU HELP ME HELP MY SON?The beseeching words were spoken by the most enchanting woman police chief Carlo Garibaldi had ever encountered…
WILL YOU HELP ME HELP MY SON?The beseeching words were spoken by the most enchanting woman police chief Carlo Garibaldi had ever encountered…
Shelley Cooper
сказки, семейное чтение, детская классика, поучительные истории, ЛитРес: чтецHave a wild, crazy affair. Of all the promises Gretchen Montgomery was asked to keep after her friend's death, this one posed a problem. Gre…
Have a wild, crazy affair. Of all the promises Gretchen Montgomery was asked to keep after her friend's death, this one posed a problem. Gre…