Книги автора Kerry Connor
Kerry Connor
сказки, детские приключения, домашние животные, сказки-притчи, домашние питомцыIt was dark, it was late, and they were total strangersCaught in a Chicago alley crossfire, Allie Freeman was running for her life when she …
It was dark, it was late, and they were total strangersCaught in a Chicago alley crossfire, Allie Freeman was running for her life when she …
Kerry Connor
юриспруденция, научно-практические журналы, юридические журналы, правоведение, правовые системы, теория права, публичное право, частное право, международное уголовное право, междисциплинарные исследованияHe could always spot a woman in distress, and the beautiful stranger hiding in Dr. Josh Bennett's trunk obviously needed help. Claire Presto…
He could always spot a woman in distress, and the beautiful stranger hiding in Dr. Josh Bennett's trunk obviously needed help. Claire Presto…
Kerry Connor
современная русская литература, космосAll Regina Garrett wanted this holiday season was some R & R. What she got was mixed up in a murder investigation, and the personal protecti…
All Regina Garrett wanted this holiday season was some R & R. What she got was mixed up in a murder investigation, and the personal protecti…
Kerry Connor
Kerry Connor
здоровьеJake Armstrong had no intention of getting involved with his very sexy–and very pregnant–next-door neighbor…until the night she was attacked…
Jake Armstrong had no intention of getting involved with his very sexy–and very pregnant–next-door neighbor…until the night she was attacked…
Kerry Connor
Jake Armstrong had no intention of getting involved with his very sexy–and very pregnant–next-door neighbor…until the night she was attacked…
Jake Armstrong had no intention of getting involved with his very sexy–and very pregnant–next-door neighbor…until the night she was attacked…
Kerry Connor
личная эффективность, саморазвитие / личностный рост, мотивация, личностные тренинги, дисциплина исполнения, мотивация и личность, управление временемFrom the moment he finds himself staring down the barrel of her gun, Rancher Cade McClain knows Piper Lowry isn't just another stranded tour…
From the moment he finds himself staring down the barrel of her gun, Rancher Cade McClain knows Piper Lowry isn't just another stranded tour…
Kerry Connor
All Regina Garrett wanted this holiday season was some R & R. What she got was mixed up in a murder investigation, and the personal protecti…
All Regina Garrett wanted this holiday season was some R & R. What she got was mixed up in a murder investigation, and the personal protecti…
Kerry Connor
It was dark, it was late, and they were total strangersCaught in a Chicago alley crossfire, Allie Freeman was running for her life when she …
It was dark, it was late, and they were total strangersCaught in a Chicago alley crossfire, Allie Freeman was running for her life when she …
Kerry Connor
личная эффективность, бизнес-стратегии, бизнес-процессы, менеджмент и кадры, управление персоналом, руководителям организаций и предприятий, карьерный рост, эффективное руководство, карьера менеджера, организационный и производственный менеджмент, организация рабочего процесса, работа над собой, управление эффективностьюThe mysterious blue-eyed stranger who showed up in the middle of the night wasn't just looking for work. No, when «John Samuels» signed on w…
The mysterious blue-eyed stranger who showed up in the middle of the night wasn't just looking for work. No, when «John Samuels» signed on w…
Kerry Connor
современная русская литератураThe mysterious blue-eyed stranger who showed up in the middle of the night wasn't just looking for work. No, when «John Samuels» signed on w…
The mysterious blue-eyed stranger who showed up in the middle of the night wasn't just looking for work. No, when «John Samuels» signed on w…
Kerry Connor
He could always spot a woman in distress, and the beautiful stranger hiding in Dr. Josh Bennett's trunk obviously needed help. Claire Presto…
He could always spot a woman in distress, and the beautiful stranger hiding in Dr. Josh Bennett's trunk obviously needed help. Claire Presto…
Kerry Connor
остросюжетные любовные романы, исторические любовные романы, литература 20 векаFrom the moment he finds himself staring down the barrel of her gun, Rancher Cade McClain knows Piper Lowry isn't just another stranded tour…
From the moment he finds himself staring down the barrel of her gun, Rancher Cade McClain knows Piper Lowry isn't just another stranded tour…