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Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager / The Oilman’s Baby Bargain: Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager
Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager / The Oilman’s Baby Bargain: Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager
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Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager / The Oilman’s Baby Bargain: Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager

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Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager / The Oilman’s Baby Bargain: Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager
Michelle Celmer

Charlene Sands

Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager Charlene SandsNo one walked away from business mogul Kevin Novak…especially not his wife! So he plotted his revenge. When four years later she returned, intent on finalising their divorce, Kevin was unbending; the divorce would be official. . . if she agreed to one last week of playing house. And nothing would be off-limits.The Oilman’s Baby Bargain Michelle CelmerHe’d seduced Alexis Cavanaugh. So it was up to Mitch to wed the heiress. But Alexis was done being manipulated. She was carrying Mitch’s baby; but she would not reveal her secret until she had the billionaire exactly where she wanted him.THE MILLIONAIRE’S CLUB These millionaires are about to experience scandals and seduction.

Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager


Charlene Sands

The Oilman’s Baby Bargain


Michelle Celmer (

Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager by Charlene Sands


All The News You Need To Know…And More!

Who remembers four years back, when Texas mogul Kevin Novak was happily married? Didn’t think there were many of us. But one has to recall the fervour of the rumour mills when his wife decided to leave her billionaire breadwinner. Everyone was taking bets to see who’d become the next Mrs Novak.

Except that was not an option – for anyone. The Novaks never divorced. Did the powerful Kevin refuse to finalise their estrangement? Or did he always have something else in mind? (He is brilliant, after all.) Because the little woman has finally returned!

The Oilman’s Baby Bargain by Michelle Celmer


All The News You Need To Know…And More!

We all heard rumours that Mitch Brody had been plotting to help his brother marry the Texas senior senator’s daughter. He’d even gone so far as to “visit” Alexis Cavanaugh multiple times – wining and dining her in elaborate establishments. But when Lance Brody upped and married his mousy secretary, it seemed that the Brody/Cavanaugh merger was off.

Now, rumours abound that the still-eligible Brody brother is back romancing Miss Cavanaugh. Could there have been more to their meetings than one might have imagined? Perhaps the Cavanaughs are so desperate to marry into the Brody family it doesn’t matter which brother the groom is! Though we can certainly attest to Mitch Brody’s appeal – the man is quite the charmer. Or…could there be something to that noticeable “bump” beginning to appear at Alexis’s middle? Perhaps a Brody heir is on the way?

Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager


Charlene Sands

Dear Reader,

I’m so glad to have been invited to write Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager as part of the MILLIONAIRE’S CLUB series along with five other fabulous authors.

Set in the fictional town of Somerset, just outside of Houston, my story features dynamic, handsome Kevin Novak (think David Beckham) and his beautiful, feisty, soon-to-be-ex-wife, Cara. It’s a story of true love and second chances. The two have been separated by distance and regret for four years, and when Cara returns to her home town to get a divorce, Kevin turns the tables on her.

That’s when the fun begins in Maverick County! While Kevin snares Cara in his trap, he becomes a victim of intense attraction and admiration for the wife who abandoned him early in their marriage.

I hope you enjoy the story from beginning to end. In fact, I’ll wager that you do.

Happy reading!


CHARLENE SANDS resides in Southern California with her husband, school sweetheart and best friend, Don. Proudly, they boast that their children, Jason and Nikki, have earned their college degrees. The “empty nesters” now enjoy spending time together on Pacific beaches, playing tennis and going to movies, when they are not busy at work, of course!

A proud member of Romance Writers of America, Charlene has written twenty-five romance novels and is the recipient of the 2006 National Readers’ Choice Award, the 2007 Cataromance Reviewer’s Choice Award and the 2008 Booksellers Best Award. Romantic Times BOOKreviews magazine nominated her book Do Not Disturb Until Christmas as the Best Desire of 2008.

Charlene invites you to visit her websites www., and, to enter her contests, check out her new releases and see what’s up.

This book is dedicated to all of my friends and fellow authors on Petticoats and Pistols. I’ve never met a smarter, more wonderful, more gregarious group of authors. Thanks to Pam Crooks, Stacey Kayne, Cheryl St John, Kate Bridges, Linda Broday, Mary Connealy, Pat Potter, Karen Kay and Elizabeth Lane for being great Western blog pardners. Y’all make it fun!

The Millionaire’s Club

August 2010

Taming the Texas Tycoon Katherine Garbera & One Night with the Wealthy Rancher Brenda Jackson

September 2010

Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager Charlene Sands & The Oilman’s Baby Bargain Michelle Celmer

October 2010

The Maverick’s Virgin Mistress Jennifer Lewis & Lone Star Seduction Day Leclaire

Chapter One

Cara shut down the ballroom lights and stood in the middle of the floor of Dancing Lights, flanked by a wall of mirrors and elegant surroundings that she’d insisted upon when designing her studios. A smile emerged just as Elton John’s voice carried over the speakers. The song stirred up vivid memories and Cara slowly closed her eyes. She moved her hips, swaying to the rhythm and the poetic lyrics.

There’s a calm surrender to the rush of day When the heat of the rolling world can be turned away

An enchanted moment, and it sees me through It’s enough for this restless warrior just to be with you

And can you feel the love tonight

It is where we are

It’s enough for this wide-eyed wanderer

That we got this far

And can you feel the love tonight

“Can you feel the love, Cara?” Kevin had said to her the day they’d married.

Kevin had brought her hand to his mouth and nibbled, his dark blue eyes piercing hers. She’d tingled with excitement from that single gesture. Cara had felt his love, with every heart-stopping glance, every tender touch and each tantalizing kiss.

“Yes, I feel it, honey,” she’d replied.

He’d kissed her lips, whispering, “This is our song, babe.”

They’d hung on to each other and sung the lyrics along with Elton’s smooth tones, moving to the music as their family and friends looked on. She thought she’d married her Prince Charming, her college sweetheart who could make her laugh one moment and sizzle the next.

Cara’s heart swelled thinking back on her wedding day, thinking of being in Kevin’s arms, of loving him for all she was worth and hoping for the same kind of happy life she’d wished for so many of her dance students through the years.

She’d had such big dreams.

“Why, Kevin?” she whispered in the silence of the Dallas ballroom.

Gorgeous Kevin Novak, with the penetrating blue eyes and short blond hair, had often been mistaken for David Beckham. She and Kevin had their own private joke about it since, with her curly blond hair and sky-blue eyes, she hardly looked like Posh Spice. Cara smiled briefly at the memory.

They’d had such good times in the beginning, until Kevin had decided building his real estate empire was more important than building their marriage. He’d become a die-hard workaholic, neglecting her needs in favor of the next big deal. He’d broken her heart—hearing their song again brought it all back. The happiness she’d hoped for with Kevin had eluded them. Cara still felt the ache in the pit of her stomach.

She’d moved on with her life, leaving Somerset to start a new life in Dallas, but she hadn’t escaped the deep hurt and anguish Kevin had caused.

Cara snapped her eyes open and stared at the fading shadows in the mirror. Her silhouette reflected back the new, confident woman she’d become. She was a businesswoman now, owner of a chain of dance studios, and a choreographer and dance instructor as well.

No longer that optimistic, hope-filled girl who’d wanted a life and children with Kevin, it was long past time for Cara to rectify her situation.

She punched off the CD player and headed to the phone to call the man she hadn’t spoken with in over four years. She’d waltzed around this issue long enough.

It was time to divorce her husband.

Kevin Novak chalked the cue stick with slow, deliberate twists, contemplating his next shot. He was one of the best pool players at the Texas Cattleman’s Club, but his pal Darius Franklin was making him sweat for the win. “You know darn well Montoya is responsible for setting the fire.”

Kevin bent over the carved-oak vintage pool table and took his shot, the solid orange cue ball angling into the corner pocket. He knew darn well Darius didn’t believe Alejandro Montoya was responsible for the damaging blaze set at Brody Oil and Gas. But he wasn’t above using distraction to earn a win.

“I don’t know that for a fact, Kev. The fire was definitely an act of arson, but I’m not pointing fingers yet.”

“Montoya has always been a pain in the ass.”

Kevin missed his next shot and Darius lifted his cue stick, eyeing the pool table. “True, but arson? That’s an accusation I’m not ready to make. It looks like a professional job and if that’s the case, I’d have to rule him out.”

“I say he’s guilty.” Lance Brody, another of Kevin’s old frat brothers from the University of Texas, chimed in. Kevin’s four best friends were all members of Texas Cattleman’s Club in Maverick County. They watched the game, sipping drinks and cajoling from the sidelines of the club’s game room.

“I’m with Lance,” Mitch Brody said, agreeing with his brother. “Montoya’s got an ax to grind.”

Justin Dupree nodded, taking a swig of beer. “I think Montoya is guilty, too. He’s got issues with Lance. Always has.”

Lance scoffed. “I have issues with him.” Their rivalry went back to high-school days.

Darius eyed the striped blue ball and took his shot. The ball rolled into the side pocket and Kevin winced.

“Nice shot.”

Darius laughed. “It hurt you to say that, didn’t it?”

“Like a knife in my heart.”

Darius shook his head. “You’re a sore loser, Kev.”

“I haven’t lost yet.”

And when Darius missed his next shot, Kevin went full throttle, unwilling to give an inch. His competitive nature wouldn’t allow a loss. He sank the next four solid-color balls, then the eight ball, winning the game.

Satisfied, Kevin shook his friend’s hand. “You gave me a run for my money.”

Darius slapped a twenty in his palm. “I’ll get you next time.” He lowered his voice, setting his cue stick into its case. “So you really think Montoya set the fire?”

“I’m thinking he did. I also think he’s behind blocking my project in downtown Somerset. He’s got it in for the Brody brothers and their friends. Wasn’t a coincidence to find the area I’d designated for a major development is being declared an historic district. He’s got to be behind the rezoning. It’s all a little too suspicious.”

Lance walked up and put his arms around their shoulders. “Come on, you two. Let’s forget about Montoya for a minute. We need to set a date for my wedding reception. Kate deserves more than the Las Vegas elopement she got.”

Kevin grinned. “Yeah, you really know how to impress a girl.”

Justin added, “Lance really pulled out all the stops on that one.”

“Funny, guys.” Lance pulled a frown, but Kevin knew he didn’t mind their teasing. He’d found his soul mate in Kate and wanted to provide her a beautiful reception.

When the game-room phone rang, Lance walked over to pick it up. “Cara? Is it really you? It’s good to hear your voice.”

Kevin froze. All heads turned his way and he met with four pairs of curious eyes. Emotions washed through his system. A tic worked his jaw while he stood rigid and waited.

“Okay, I’ll get him. He’s right here.” Lance nodded his way, holding the phone up. “It’s…Cara. She wants to speak with you.”

Kevin strode across the room to take the phone. Before speaking, he turned to look at his friends, and with a quick gesture signaled them to continue playing and butt out.

The guys turned around and Kevin spoke into the receiver. “Cara?”

“Hello, Kevin.”

So formal.

God, he hadn’t heard her voice in four years. Not once. Not since she’d left him high and dry and made a new life for herself in Dallas. He’d kept up on her through friends and what little he’d read in the newspapers about her successful dance studios.

She sounded the same—sassy if not a little stiff. There was an awkward moment of silence.

“I guess it’s time for us to end it,” she said.

Images of Cara getting remarried immediately entered his mind. After four years, why else would she call? Had she fallen in love with another man?

Kevin didn’t know how he’d feel about that. She’d walked out on him and their marriage. She’d tried to file for divorce but Kevin had sent the papers back to her. He’d given her an ultimatum—if she wanted out, she would have to come back and face him.