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Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager / The Oilman’s Baby Bargain: Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager
Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager / The Oilman’s Baby Bargain: Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager
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Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager / The Oilman’s Baby Bargain: Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager

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Cara opened her mouth, then clamped it closed with a quick snap. He could always tell when she waged a war of decision in her mind.

“Don’t overthink it, babe. Just go with it.”

The comment opened her eyes wide and she made a quick decision. “Okay. But, Kevin,” she began in a solemn tone, “maybe we shouldn’t get in over our heads. We both know why I came to Somerset.”

“Oh, don’t worry. I haven’t forgotten.”


“But I’m not making any promises.”

Cara’s mouth tightened into a frown.

Kevin planted a brief kiss over her down-turned lips. “Come on, I’ll drive you back to the hotel. You can think about Tasty’s all the way home.”

Cara didn’t think about Tasty’s all the way back to her hotel. She thought about Kevin. He’d touched her in ways she hadn’t allowed another man since they’d split up. Sensual images flashed vividly in her head. Her body still prickled. Nope, no man since had even made her feel like trying. Oh, she’d dated at times, but nothing had ever come of it.

Kevin had been sweet and attentive all night and just minutes ago he’d nearly made her forget her own name.

It’s Cara Pettigrew, she thought sourly. Not Cara Pettigrew-Novak.

She was still his wife, but in name only. She had stopped being a Novak four years ago.

Cara slipped out of her riding clothes, tugging off the new leather boots Kevin had given her. He’d remembered her shoe size, she realized. How many men would even know their wife’s shoe size?

“Remember why you left him,” Cara whispered in the quiet of her room. He’d been fun and loving for the first few months of their marriage and then he’d become obsessive and driven. For success? For money? For power? Cara wasn’t sure of his motivation, since he’d made a decent living and she’d never complained. She hadn’t asked for riches. She’d grown up wealthy. She’d seen how her own father had been driven and how much his obsession had hurt his marriage—and her. She’d been the daughter her father never had time for.

“Money doesn’t guarantee happiness,” she’d tell Kevin. But her husband hadn’t listened. His competitive nature made him want to prove his worth to Cara and her family. He wanted to measure up, she presumed, though she’d never once implied that he wasn’t enough for her.

When the hotel phone rang, Cara was grateful for the interruption of her thoughts.

“Oh, hi, Mom.”

Perhaps grateful was too strong a word. Her mom had been like a watchdog lately and she was the last person Cara wanted to speak with about Kevin. Especially after what had happened between them tonight. Ever since Cara had made her decision to divorce Kevin, her mother had been overly supportive.

“Did he sign the papers yet?”

Cara flinched. Her mother got right to the point. She couldn’t possibly tell her mother the truth, that she’d been blackmailed into sleeping with her estranged husband before he’d sign on the dotted line. “No, Mom. Not yet. But we had a…meeting tonight. Kevin is cooperating.”

“But, dear, I don’t see why there’s a problem. You’re not asking for much. Actually, you’re being quite fair with the settlement. What’s the holdup?”

What was the holdup? She didn’t know what purpose it served to hang around Somerset for two weeks, but she had to tell her mother something. “Well, Kevin is really busy.”

“He hasn’t changed,” her mother chimed in bitterly. “Just like your father.”

Cara swallowed that and continued, “Mom, you know I liked living in Somerset. I’m catching up with friends while I’m here. Taking a little vacation.”

“Dear, a vacation is relaxing in a villa in Siena, not begging for signed divorce papers from your husband. I’m worried about you, Cara. You’ve done so well for yourself in Dallas.”

“I was happy here, too, once upon a time.”

Her mother’s silence was quite telling. She couldn’t blame her for being protective. Cara had been hurt by the separation. She’d really loved Kevin, and no mother wants to see her child in pain. Cara understood all that.

“I know, dear, that’s why ending it quickly is better for you. It’s been dragged out long enough.”

“I agree with you, Mom. And I’ll get back to Dallas as soon as I can.”

“Well, all right. I hope to see you home soon. I love you, dear.”

“Love you, too.”

Cara hung up the phone and took a long pull of oxygen, thankful the conversation hadn’t lasted too long.

When the phone rang again, Cara let it ring four times. She was through talking for the day. All she wanted to do was climb into bed and get to sleep.

But her curiosity got the better of her. She picked up the receiver, hoping it wasn’t her mother on the other end with more pearls of wisdom.


“Hi, baby.” The deep timbre of Kevin’s voice oozed through the phone line. “What are you doing?”

“I’m getting out of my…uh, getting ready for bed.”

“Yeah? Me, too. I just got out of the shower.”

The visual image of Kevin’s hard-ripped body wet from head to toe and wrapped in a skimpy towel swept through her mind. She mouthed a silent oh, thankful that the word didn’t slip out accidentally.

She cleared her throat.

“What do you wear to bed these days?” Kevin asked.

The question was so audacious, Cara laughed. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“I would, Cara,” he said with quiet sincerity.


Kevin let go a sexy groan.

“Much. Nothing much. I mean, just an old Dancing Lights T-shirt.”

“I can picture you wearing that.”

“Kevin, why are you calling so late?”

“Had a good time tonight, Cara. Just wanted you to know.”

Cara nibbled on her lower lip. She squeezed her eyes shut, yet couldn’t shake off images from tonight of Kevin’s lips on hers, his mouth making love to her breasts, the tantalizing look of pure lust in his deep-blue eyes when he’d taken off her blouse. “Thank you.” She paused, then added, “It was a good night. I enjoyed riding Dream Catcher.”

“I thought you might.”

“Why are you being so sweet to me?” Cara blurted. She couldn’t figure out his motivation. “Our marriage is ending.”

Kevin didn’t miss a beat. “Yes, but there’s no reason we can’t be friends, Cara. No reason we can’t end this on a happy note.”

“Marriages usually don’t end on happy notes, sweetheart.”

He paused, and she realized she’d used his favorite endearment. “Ours could. We can be different from everyone else. So, are you picturing me dripping wet in my towel or what?”

Cara gasped and then laughed aloud. He’d caught her, but she’d rather die than admit it. “I see you haven’t lost your sense of humor after all, Kevin.”

“I’ve lost a lot of things, Cara.” His playful mood suddenly changed. “But not my sense of humor.”

Cara didn’t want to deal with the serious tone of his voice now. Sudden panic developed and she searched for an escape. “Kevin, I’d better get to bed.”

“Yeah, me, too. Sleep tight, babe. Dream good dreams.”

Cara nearly choked out a quick good-night. She knew what would fill her dreams tonight.

Good or bad, they’d be of Kevin.

Wearing nothing but a small towel.

The next day the image of Kevin stayed with her all morning long. Restless from those thoughts, Cara left the Four Seasons and walked the Houston streets, stopping in at boutiques along the way—she was bored with the few changes of clothes she’d brought for a trip she had thought would only take two days.

She’d told her mother she’d be taking a little vacation and, though she’d had to rearrange her entire schedule to stay on in Houston, Cara decided, a shopping spree would do her good. Why not enjoy the city while she was here?

By the end of the day, she’d filled two shopping bags with gifts for her dance instructors, a Gucci French flap wallet for her mother and several new outfits for herself, including a scarlet dress to match the new Valentino slingbacks she’d purchased.

The time had flown by. She had just enough time to rush back to the hotel and shower before Kevin came knocking.

It bothered her that she’d changed her clothes three times before her date with him for burgers at Tasty’s. Why was she trying to look pretty for Kevin?

But the minute she opened the door and saw the glint of appreciation in his eyes, she thought it was all worth it.

“Wow, you look great. Too good for Tasty’s.” Kevin toured her body up and down leisurely, and Cara knew a moment of satisfaction.

She’d tried on the dresses she’d picked up today, but decided instead on a pair of formfitting, black pants, very high black heels and a white, flowing, off-the-shoulder blouse belted at the waist with a gold-and-black twist rope. “Stop right there if you think you’re gonna weasel your way out of taking me to Tasty’s.”

“Okay,” Kevin said with a teasing twist of his lips. “If I have to. Are you ready to go or do you want to invite me in?”

He peeked over her shoulder and into her hotel room. His gaze focused on her king-size bed. Cara wasn’t about to let him in. Her husband was a dangerous man and she’d never been able to resist him when he smiled and spoke with charm.

Kevin still had a perfect body, broad of shoulder and slightly muscular, enough to show his strength without overkill. Four years hadn’t changed that. His grooming was impeccable, and darn if he didn’t look like he belonged on the cover of GQ.

Right now, his blue eyes gleamed with the kind of mischief that could get them both into deep trouble. She shoved at his chest lightly and pushed him out the door. “I’m ready for a burger.”

Kevin took her hand from his chest and entwined their fingers. He leaned over to whisper in her ear. “And I’m ready for dessert. It’s been a long time, Cara. I need to satisfy my craving.”

Chapter Four

Kevin helped Car a into his jet-black Jaguar, and then got in and started the engine. His Jag roared to life. All that power at his fingertips at one time had been a big turn-on. But now, Kevin looked across the seat to find his wife sitting beside him and he couldn’t think of a bigger turn-on. Cara, dressed for a casual date with him in her classy style, took his breath away.

He gritted his teeth with determination. He wasn’t going to make it easy for her to walk away from their marriage. Damn her, anyway. She’d been the primary reason he’d worked sixteen hours a day. She’d come from wealth, and his pride wouldn’t allow her to climb down that ladder to marry someone who couldn’t provide her the same sort of elevated life-style.

The success he’d achieved had been for her and for their marriage. But her patience had run out and she’d followed suit. He’d never forgive her for leaving him high and dry. The humiliation he’d suffered alone was reason enough for this retaliation. But it was more than that. He’d loved Cara. Really loved her. And she’d destroyed that love.

Cara glanced his way with a quizzical look. “You’re quiet.”

“It’s been a long day.”

Kevin snapped on the CD player and smiled. “Oldies, to get us in the mood.”

Elvis came on and Cara turned up the volume to “All Shook Up.” She knew all the words and sang along with the music. Her toes tapped in rhythm and she swayed her body back and forth. Graceful and elegant, Cara knew how to move.

He’d been resentful when he’d learned about her success with Dancing Lights, somehow seeing the studio as his competition. She’d moved from him to bigger things. Yet, from a purely professional standpoint, he secretly admired her acumen. She hadn’t used her family’s money for the start-up of her enterprise, but instead had taken out small-business bank loans to fund the studios. Now she was willing to end their marriage to expand her business.

Kevin pushed those bitter thoughts out of his mind. He was on a mission and couldn’t forget his game plan.

By the time they reached Tasty’s, his spirits had lifted and he grabbed Cara’s hand as they bounded up the steps to the fifties diner. They sat in a redvinyl corner booth and ordered cherry Cokes and Tasty Burgers.

The dated chrome jukebox stood in the opposite corner next to the long Formica lunch counter, and mini-jukeboxes anchored each booth. “Pick some songs,” Kevin said as he put two quarters in.

They both leaned in close to view the playlist. “Oh, look. They have one-hit wonders! ‘Pretty Little Angel Eyes’ was one of my favorites.” Cara punched in its number, along with a few other obscure songs from the past.

“What do you suppose happened to these artists?” she asked, her expression thoughtful.

He shrugged. “They tried and failed. They probably went on to lead productive lives in some other field.”

Cara nodded. “One would hope. It’d be a shame not to do what you love to do, though.”

“Most people don’t, Cara. Most don’t enjoy the work they do. They simply have to do it to survive.”

Cara’s sky-blue eyes softened. “I feel extremely lucky that I found something I love to do.”

Kevin searched her expression for any sign of regret and found none. It irked him that she could dismiss their marriage so easily. “You were always good at everything you attempted.”

“Thank you,” she said. She sent him a smile that flattened quickly.

“What’s wrong?” Kevin asked, curious about her change of expression.

She shook her head and looked down at the tabletop. “Nothing.”

“Something,” he prodded.

She lifted her shoulders. “It’s just that, at times, I think I failed as…a wife.”

Floored by her admission, Kevin furrowed his brow. “Why?”