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The Last Crawford Bachelor
The Last Crawford Bachelor
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The Last Crawford Bachelor

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“There’s got to be a good case for this, but I can’t think of one,” Dick Stanton was saying. He and Michael were sitting at a table in the law library, open books scattered around them.

Michael suggested several cases.

Dick said no, he didn’t think they were right.

Dani stepped forward. “There’s a case one of my law professors argued a couple of years ago. I think it’d help if I can find it.”

Dick and Michael both seemed doubtful, but they nodded. She scanned the shelves, pulled down a recent book and turned right to the case. She’d never forget it. Her professor had spent an entire week on this one case because of his star appearance.

After reading the case, Dick looked at her with more respect. “Thanks, Dani. This is perfect.”

“Yeah, thanks,” Michael offered.

She shrugged her shoulders. She knew not to make too much of their appreciation.

“Are you looking up something for Ned?” Dick asked.

“No, I think he’s going out to lunch.”

Dick laughed. “Oh. Then you’ll be free for two or three hours. Want to do some work?”

“I’d love to,” she agreed, enthusiasm coloring her voice.

“This is a sexual harassment case and we could use the female perspective.”

How ironic. She was about ready to file suit against Ned. Maybe she’d put together her own case while she worked on theirs.

She spent the afternoon in the library, looking up cases and discussing issues with the two men. It was the first enjoyable hours she’d had at work.

Ned stepped in a few hours later and told her to come along to his office. The anger in his voice warned her it would be even more unpleasant than usual.

Michael hurried to her defense. “Dani’s being very helpful to us. You know, you need a female perspective for these harassment suits. Could we borrow her for a little longer?”

Ned’s anger rose. “Yes, fine. Use her for the rest of the day!” Then he stormed out of the library.

No one spoke or moved for what seemed an eternity.

Finally Michael said, “Believe it or not, I was only trying to help.”

“And I appreciate it. Do you mind if I stay?” she asked Dick.

“I don’t mind, but you might not have a job on Monday morning. He’s rather difficult that way.”

“Then maybe I’ll file a harassment suit against him.”

Dick looked alarmed. He excused himself and followed Ned out of the room.

“Careful about throwing out threats,” Michael warned. “You’re not exactly in a position of strength.”

“How do you know?”

“Just because the guy is making life easy for you, it doesn’t mean he’s harassing you.”

“Why, thank you, o learned comrade. I’m glad you understand my position so well.” She began to put away the law books she’d been using.

“Not interested in good, hard work?”

As much as she hated to admit it, he’d pointed out an important fact. This was the first work she’d been given in the entire week. If she threw a tantrum and ran away, she would never establish herself here. She quietly opened the books again and began writing on her legal pad.

When Dick came back, he seemed nervous, watching Dani out of the corner of his eye. She continued to work quietly, addressing any comments or questions she had to Michael. He gradually relaxed again.

When the afternoon ended, Dick actually thanked her for her hard work. “I’m not sure Michael and I could’ve gotten this far alone. We go to trial on Tuesday. Could you help us prep our witness on Monday?”

“I’d be delighted to.”

“Ned said you could work with us. It’s an election year and he said it would look good to win a harassment suit.”

Dani smiled, glad to understand what was going on. “Yes, I guess it would, to win the female vote.”

“Uh, yes. Well, good working with you. See you Monday.” He got up and started out of the room. Then he paused. “Coming, Michael?”

“Yeah, I’ll be right there.”

After Dick had left the room, Michael whispered, “Don’t let this go to your head.”

Then he was gone.

Dani stared after him. What did he mean? The compliment from Dick? The success in avoiding Ned? She didn’t know. But she was enjoying the moment, whatever Mr. Michael Crawford thought!

Chapter Three

Michael planned to work all day Saturday on the manager’s house. The place hadn’t been used since Rob lived there when he’d first arrived at the Circle K before he married Abby’s sister Melissa. When he came down to breakfast Saturday morning, Michael was joined by Logan wearing old jeans and a shirt with paint splotches on them.

“Gee, bro, I don’t know how much use you’ll be if you put that much paint on yourself,” he teased.

Abby walked in at that moment, similarly dressed.

“Abby, you don’t need to help us. You must have a dozen things to do,” Michael protested, realizing at once that she intended to join in.

“Don’t be silly, Michael. Of course I’m going to help. So are Beth and Jed. And our family master carpenter, Rob. Even Melissa’s coming to take care of all the kids.”

“That’s wonderful of everyone, but it’s not necessary. I just thought I’d slap on a coat of paint and be done.”

“Absolutely not,” Logan said with a sigh. “These ladies go to extremes when they take on a project.”

Abby began laying out plans. It seemed Floyd had actually worked as a plumber in his youth and would be installing the new fixtures for the bathroom and the kitchen that Abby had ordered. And Jed had done some electrical work.

Michael stared at her, his mouth open.

“Don’t worry,” Abby said. “It’s to improve the house’s value.”

He knew better, but he thanked her as if he believed her. What a family! They reminded him a great deal of his own. That was why he enjoyed living here.

Within an hour, they were all working hard. He was taking out some old fixtures when a car pulled into the drive. He recognized it at once. Dani Langston’s.

“What’s she doing here?” he asked Logan.

“Abby invited her,” he said, giving his brother a sharp look. “Is that a problem?”

“No, of course not.” What could he say when they were doing all the work for his comfort?

He noticed Dani was dressed casually, also, though she didn’t have paint stains on her clothes. As she went past him, with Abby leading the way, she gave him a cool nod of recognition. Nothing more.

He didn’t see her for almost an hour until he stuck his head in the kitchen. She and Abby were laying a new linoleum floor.

“Whoa! That looks great!” he exclaimed. “I didn’t know you were going to all this trouble.”

“We’re having a good time.” Abby looked at Dani, who nodded in agreement.

“Well,” Michael said, not sure what to say. But then he remembered why he was there. “Logan said to tell you he’s getting hungry. Hard to believe after that big breakfast, but he insisted I tell you that.”

“Oh, wonderful! Come on, Dani. I’ll explain.” Abby jumped to her feet and caught Dani’s arm, pulling her after her.

Michael stood there, his hands on his hips, wondering what that was all about. Then he admired the floor. The old flooring had been nothing but thin sheets of linoleum dating back to the original structure from thirty years ago.

He heard a car honking and wandered back to the living room where he and Logan had been painting. He suddenly understood the message Logan had sent. The entire Crawford family had descended upon the Circle K.

Though it was only a two-hour drive from the Crawford ranch near Lawton, Oklahoma, Michael hadn’t considered that his family might come down for the day. Abby, however, had called and made arrangements. Now she was organizing picnic tables under several shade trees. He could see his mother and sister and his sisters-in-law carrying big bowls and plates into the house.

The door to the ranch house burst open again, and this time a herd of kids, led by Mirabelle, ran out screaming and cheering. The group swelled as his nieces and nephews joined them.

“Abby planned all this?” Michael asked Logan as they joined their brothers, father and Michael’s sister Lindsay’s husband, Gil, and his manager, who had married the mother-in-law of brother Pete. They never bothered with the exact relationship. They were all family.

Suddenly he saw his mother talking to Dani. He recognized immediately what the result of that talk would be. “Uh, Dad, can I talk to you for a minute?”

Caleb Crawford was a big man, robust and active though he was approaching sixty. “Sure. Anything wrong?”

“I want you to warn Mom,” he whispered as they walked away from the others.

“Warn Mom? Why? Is someone going to hurt her?” Caleb was instantly on the defensive. His family was his main business, and his job was to protect them.

“No, Dad, nothing like that, but…Abby is introducing Dani Langston to her. We’re both A.D.A.s at the office and Mom’s going to think she’s here because of me.” Michael rubbed the back of his neck. “But it’s really because Abby thinks she might be kin to them. I have nothing to do with her. Will you tell Mom that?”

Caleb raised one eyebrow. “You sure about that? After all, you work together.”

“Not really. She’s working with…another group in the office. Just explain it to Mom. Otherwise she’ll think—Well, you know what she’ll think.”

Caleb grinned. “Well, of five sons and one daughter you are the only one not married. She doesn’t have anyone else to concentrate on.”

“I need to build my reputation as an attorney before I take on that job. Wives take a lot of work in our family.”

“Shame on you, Michael, saying such a thing about your sisters-in-law.”

Joe, his oldest brother, must’ve caught his father’s words. “Is little brother complaining about our wives?”

“No, Joe, not at all. I just said wives take a lot of time, and I work long hours.” Michael grinned at him, but he kept his eye on Joe. He didn’t want his brother angry with him.

Joe grinned in return. “Go ahead and fight it as much as you want. Mom’s not going to rest until she’s found you a wife.”

“That one looks pretty good,” Pete said. “The one talking to Mom now.”

“No! She won’t do!” Michael turned to face his brothers.

The knowing smiles on their faces alarmed him even more. “You tell Mom it’s too soon. I’m not even thirty yet. Joe, you were past thirty-five before you married, remember?”

“I remember, little brother,” Joe said. “It’s Mom you need to convince, not me.”

“I think it’s so nice that Mike has a friend at work. Sometimes he works long hours. At least he can let off a little steam with someone he knows.”

Dani couldn’t hold back a grin. Michael would be furious if he could hear his mother. Too bad they really weren’t good friends. She could use one.

“Well, I think it’s so nice that all of your family came today just to help Michael get settled.”

“Your family didn’t help you?” Carol Crawford asked, sympathy in her voice.

Dani smiled. “No. I don’t have any family. I managed on my own.”

“Michael will have to bring you home for Thanksgiving. And Christmas. I’ll go talk to him about it right now.”

“No!” Dani exclaimed. She’d been thinking about Michael’s reaction and enjoying those devilish thoughts. But Mrs. Crawford was serious. “No, Carol, you can’t. You see, Michael and I really aren’t friends. It’s because I came to Abby’s house to find out about my grandmother and then we accidentally discovered we both worked at the D.A.’s office. That’s all. Nothing more.”

“That doesn’t mean you can’t come for Thanksgiving or Christmas. You certainly wouldn’t be the first woman Michael has brought home. I know that doesn’t mean he’ll marry you. But I say—”

“What’s up, Carol?” Abby asked as she approached them.

“I want to have Mike invite Dani to Thanksgiving and Christmas. She doesn’t have any family at all. I know it doesn’t mean they’ll marry, but she shouldn’t be alone.”

Abby looked at Dani’s anxious expression. “I think Mike makes Dani uncomfortable, Carol. Besides, she won’t be alone. She’ll be celebrating here with us.”

Dani hadn’t expected that turn of events. She almost burst into tears. She hurriedly rushed to the kitchen, under the guise of helping Ellen.

“Oh, my,” Carol whispered. “Did I upset her?”

“No,” Abby said with a sigh. “I think I did. I hadn’t discussed holidays with her. But the more I think about it, I think she may be telling the truth about Beulah. I’m going to visit some of the older members of the community and see what they have to say.”

“And she and Michael?” Carol asked anxiously.

“They aren’t really at ease with each other.” Abby ducked her head and then smiled at her mother-in-law. “I’d like for them to get together, but it can’t be forced.”