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The Wolf's Surrender
The Wolf's Surrender
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The Wolf's Surrender

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Because it was easier than forcing her mind to formulate coherent sentences, Mia shoveled up a forkful of the hash browns and dug in. Her taste buds sang their praises so immediately and loudly that she was pretty sure her eyes rolled back into her head in pure pleasure. Apparently, she’d been hungry.

“Umm. Mmm,” she heard herself say.

When she opened her eyes again, Jenner had paused in the middle of sitting down next to her with his own loaded plate and was looking at her with that intense, heated expression again. Almost as though he was thinking about taking a bite out of her. But as quickly as she could blink, it was gone, leaving her to wonder if she’d imagined it.

It spoke to her addled state, Mia supposed, that she kind of hoped not.

“Tastes okay?” he asked.

Mia swallowed. “Yes, thank you.”

Jenner slid onto the stool beside her without saying another word. Not much of a talker, that much was obvious. And it seemed like whatever questions she wanted answered, she’d probably have to ask them herself. While she pondered what to say next, she ate another bite of food. It was so good she quickly had another, and it took some time before Mia realized that she and Jenner had been eating for several minutes in complete silence. She glanced at him, certain she’d be confronted with at least an odd look, some sign that her lack of conversation was off-putting. But to her surprise, Jenner seemed perfectly comfortable in the quiet, eating and lost in his own thoughts.

It was easy to imagine him doing much the same thing every day of his life. A cozy thought, one that gave Mia a warm feeling she knew she had no business having over this man. But…it was so unusual, to be with a person who felt no need to inject words into a moment that was fine without them. Jeff had chattered ceaselessly, sometimes nervously…mostly about himself, Mia realized.

And he was as different from the man she was sitting next to as night was from day.

She looked back down at her plate, which she discovered was nearly empty. Jenner, it seemed, was noticing the same thing. He leaned over just a little to look, and now Mia could smell him again, a musky blend of forest and wood smoke. She had a mad urge to stuff her face in his neck and breathe it in.

“I guess that agreed with you,” he said.

“I…yeah, it did. Thanks,” Mia replied.

He eyed her plate, amusement glittering in his eyes. “I don’t know where you put all that, but there’s more where that came from if you want it.”

“No,” she said with a laugh. “Any more and I’ll explode.” She put her fork down and watched Jenner return to his breakfast. Mia took a sip of coffee, thought a moment, then plunged in.

“So,” she said, not missing the way his shoulders stiffened ever so slightly, as though he knew what was coming. “How long do I have before I turn into a werewolf? And when can I go home?”

Jenner had known she was going to ask the questions.

He just wished she’d waited until someone else had shown up to answer them.

He looked at Mia, her expression open and earnest as she watched him through a pair of glasses that shouldn’t have been nearly as sexy as they were on her. All that thick, dark hair was tucked behind her ears, and she looked like a young, bookish innocent.

Young, she most certainly was. Bookish, maybe. Innocent…well, he hoped Mia wasn’t as innocent as she looked, because otherwise her life was going to be very unpleasant until she got used to the way things worked with a wolf pack.

And she was still staring at him with those pretty eyes of hers, waiting for an answer.

“Well, you see,” he started, and then stopped again. Damn it, explanations weren’t his deal. Running off intruders and taking care of the filthy menaces that oozed around the edges of their territory was. He wasn’t valued around here for his communication skills…and he was now getting a very potent reminder of why not.

A crease appeared between Mia’s eyes, the beginnings of a frown. “I am going home soon, right? I’ve got work.”

“Work. Yeah.” God, he sounded dumb. What would a woman like Mia do for a living? he wondered. His curiosity about her—strange for a man who was picky about who he spent his attention on—prevented him from giving her an answer that was vague enough not to upset her.

Or any answer at all, for that matter.

“Okaaay,” Mia said, drawing out the word. “We have now established that we both understand that I work. Nick—”

“It’s Jenner,” he said reflexively, and knew at once how defensive he’d sounded. Well, great. That would do a lot to help his cause. He snuck a glance at the clock on the microwave and wished it were sometime in the afternoon instead of morning. Then Bane could deal with all of this. He’d expected, hell, hoped for a groggy Mia to feed and send back to bed. Instead he was getting grilled over breakfast.

Mia blinked at the sharpness of his tone, but to her credit, it didn’t seem to put her off much. “Jenner. Right, sorry. Look, I don’t know what you thought, but I’m not exactly living a life of leisure back in Philly. I need to get out of here as soon as possible, today if I can. I know you said you needed my help, and I’ll be happy to tell your…your Alpha, or whoever…everything I know about Jeff. But that shouldn’t take more than an hour or so, tops. I haven’t known him long.” She looked away. “I really think we should call the police. I don’t want him coming after me. I can’t have him coming after me. If he does, he’ll kill me. But I can’t stay here.”

Her blunt assessment, and the resigned way she delivered it, surprised him. Suspicion, always his first reaction, made the hairs at his neck prickle. He tamped it down as best he could, knowing it was unfair. Or maybe he was just hoping it was.

He still couldn’t shake the feeling that he was missing something important here.

“I don’t think he was trying to kill you, Mia,” Jenner said slowly, unsure of how close he should get right now to the truth of werewolf bonding. She looked back at him sharply, and in that moment, despite her previous uncertainty with him, he could see the steel spine lurking beneath the surface.

“Yes he was,” she said flatly. “I saw the knife. He was about to finish it when your men arrived.”

“Jesus.” Jenner stared at her, astounded she could be so calm about this. “Why didn’t you say something last night?”

“I didn’t know the knife made a difference,” Mia replied, shifting a little. “I thought it was pretty obvious he was trying to kill me. What, did you think he just wanted to…to make a new werewolf girlfriend or something?”

Jenner resisted the urge to get up, get away from that too-perceptive stare of hers. “We thought he wanted to turn you and keep you, which is bad enough,” he said, skirting the issue as best he could. “Why would he want to kill you?”

He knew it was a stupid question the second it was out of his mouth, and Mia’s withering look said as much.

“Because he’s crazy. He thinks—” She hesitated, then shook her head. “It doesn’t matter what he thinks. He’s insane. I’m glad to know you and your pack are hunting for him, but I really think it would be best to involve the police, too, just to keep the bases covered. They don’t need to know what he is.”

Jenner’s instincts sharpened. He could hear the uneven beating of her heart, could smell the fear beginning to taint that seductive citrus scent of hers. His feeling that there was more going on here had been dead-on. He could see it in the stiffening of Mia’s shoulders, hear it in that unfinished sentence. But the look on her face, and the weariness still hovering over her features, made him stop. She’d tell him, or tell someone. She was going to have to.

Given what she’d been through, he’d wait to push her on it.

But not long.

“You’re forgetting, our sheriff is on it. Anybody asks, you’ve already been to the police. Buddy will get the word out, but this is going to work its way through both channels, Mia. Isn’t that better?”

She sighed and shook her head. “I suppose. I wish I’d never met him. Or at least that I hadn’t been so stupid when I did.”

He shouldn’t have felt relieved, but Jenner couldn’t help himself. All of his questions about her relationship with the feral were now answered. Mia hadn’t been engaged, or in love, or anything much at all with this Gaines. He could read it all over her face. And giving a damn about it, Jenner knew, was bound to put him in a foul mood when he had a chance to mull it over.

“It wasn’t stupid,” Jenner said, unsure why he was compelled to soothe her. Maybe she had been stupid about it, but he doubted it. “Sometimes we just get…unlucky.”

He knew more than a thing or two about that, and he could see that she got it right away.

Mia curved one corner of her mouth up in a small, self-deprecating half smile.

“Yeah,” she said. “You can say that again. Though fangs and fur kind of pushes the situation somewhere past just unlucky.”

Jenner chuckled. It seemed like he was going to end up liking Mia D’Alessandro, whether or not it was in his best interest. Her own smile faded away far too quickly, replaced by grim resignation.

“So about the going home?” she asked. “Like I said, I’ll talk to whoever I need to, but this was only supposed to be a weekend getaway. Just tell me what I should be expecting.”

“What you should be expecting,” Jenner repeated. He’d never met anyone who treated becoming a werewolf like catching a cold. He shook his head, amazed. “You’re a strange one, Mia.”

He could see right away he’d said the wrong thing.

“I’m not strange, I’m trying to be practical,” Mia replied, bristling. “Whatever’s coming, I can handle it. I can even come back at the full moon or whatever if it would help. But before anything happens, I need information.”

Jenner couldn’t do anything but stare at her. It was obvious Mia needed a few basic things explained to her, and he had no interest in being the one to do the explaining.

Damn you for sticking me with this, Bane, Jenner thought, taking care to keep it to himself. And though he hated to invade the Alpha’s thoughts almost as much as he hated having his own picked up, Jenner pushed out a request with as much force as he could muster.

Bane, could you get over here? Mia…that is, the bitten from last night…she’s asking a lot of questions, and I don’t think I’m really the guy to be answering them…

The response was quick, and though terse, laced with a little amusement at his expense that Jenner didn’t miss.

You’re one of us. Why not you? I’ll be over later, Jenner. Didn’t expect her to be up and lucid so early. Little busy right this second.

Jenner set his jaw and fought back a groan.

The blonde from the bar?

You got it. Smugness, Jenner decided, came through telepathy just fine.

“You can’t keep me here against my will,” Mia said. “I don’t care what you turn into, or what’s supposed to happen to me on the full moon, I’m not staying here indefinitely. I want Jeff caught, but as long as someone explains how it all works to me, I’ll handle my own…stuff. At home.”

The voice Jenner had found rich and warm just a few minutes ago had moved further into just plain “heated” territory. Innocent or not, he decided, this one had plenty of fire in her. Mia was obviously no pushover, nor a simpleton, which meant she’d probably do just fine here. Once she accepted the way things were.

He guessed an upside of being the bearer of bad news, though, was that Mia would probably want nothing to do with him after this. That would make things a hell of a lot easier on him. At least, he thought as he watched Mia cross her arms over her chest and glare at him with enough heat to set the house ablaze, it ought to. If he could somehow manage to ignore her presence in the Hollow altogether.

Which was unlikely at best.

Chapter 4

“Mia,” Jenner finally began, not really sure what he was going to say but aware he had to say something before the woman decided to punch him, “you must have seen a werewolf movie or two. I’m not saying they’re accurate, but they did hit a couple important points. You realize you’re going to turn into a wolf at least once a month from now on, right?”

That reminder took a little of the heat from her eyes, Jenner noted, and replaced it with worry. It was a step in the right direction.

“Well, yes…I was only thinking once a month, but…yes,” Mia said. “But, I mean, there’s got to be werewolves in Philly, right? I figured if there were a group or club or something, you know…they could help me sort it all out. Get used to it. What do you mean by at least once a month?”

The only thing that kept him from laughing was knowing it would hurt her feelings. He kept his voice carefully emotionless. “We’ll get to that. Are you talking about some kind of werewolf support group?”

“Why not?” she asked, and sure enough, a defensive note had crept into her voice. “It wouldn’t be any weirder than everything that’s happened to me so far. You’re telling me there are no werewolves in Philadelphia?”

Jenner shrugged, a gesture that seemed to irritate her.

“Does that mean no, or that you don’t know, or that you’re just not going to answer me?” Mia asked.

“It means I don’t know any, and even if there are, they’re not the kind of wolves who would be in some kind of club that would help you. There’s no known pack in that city, so any werewolves you’d find there would be outliers.”


“Yeah, you know…” He lifted his hands as though he could grasp the words he wanted out of the air. Had he wondered whether Mia was intelligent? This conversation was like being crossexamined by a particularly bloodthirsty lawyer.

“Werewolves congregate in packs,” he said. “It’s natural. We’re linked to one another. Telepathically.”

To his surprise, this bit of information seemed more of a revelation to Mia than a shock.

“Oh,” she murmured. “That explains why there were a lot more funny looks than actual talking last night.”

“It does,” Jenner said, relieved not to be challenged on something. “Pack mates can all speak that way, even over great distance. It’s a little weird at first, but you get used to it. And without it, the change, and learning to live with all of the other effects of being what we are, can be way too much for one person. The pack, this pack, is the support group you’re looking for, Mia. The group helps curb the basest instincts all of us deal with from time to time. Living away from the pack is unnatural. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen sometimes…but mostly, in an area without a pack, you’re going to find ferals.”

“Like Jeff,” Mia said. Jenner watched the way her eyes dropped, the way she wound her hands together and began toying restlessly with her fingers. The sight hit him with a flood of guilt. However much he didn’t want to be the one introducing Mia to the facts of her new life, he needed to remember what it was like to be on the other side of things. It had been ten years for him, years that felt like a lifetime away from the man he had been. And Mia had the added burden of not having asked for this. Whatever she might be holding back from him, right now she needed some sympathy, not suspicion. He knew a lot about evil. Mia wasn’t it.

He needed to remember that.

Jenner shoved his plate aside and leaned in close to her, wanting to catch her gaze. It was a mistake, he knew immediately. The scent of her, sweet and carrying the hint of orange blossoms, swamped his senses. His heartbeat accelerated, blood beginning to pump more quickly through his veins. The animal within him stirred, stretched.


“It’s going to be okay,” he said softly. The need to comfort Mia surprised him with its strength. She looked back at him, eyes wide and full of misery.

“I don’t see how,” she said. “I really don’t. Not unless there’s a way out of this that you haven’t mentioned.”

“Well,” he drawled, hoping to erase some of the pain from her lovely face, “there is the one ritual with antelope blood and goat heads.”

Damned if she didn’t suddenly look hopeful. “Really?”

He shook his head. “Uh, no, Mia. You’re stuck being a werewolf. But like I told you last night, it’s not so bad. You’ll probably like it, once you get used to it.”

She closed her eyes and gave her head a tight little shake, as though she could will all of this away.

“No, I won’t. I have enough to deal with. And whether you like it or not, whether your Alpha likes it or not, I’m going to be one of those outliers. I have no interest in quitting my job, moving to the middle of nowhere, and starting all over again.”


She opened her eyes, but couldn’t quite meet his.

Of course she has secrets, Jenner thought, hating the bitter, cynical feel of them. You’re a magnet for women like this. Get suckered this time and it’s on you.

“My upbringing…wasn’t the greatest. So I got away. I want to put down roots, not keep pulling them up.”

There wasn’t even the slightest hint of deception in her words, and Jenner immediately felt like an ass. Maybe she wasn’t the one with the issue, here.

Wouldn’t be the first time.

Flustered, Jenner tried to shift gears. “Don’t write it off when you haven’t even really begun changing, Mia. It isn’t easy to live away from the pack. And I bet we could find you a job here,” Jenner said. “What do you do?”

Her voice was flat. “I do web-based PR for a software company, and I do freelance web design on the side.”

Jenner thought of the Hollow’s one internet provider and single video game store and fought back a grimace. “Okay, maybe not the software company thing. But you can design websites from here as easy as in Philly. Just because it’s quiet in the Hollow doesn’t make it the middle of nowhere.”

Mia’s look said volumes about what she thought of that.

“Just because you love it here doesn’t make it not the middle of nowhere. This isn’t my home, and it isn’t going to be.”