Книги автора Jean Vinh Tuong
Jean Vinh Tuong
руководства, юриспруденция, другие справочникиDynamic tests have proven to be as efficient as static tests and are often easier to use at lower frequency. Over the last 50 years, the met…
Dynamic tests have proven to be as efficient as static tests and are often easier to use at lower frequency. Over the last 50 years, the met…
Jean Vinh Tuong
саморазвитие / личностный рост, мотивация, лидерствоDynamic tests have proven to be as efficient as static tests and are often easier to use at lower frequency. Over the last 50 years, the met…
Dynamic tests have proven to be as efficient as static tests and are often easier to use at lower frequency. Over the last 50 years, the met…