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Manual Drafting for Interiors – Christine Cavataio

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The interior designer's guide to effective hand drafting The kinesthetic act of completing a manually drafted drawing gives interior designers a greater understanding of the space they're designing, time to reflect on their work, and the skills needed to quickly draw freehand for presentations and design concept developments. Manual Drafting for Interiors is an essential reference for interior designers learning how to manually draft scaled floor plans, elevations, sections, and three-dimensional drawings. Clearly explaining techniques and methods, it begins with an explanation of drafting tools and their various uses, and then presents instructions and illustrations that indicate how to complete increasingly more difficult drafting conventions. Additionally, readers will learn drawing techniques for indicating various materials, symbols for coordinating related drawings, and architectural lettering. Complemented with extensive drawings, inspiring examples, and tips for developing your own style of graphic expression, Manual Drafting for Interiors arms readers with essential skills they'll use throughout their career as a designer.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781118129999

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