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The Best Blind Date In Texas
The Best Blind Date In Texas
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The Best Blind Date In Texas

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“I suppose you know another great place.”

“Of course,” he replied with a grin. The glint in his silvery eyes told her the breakfast spot would be as unusual as his choice of nightclubs.

Amy smiled as he led her off the dance floor. They had no future together, but apparently their one-time date wasn’t quite finished yet.

GRAY PULLED THE LEXUS to a stop and cut the headlamps. He didn’t need artificial light to see the structure in front of him. He’d been coming here for years. This place was one of the biggest reasons he’d decided to move to the Hill Country.

He would have had some explaining to do, except that Amy had gone to sleep almost as soon as they’d settled into the car. He’d been free to drive as he wished, setting up what he hoped would be a good surprise. He’d never taken another woman to this place, but if he was to have only one date with Amy, he wanted her to spend just a little time here.

In the bucket seat across from him, she stirred. Beneath her open coat, he noticed how the pale blue silk dress stretched over her breasts as she shifted in the seat. Amy Wheatley was not only an intelligent, beautiful woman, but she was witty and pleasant. More than pleasant, she was desirable.

He wasn’t going to act on his desire, though. One date was all he’d have with Amy, no matter how much he’d like to begin a relationship. If he allowed himself to get involved with her, eventually one of them would get hurt. He wasn’t going to get married again, and the good citizens of Ranger Springs would expect him to ask Dr. Ambrose Wheatley for his daughter’s hand before long.

Gray looked out the windshield to the darkness. How often he’d come here, looking for answers. Tonight there were no answers to this unexpected dilemma.

He knew Amy wasn’t the kind of woman who wanted a clandestine affair, which is all either of them could afford. They couldn’t openly flaunt a sexual relationship, or even sneak around like a couple of teenagers for long. Not in a small town. Her reputation as a competent physician would suffer, and his as an upstanding businessman would be null and void.

No, there wasn’t any way they could have a relationship. For tonight, however, they could have a great breakfast. He’d take her home, explain again that he didn’t do second dates and say that he’d see her around town.

Such a bland statement of the potential he sensed for a mature, mutually satisfying relationship between two adults.


He schooled his features, then turned to his passenger. “We’re here.”

“Where?” She sat up and rubbed her eyes. “Oh, it looks like they’re closed.”

Gray raised his key ring. “Not to me.”

“You have a key to a restaurant?” Her sexy voice sounded sleepy and confused—a potent combination.

Gray smiled, anticipating her surprise when she discovered where they were. “Come on.”

He walked around the Lexus while Amy belted her coat and gathered her purse. When she swung her legs out of the car, he again admired her long, shapely calves and narrow feet, set off by high heels and pale, glittery hose.

“Gray, where are we?”

He placed his hand under her elbow. The gravel crunched under their impractical shoes as they walked to the porch. Overhead, a billion stars competed with the half moon to light the crisp night air.

“I know you were probably expecting a restaurant, but in all honesty, I make the best breakfast you’ll find anywhere.”

Amy stopped, her eyes showing some lingering, sleep-induced confusion. “Where are we?”

“At my cabin on Lake Buchanan,” he said carefully.

She looked around at the rural setting. “I thought we’d be going to something like a diner in Austin.”

“My omelettes are much better.”

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath of the crisp, clear air. “This is much nicer. No rowdy teenagers. No smokers in the next booth.”

“I’m glad you like it. The view is beautiful during the day.” Not that he’d bring her back here to see it, he reminded himself. Again, he felt a hollow ache when he realized he and Amy wouldn’t be dating. “My uncle used to bring me here when I was a kid. I bought it from him when he couldn’t keep it up any longer.”

“You’re a very nice man,” she said, her voice soft and throaty in the quiet, cold night.

Chills ran up his spine, but had nothing to do with the weather and everything to do with the woman standing before him. “Thank you, but my motives were also selfish. I love coming here to relax.”

Amy shrugged, hugging her arms around her. “Well, since I need to find another compliment you’ll accept, I could also mention that you’re a good dancer.”

“That one I’ll take, on the condition I have an equally talented partner,” he said, slipping his hand beneath her elbow as he guided her toward the cabin. “I’m also a damn good cook.”

“I’ll be the judge of that,” she said just before her tummy rumbled again.

Chapter Three

Amy watched the pale streak of lavender widen and turn to dusky pink as Gray pulled his Lexus to a stop in front of her house. Her brain told her she was a fully grown woman with every right to come home whenever she chose, but the little girl who’d grown up in Ranger Springs whispered that she was going to get in trouble. She half expected to see her father come out of the clinic with a cup of coffee in one hand and a disapproving frown on his face.

Not now, she reminded herself. As long as she was out “finding herself a man,” he’d probably offer them both a cup of coffee, a big grin on his lined, dear face.

“We managed to make a night and a morning of it,” she said softly after he’d turned off the engine and the quiet of dawn surrounded them. Omelettes had turned into coffee and more conversation in the cozy cabin, until suddenly they’d both realized the drive back to Ranger Springs was well over an hour—and dawn was approaching.

“Are you sorry?”

“No, not at all. I had a wonderful time.”

He reached for her hand and Amy’s heart began to race. “I’ve never taken anyone there before.”

“Then I’m honored.”

“I can’t take you there again.”

“I know,” she whispered. She actually felt an ache in the region of her heart, but she knew the condition wasn’t medical. No, this was much more emotional. Too emotional for either of them.

“I’ve told you my rule against dating anyone twice, but when I’m alone with you, the restriction sounds foolish.”

“It’s your life, Gray. You have to make your own rules.”

His fingers caressed the back of her hand. “But that’s just it, Amy. As far as my personal life goes, I feel like I’m not making my own rules. I’m marching to the drums of a certain two ladies.”

Amy smiled. She knew exactly what he meant. Her father was insistent, but she could tell him no. She didn’t have to worry about acceptance. Even if she didn’t settle down, her dad would still love her. Gray obviously wanted social acceptance, and wasn’t sure how his refusal to cooperate with Thelma and Joyce would be perceived by the citizens of Ranger Springs.

“Thelma and Joyce can be quite demanding,” Amy sympathized.

“Don’t I know it,” Gray said, shaking his head. “Sometimes I wish…”


He paused, and she wondered if he would answer. Perhaps she shouldn’t have asked, but he was so easy to talk to.

“That I’d never put myself out there as someone looking for a date,” he finally said. “This all started when I needed to attend a function in San Antonio and made an innocent comment about being too busy with my business to ask anyone. Before I knew it, my social calendar was posted on the courthouse wall.”

Amy laughed at his exaggeration. “We don’t have a courthouse.”

“Then they probably had it printed as an insert to the menu at the Four Square Café. That seems to be where they do most of their plotting.”

Amy silently agreed. The local café had been a meeting place for two generations. “You make them sound diabolical.”

Gray shook his head. “No, really, they’re sweet, wonderful ladies. They’ve just taken me on as their favorite cause.”

“Well, now that I’m back in town, perhaps they’ll ease up on you. My father will no doubt be looking all over the place for someone to marry his little girl. I’m sure he’ll get Thelma and Joyce to help him.”

Amy didn’t mention that they’d probably already discussed her and Gray in the context of happily-ever-after. Gray apparently hadn’t taken their one date to that next, albeit huge, step. She wasn’t about to bring up that subject! Perhaps in this one case, ignorance of the degree of matchmaking was bliss.

Gray assumed a serious expression and brought her hand to his lips. “My sympathies,” he said, perfectly deadpan.

Amy laughed until tears came to her eyes. “Oh, Gray, you really are the perfect blind date. No wonder those ladies are so good at fixing you up.”

“I’m going to have to do something soon, because after tonight, no other date will measure up.”

Amy broke eye contact, embarrassed at his praise, even if he did tend to exaggerate. “Thank you. The feeling is mutual.”

Out on the road, a noisy truck rolled past. Amy glanced over her shoulder, then groaned as the vehicle slowed to a stop. Joyce’s nephew, Lester Boggs, peered through the rosy dawn at Gray’s Lexus. Even from a distance of several dozen yards, she imagined she could see his pig eyes squinting to see inside the car.

“We’ve been caught,” she whispered, turning back to Gray as the old pickup slowly rumbled past. Lester worked at the feed store. By lunchtime, everyone would know Gray was parked in her driveway at dawn.

Gray watched the truck drive away, his expression thoughtful. Pensive. She wondered what he might be thinking. Did he resent being “caught” in her driveway? Was he worried about his own reputation?

“Want to really give them something to talk about?” he finally asked.

“No!” Besides, Lester was already gone.

“You’re right. Kissing you would be a bad idea.”

Her eyes widened, her heart thumped in her chest, as he leaned closer. “A terrible idea.”

“One of the worst ones I’ve had in the past twelve hours or so.”

“You’re so right,” she barely managed to whisper before his lips covered hers.

She’d been kissed before. Dozens of times. Perhaps never under just these circumstances, though. That might account for the way her heart was racing, the way her mind spun out of control as his lips sealed over hers and his tongue swirled with wicked, dark promises. Or maybe she was just exhausted. That might account for how she felt dizzy and short of breath. But all she knew for sure was that kissing Grayson Phillips was the most exciting, the most risky, event in her recent history. She responded with pent-up desire and unknown longing, until they were both breathing fast and shallow when the kiss ended.

She sighed as he pulled away, then slowly opened her lids. Pale light made his silvery eyes even more luminous. The early hour gave new meaning to “five o’clock shadow” on his lean cheeks and sculpted chin. She wanted to run her fingers through his salt-and-pepper hair, and pull his deliciously talented mouth back to hers.

“We won’t go out again,” he said softly, with just a tinge of regret, as his gaze caressed her face.

“I know. You were clear.”

“It’s the only way. Neither one of us wants the kind of relationship this town would expect from two upstanding citizens.”

“You’re right.” Her voice sounded a bit thin, as though she didn’t quite believe her own words. But Gray was correct; there was no future for them. At least, not now. Maybe later, after they were more established…If they didn’t find someone else in the meantime.

No, that was ridiculous. She wasn’t looking for anyone. Not now, when she’d already discovered the one man who took her breath away. How could another man compare to Gray? And what about his romantic future? Gray would have to make his own decisions.

“I’d better go in,” she said as he gazed at her in silence.

“I know.” He ran his hand along her hair, brushing her cheek and lightly tracing the shell of her ear. “I had a wonderful time tonight, Dr. Amy Wheatley.”

“And I’m very glad you were my blind date,” she whispered, the ache in her chest intensifying. Before she did or said something extremely stupid, she pulled her coat tight around her, grabbed her purse, and ran for the safety of her tiny house.

SHRUGGING OUT OF HIS tux jacket, Gray focused his attention on the sky stretching one hundred eighty degrees before him.

The dawn sky was still shaded in pinks and corals. A beautiful morning, but he felt as isolated and alone as this house.

Strange. He’d never felt lonely in this house before. Before last night.

He’d built on a hill overlooking a winding valley that was bisected by a stream each spring and fall. A narrow ribbon of water remained, courtesy of last week’s rain. This past summer, when the house had been newly finished, the stream had been as dry as the rest of the Texas landscape.

Gray had designed this house, with the help of a San Antonio architect, to reflect his new life. Clean and devoid of distractions, they’d included both natural materials and technological marvels. The wood, glass and rock structure rose from the hill as though it had been here for years.

That’s the way Gray wanted to be perceived. Permanent, stable, unobtrusive. He’d wanted to blend into the community, putting down a strong foundation for years to come.

For his company, Gray reminded himself. Some men built to pass along their legacy to their child. He had no children, no wife, to inherit. Grayson Industries was as close as he might ever have to a family. His choice, at least for the time being, he acknowledged. He had nothing against family…children in concept. But he didn’t want a wife. He didn’t want someone to dangle the promise of happily-ever-after in front of him, then jerk it away just when he’d begun to believe.

Gray jammed his hands into his trouser pockets as a headache threatened. Why had Connie’s betrayal hurt so much? Why was it still coloring his perception of his future? He wasn’t sure; he wasn’t a psychologist or psychiatrist, nor did he intend to visit one. Hell, he wasn’t even sure his attitude was a problem.

His desire for Dr. Amy Wheatley…now that was a problem.

With a sigh, he headed upstairs for his bedroom. He’d been up for twenty-four hours. With a little luck and a couple of aspirin, he’d be able to sleep a few hours before going back to the office. He just hoped he didn’t dream of a certain brunette with intelligent blue eyes, soft smiles and even softer lips. He’d had his time with Amy Wheatley. Now he had to face his days without her, because she definitely believed in happily ever after.

“THE BEST DEFENSE IS A good offense,” Amy told herself as she pulled her car to a stop in front of Joyce’s beauty shop later that morning. Instead of falling into bed and sleeping her Saturday away, she’d called as soon as the shop opened and made an appointment. She wasn’t in dire need of a trim, but she desperately needed to put out her own version of last night’s events so rumors didn’t get totally out of hand.

Lester Boggs had been a braggart in high school; Amy had no reason to think he’d reformed in the eleven years she’d been away from town. He’d waste no time passing along the news that she’d come in at dawn with Grayson Phillips.

Sleepy and anxious, she took a lesson from Gray and pasted a convincing smile on her face as she pushed open the wood door with a single diamond glass pane and walked inside. The smell of perming solution hit her so hard she blinked tears from her eyes. The salon she’d used in Fort Worth had better ventilation, but certainly not as reliable a system of gossip.

“Good morning, ladies,” she said cheerfully as she peeled off her jacket and threw it over one of the aqua-and-chrome chairs.

“Well, good morning,” Joyce said, looking up from her appointment, an older lady Amy didn’t recognize. “I’ll be finished in just a moment.”

Amy waved her hand. “No problem. I have all day.” She looked around the beauty shop, which in no way could be called a styling salon. Joyce hadn’t updated her furnishings or her hair color in a quarter century, not that anyone in town was complaining. Everyone liked the beautician just the way she was—meddling and all.

Olive, who tended bar nights at Schultze’s Road-house, looked up from her magazine, two-dozen pink perming rods bobbing with the movement. “Even after that late night?” she asked with a touch of humor in her husky voice.

“We did have a wonderful time at the fundraiser,” Amy said cheerfully. “It’s always nice to support a good cause.”

“Or spend time with a good-looking man,” Olive added.