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Ultra Medicine – David Cockshoot

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Ultra Medicine: Essential Preparation for Medical Finals provides a one-stop resource for senior medical students preparing for their final exams. The book is divided into four parts. Part 1 contains a random selection of questions, mimicking actual exam questions covering clinical medicine. The assessment includes 120 multiple choice questions (MCQs) and a further 24 extended matching questions (EMQs) for written exam preparation. Detailed, fully explanatory answers are provided in Part 2, making this text a really useful learning resource. This enables you to check and refresh your understanding and is perfect to help you identify the weaker aspects of your knowledge. Part 3 reflects upon the history and examination routines and is neatly divided into the various body systems. The final part contains 50 objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs) for clinical assessment and provides the best hints and tips for House Officer skills. With the pressure in the run up to exams, this is the perfect buy for anyone who wants to lay their hands, quickly on the most reliable, effective preparation material. Don't delay, buy this today – it's just what you need to give you the final push to get the results you deserve!

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781405143820

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