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Breaking The Silence
Breaking The Silence
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Breaking The Silence

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“I didn’t tell you about the note he left.”

“You didn’t say there was a note.”

“I just didn’t want to tell you about it on the phone.” She didn’t want to tell him about it now, either, but knew she had to.

“What did it say?” Stuart shifted position on the love seat to see her better.

“It read, ‘I asked you not to go.’”

“What did he mean by that?”

“Well, it’s complicated.” Laura rubbed her eyes with her palms. “You see, there’s an elderly woman living near here in a retirement home, and—”

“The one your father asked you to take care of?”

“How did you know that?”

“Ray told me about her the last time I spoke with him on the phone. He said you were all gung ho about taking care of her, and he was very upset about it.”

“I think his being upset was way out of proportion to the situation, probably because he was so depressed. He wasn’t thinking clearly.”

Stuart hesitated. “It did seem an extreme reaction, I guess,” he said. “So, that’s what he was referring to in the note? That he’d asked you not to see her?”

“That’s right. But I had to, Stuart.” She turned to face him. “My father asked me to, and—”

“But…” Stuart interrupted her. “Your father was dead and never would have known the difference.” He spoke gently, as though he had no idea how those words would cut her. “Ray was alive. For whatever reason, he needed to know that what he thought and what he wanted mattered to you.”

She didn’t know what to say. She’d thought Stuart would understand.

“So you saw this woman?” he asked.

“Yes. I still don’t know why my father wanted me to, though. She has Alzheimer’s and doesn’t remember him at all.”

“Alzheimer’s, huh?” Stuart actually chuckled.

“I don’t see what’s so funny.”

“You’re right. It isn’t funny.” Stuart sobered, but it looked as if it took some effort. “Do you plan to see her again?” he asked.

“I don’t think so.” Laura shivered at the thought. Her last visit to Sarah Tolley was linked in her mind to Ray’s death.

“Good,” Stuart said. “Is she getting good care there?”

“I think so.”

“Then forget about her. You made sure she’s all right. You’ve done all you need to do. You found no meaningful link between her and your father. Leave it alone.”

Stuart was right. Her father’s money was still in trust for Sarah, and the attorney would handle any bills that came in. There was nothing more for Laura to do. She remembered the attendant, Carolyn, telling her how much Sarah would love to be able to go for walks again and have someone to talk to, but she quickly blocked that thought from her mind.

Stuart stood up with that same getting-to-his-feet groan Ray had always emitted when rising from a chair. “I’m going to head back to the town house,” he said, stretching. “It’s been a long day.”

Laura stood up herself and walked him to the door, where Stuart pulled her into a brotherly embrace.

“Ray made a lot of sacrifices for you, you know,” Stuart said.

She nodded, her head resting on his shoulder.

Stuart kissed her cheek, then walked out the door. Laura sat down again on the love seat.

Ray made a lot of sacrifices for you.

It hurt to think about all Ray had done for her. He’d given her the financial and emotional support she’d needed to further her career. He’d loved her through her successes despite his own failures.

And he’d even taken responsibility for the child she had never meant to conceive.

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