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The Danforths: Reid, Kimberly and Jake: The Cinderella Scandal / Man Beneath the Uniform / Sin City Wedding
The Danforths: Reid, Kimberly and Jake: The Cinderella Scandal / Man Beneath the Uniform / Sin City Wedding
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The Danforths: Reid, Kimberly and Jake: The Cinderella Scandal / Man Beneath the Uniform / Sin City Wedding

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‘‘Oh, for heaven’s sake.’’ Fisting her hands in the front of his shirt, she yanked him close. ‘‘Must you be so damn agreeable?’’

Smiling, his arms came around her. ‘‘I aim to please.’’

And he did please, she thought dimly when his mouth covered hers. Senses reeling, she melted against his strong chest, slid her arms up his broad shoulders. When he deepened the kiss, she met the thrust of his tongue with her own, and the minty, hot taste of him made her knees weak and her toes curl.

She could stop this, she should stop, but she didn’t want to. Since the day she’d met Reid they’d been moving toward this moment like a runaway train. They were careening out of control and it was as exhilarating as it was exciting. All she could do was hold on for the ride; she knew it would be a wild one.

She squirmed against him, anticipation vibrating through her. She’d waited so long—a lifetime—for this moment. Now that it was here, impatience had her clutching at his shoulders, moaning. She wanted to remember every moment, every thrilling touch, every glorious taste.

His breath was as ragged as her own; she could feel the heavy beat of his heart against her aching breasts. How she wanted him to touch her there, she thought. And other places. And how she wanted to touch him, too. Her hands, her fingers itched to explore his body.

He dragged his mouth from hers, his midnight-blue gaze seared her to the core. ‘‘Bedroom,’’ he managed, but was kissing her again before she could answer.

Slowly but steadily, their bodies still molded to each other, their mouths still fused, they inched their way across the living room, through the hall. So far, she thought, so incredibly far…

Had he ever wanted a women like this? Reid wondered while they made that long journey to the bedroom. If he had, that woman, that moment was lost to him forever. There was just here and now and Tina.

It had required tremendous willpower not to take her right there on the living room floor. Only the thought that he might hurt her had him reining in the raw need clutching at his gut. If it killed him, he’d take his time with her. Slow, he told himself. He’d take it slow. He wanted her underneath him, writhing with need, pleading, and just the thought of it nearly made him lose it before they’d even stepped into the bedroom.

He trailed kisses down her neck, reveled in the soft sounds she made deep in her throat. When he nipped at her earlobe, she shivered.

‘‘So sweet,’’ he murmured.

They moved through the doorway, into the bedroom.

Soft light shone from a beaded lamp on a night-stand, shimmered through drops of clear crystals and reflected on the walls. Pillows of all shapes and sizes adorned the deep-green comforter on the large, four-poster bed. The faint smell of lavender hung in the air, mixed with the heady scent of desire.

Standing next to the bed, he lifted his head, gazed down at her. Her lashes fluttered open, and her eyes, glazed with passion, met his.

Keeping his gaze on hers, he reached for the embroidered closure at the base of her neck, flicked it open, then slid his hand underneath. He felt the wild beating of her heart under his fingertips, the warmth of her bare skin, then slid the soft fabric off one creamy-white shoulder. He pressed his mouth to the curve of her neck and nibbled. On a soft purr, her head rolled back.

Tina wondered how she would survive the sensations consuming her. She felt as if every nerve, every cell, were exposed, a pleasure so intense it bordered on pain. Heat pumped through her veins, a rushing, hot river of need. Dizzy, she swayed against him, and the intimate press of her body against his startled yet thrilled her at the same time.

While his arms held her steady, his lips moved down her neck to nuzzle her shoulder. The light scrape of his teeth, the hot slide of his tongue over her skin made her whimper. She wanted that mouth on her, she realized, wanted his mouth and his hands everywhere.

As if he’d read her mind, he slipped both hands under the loosened neckline of her dress and slid the garment completely off her shoulders, then down her arms to her waist.

‘‘Sexy,’’ he murmured when his gaze dropped to her skimpy black lace bra.

The flicker of shyness she felt dissolved when she saw the dark, intense look of need in his eyes. When he cupped her breasts in his large hands and lightly kneaded, she drew in a deep breath. When he brought his mouth to her lace-covered nipple and suckled the beaded tip with his hot lips, she gasped.

Burrowing her fingers into his hair, she arched upward, clutching at him. A meteor of white-hot pleasure streaked from her breast to the ache between her legs. The need she felt turned to a burning throb.

‘‘Reid,’’ she whispered, not even recognizing the sound of her own voice. She had no idea who this wanton stranger was who had invaded her body, but she welcomed the intruder with open arms. She’d never felt so alive in her entire life. So aware. The smooth texture of Reid’s hair between her fingers, the masculine scent of his skin, the ragged sound of his breathing. There were colors and textures behind her eyes, and wonderful, ever-changing shapes and images.

While he moved his attention to her other breast, his hands guided her dress down her hips. The fabric pooled at her bare feet. She squirmed, wanting him with a desperation that was driving her mad. When he lifted his head, circled her waist with his hands and brought his mouth to her stomach, she moaned.

‘‘So pretty,’’ he murmured, sliding his mouth across the bottom of her rib cage. ‘‘So delicate.’’

His mouth and words aroused her even more and the urgency grew. As he trailed hot kisses across her belly, her hands pressed against his skull. She didn’t think she could take much more; she was certain a person could die from feelings this intense.

‘‘Reid,’’ she whispered hoarsely. ‘‘Please.’’

She helped him drag his top over his head. Wanting desperately to touch him, she reached out and slid her hands over the hard muscles of his shoulders and chest, felt the raw power and strength under her fingertips. When she leaned closer and pressed her mouth to his collarbone, he sucked in a sharp breath.

His taste, salty and warm, intoxicated her. She felt his heart pounding under her fingertips, felt the coiled energy rippling through his muscles. Mine, she thought. Even if only for this one night, he was really hers.

And she was his.

He lowered her to the bed, and the weight of his body pressed her into the soft mattress. He crushed his mouth to hers, demanding, insistent. She quivered when his hand found her breast again, arched upward when his mouth replaced his hand.

Every touch, every taste, every sensation, each one more intense than the one before, rolled through her, building and building. She wanted, needed, him inside her. Needed to end this incredible, wonderful torture. But when his hand slid down her stomach, then slipped under her lace panties and dipped to the peb-bled heat between her legs, she knew the exquisite torture had only just begun. He stroked her, matching the rhythm of his tongue against her own. She moved with him, frustrated at the pace he had set. Determined to speed things up, she slid her hands between them and loosened his belt, then reached for the zipper of his slacks.

Every thought of going slowly raced out of Reid’s mind when Tina closed her hand around him. He knew she was ready for him; she was wet and swollen, arching her body to his. With the last thread of control, he moved away from her.

‘‘Reid.’’ She whimpered in protest and reached for him.

‘‘Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’m not going anywhere.’’ While he tugged off the rest of his clothes and took the extra moment to protect them both, he kept his gaze locked with hers.

Her eager arms welcomed him back. He kissed her deeply, tenderly, let the passion rise to the same fever pitch before he slipped her panties off, then moved between her thighs. She opened to him, wrapped her long, silky legs around him and pulled him into her.

When she stiffened and softly cried out, he went still.


Her arms and legs tightened around him, held him close. ‘‘Don’t stop,’’ she said raggedly. ‘‘Please, Reid.’’

‘‘But you…but I—’’

She reared up, kissing him, moving her hips against him, making it impossible for him to think, impossible to do anything but hang on to the growing wave of sheer, raw need. Helpless, he moved inside the tight, hot velvet glove of her body. Blind pleasure, dark and uncontrollable, took over. The wave rose, then rose higher still, until it finally crested. She hovered there, shuddering, a moan on her lips.

His own climax slammed violently into him and broke apart, crashed and rolled.

Lungs burning, he pulled her close while his mind struggled to pull words into a coherent sentence.

‘‘Tina.’’ His voice was raspy, strained. ‘‘Why didn’t you tell me?’’

While her hand moved restlessly over his chest, she snuggled in his arms. ‘‘I didn’t think about it.’’

‘‘You didn’t think about it?’’ His voice cracked. ‘‘How could you not think about it?’’

‘‘I was a little busy.’’ Her hand stilled. ‘‘Would it have made a difference if I’d told you I was a virgin?’’

‘‘Yes. No.’’ He jerked a hand through his hair. ‘‘Yes.’’

‘‘I’m twenty-four years old, Reid,’’ she said thinly. ‘‘I waited to be with a man until it felt right to me. I’m sorry if that’s a problem for you.’’

When she started to move away, he hauled her back and pressed a kiss to her temple.

‘‘I didn’t say it was a problem. I just would have been more careful,’’ he said quietly. ‘‘I hurt you.’’

Slowly she relaxed, then shook her head. ‘‘A twinge, that’s all, just for a moment. Everything else was wonderful. You were wonderful.’’

‘‘Yeah? How wonderful?’’

‘‘Oh, stop grinning at me like that.’’ She pushed at his chest. ‘‘As if you don’t hear that all the time.’’

He rose on one elbow and frowned at her. ‘‘What’s that supposed to mean?’’

‘‘I’ve seen your name in magazines and newspapers,’’ she said with a timid shrug. ‘‘There’s usually a woman’s name attached somewhere.’’

‘‘Don’t believe everything you read, sweetheart.’’ He gathered her close again and lay back on the bed. ‘‘I’ve dated a lot of women, had a few I’d even call girlfriends. I may not be a saint, but I sure as hell didn’t sleep with them all, either. Okay?’’

Silence settled around them like a soft blanket. Somewhere in the room a clock tick-tocked; warm air hummed through an overhead duct.

‘‘Why me?’’ she asked quietly, stroking her fingertips back and forth across his chest.

Would this woman ever stop surprising him? he wondered. Strangely, he realized that was part of the attraction.

Because the way she was touching him was a big distraction, he took hold of her hand, then hauled her on top of him. She gasped at the unexpected movement, and the fact that he was hard and ready for her again, wanting her as much now as he had only a few minutes ago.

‘‘You really don’t know, do you?’’ He was definitely enjoying the new position of her body on top of his, not to mention the view of her bare breasts. ‘‘You really are completely unaware of how sexy and utterly captivating you are.’’

Her cheeks turned pink and her lashes fluttered down. ‘‘I figured you were just bored.’’

‘‘Bored?’’ He nearly choked. ‘‘Good Lord, woman. Where would you get an idea like that?’’

‘‘Sharie Jo Sullivan.’’


‘‘Sharie Jo Sullivan. A customer at the bakery. She said men like you get bored easily. That you’re always looking for a challenge.’’

‘‘Is that what you think you are to me?’’ He couldn’t believe he was hearing this. ‘‘A challenge?’’

‘‘I was probably the first woman who ever said no to you,’’ she reminded him.

‘‘I didn’t hear you say no tonight.’’ Reid skimmed his hands down Tina’s back, then brought his mouth to hers and nibbled one delicious corner. ‘‘In fact, I believe I heard a lot of ‘yes’ and ‘please,’’’ he teased.

‘‘You’re going to need a new head to fit that ego if you aren’t careful, buster,’’ she said with a prim sniff.

‘‘I’ll be careful.’’ He cupped her firm behind, watched her eyes widen when he moved his hips against hers. ‘‘Very careful.’’

‘‘Darn you, Reid Danforth. You’ve turned me into a loose woman.’’ Lifting her hips, she took him inside her. ‘‘Remind me later to thank you.’’

Later turned out to be close to ten in the morning, with food the motivating force that finally pulled them out of the bedroom. While Reid showered, Tina had her omelettes cooking and her own special recipe of breakfast potatoes warming in the oven. Considering the night they’d had, she was certain he was going to be one hungry man.

Lord knew, she thought with a smile, he certainly was a man with an appetite.

They’d dozed on and off throughout the early morning hours, waking briefly enough for a kiss or a touch…sometimes more. Remembering how eager she’d been for him brought a blush to her cheeks. And though she had no idea what today, tomorrow or next week would bring for her, she had no regrets at all. She’d waited twenty-four years for last night, and even now, in the light of day, she was so glad.

It had been amazing. He had been amazing. But there’d been no whispered promises, no mention of the future, and though it pained her to think that last night might be their only night together, she’d gone to him with her eyes wide open.

Unfortunately, her heart had been wide open, as well.

Sometime during the night, or maybe the first time she’d laid eyes on him, she realized, she’d fallen in love with Reid. She’d fought it, of course. It was, after all, very foolish and completely reckless. But clearly, reason did not prevail when it came to love. It simply was.

At the sound of the shower turning off, she slipped her omelettes onto plates, loaded on potatoes and was setting them on the table when he walked into the kitchen wearing nothing but a knotted towel slung low on his hips. Her heart jumped at the sight, and that ache she’d become so familiar with last night pulsed through her veins. The intensity of it startled her, had her wondering, and worrying, about tomorrow.

She couldn’t think about that now, refused to let herself give in to fear. She would accept what they had and be happy for it.

And then he smiled at her and her heart shattered.


‘‘Hey, yourself.’’ She swallowed the lump in her throat and forced herself to smile back. ‘‘Breakfast is ready.’’

‘‘Smells great.’’

He walked toward her, made every piece of her heart vibrate with longing.

‘‘It’ll be on the breakfast menu of my restaurant in one year.’’ She hoped her voice sounded as easy as she intended. ‘‘As soon as I have my space back from you, of course.’’

When he moved beside her and leaned close, her breath held, waiting for his kiss. But he reached past her to the table and snatched a slice of potato instead, then popped it in his mouth.



She was about to turn when he tugged her to him, then covered her mouth with his. She melted into the kiss, felt it sing through her entire body.

‘‘Very tasty,’’ he murmured against her lips and pulled her closer. ‘‘You know what they say, don’t you?’’

‘‘What?’’ she whispered, sliding her arms around his neck.

‘‘If you can’t stand the heat—’’ he scooped her up in his arms ‘‘—get out of the kitchen.’’

Laughing, she wrapped her arms around him and held on as he headed for the bedroom. At the sound of keys jangling in the doorknob, Reid stopped and turned. Tina froze, watched in horror as the door swung open.

‘‘Well, now, what have we here?’’


Clutching her robe together across her bared breasts, Tina blinked, then sucked in a lungful of air and managed a weak smile. ‘‘Hi, Aunt Yana.’’
