Книги автора James Carroll
James Carroll
фэнтези, книги про волшебников, любовное фэнтези, любовные интриги, магические способности, становление героя, любовный треугольник, магические миры, young adult, романтическое фэнтези, магические академииWhat can we believe about, and how can we believe in, Jesus in the twenty first century, in light of the Holocaust and other atrocities, and…
What can we believe about, and how can we believe in, Jesus in the twenty first century, in light of the Holocaust and other atrocities, and…
James Carroll
любовные романы, современные любовные романы, короткие любовные романыWhat can we believe about, and how can we believe in, Jesus in the twenty first century, in light of the Holocaust and other atrocities, and…
What can we believe about, and how can we believe in, Jesus in the twenty first century, in light of the Holocaust and other atrocities, and…