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One Night With The Texan
One Night With The Texan
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One Night With The Texan

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And it was delicious.

“So, do you live here?” she asked, mesmerized by the way his Adam’s apple moved when he swallowed his drink. Was there anything not sexy about this guy?

“No. I various places. No one place I’d call home.”

“Oh,” she replied. “That’s sad.”

“Sad? You think it’s sad to live all over the world?”

“I think its fine to travel on occasion, but you need a home base. At least, I would. A special place you long to return to. Somewhere you can kick off your shoes, turn off the phone, sleep in your own bed and know you’re...well...home.” Tallie patted his arm. “But don’t worry. You’ll get through the hard times and find a home. I guarantee it.”

“I’ll take your word for it.” He pursed his lips as though he found her remark funny.

She finished her drink and he ordered two more. “Where is it you call home?”

“Texas. Far northeast. That’s where I grew up, where my family lives. I’ve been going to school at Tulane. In the morning I head home.”

The band kicked off another song just as the bartender set the two new beverages on the counter. The sexy stranger watched in obvious amusement while she took a sip. “This is really, really good.”

“I’m glad you like it,” he said, standing. “Ready?”


The tune was slow, moody and the perfect tempo. He once again enclosed her in his powerful arms and she rested her head against his shoulder and swayed to the music. She could smell his essence, feel the heat of his body. His hands moved up and down her back, easing her still closer. Then he cupped her face, brushing her hair back over her shoulders. She couldn’t see much in the dim light, but what she saw was mesmerizing. His amber eyes seemed to glow, but it was his lips that beckoned her. What must it be like to kiss him?

Before the thought could leave her mind he lowered his head and his lips covered hers, warm, gentle, enticing.

Tallie was struck by the soft pliability of his mouth, which was a complete contrast to the hard-muscled body that pressed against her. But the kiss was so brief she wondered if she’d imagined it. He watched her as though looking for any sign she didn’t want to be kissed. She smiled, conveying a silent approval. Apparently satisfied, he again bent his head toward her. “You are so beautiful.” His breath was warm against her ear, sending shivers racing across her skin. He returned to her mouth and drew his tongue across her lips, enticing them to open. Without conscious thought, she complied. His tongue swept inside her mouth, deep and decisive. He tasted of a dark spice, with a hint of the drink they’d been enjoying, along with his own unique all-male flavor, and she couldn’t get enough.

She gently suckled his tongue and he moaned, filling her mouth, going deep, as though he needed to taste all she had to offer. Tallie had never been kissed like this, with such expertise, such blatant sexuality. It was so far removed from the stilted good-night kisses she’d experienced in the past, and she knew now that she’d never really been kissed. Too soon, his lips left hers as he licked and kissed across her jaw to her earlobe. Then, as if he had no choice, his mouth returned to hers and she was once again sinking in a dizzying storm of emotions as his lips, his scent, the feel of his skin and the power of his body, consumed all rational thought.

He made a slight adjustment and she felt his desire press against her belly. Her body’s natural instinct was to push against him. In response, he moaned, low and deep. His lips again covered hers in another deep, drugging kiss laced with pure fire.

The way he held her and kissed her was so primal, so captivating. She could sense his strength even though he held it at bay. He gave her no time to think as he returned to her lips, both hands cupping her face as he pushed any other thought from her mind. Then one hand came around her waist, holding her close while the other entangled in her hair, drawing her head back as the kiss deepened, intensified. She gripped the front of his open jacket and held on as the feel of hot lava ran through her veins, pooling below her belly.

It was amazing how their bodies fit together so perfectly. Her breasts pressed against his broad chest. His muscular thighs and his erection pushed hard against her. A cloud of heat surrounded her and sexual instincts overtook logic as she moved against him. Had they stopped dancing? Were they still on the dance floor?

Tallie didn’t want to open her eyes for fear it might break the spell.

Two (#ulink_8811c348-345a-5c16-bcd1-e68b67f75544)

The world around them disappeared. Tallie knew only the warmth and taste of this stranger’s lips and tongue and the incredible way he made her feel. His scent was pure male. His actions screamed experience. Lots of it. And she never wanted this to end. There was something in his voice, in his body language, that drew her to him. Maybe it was a rush of pheromones? Whatever the cause, it was definitely past time to take some risks in her admittedly sheltered life. This man looked like he’d seen both the worst life had to offer and the best. What tremendous hardships had he weathered? No home. Old clothes that didn’t fit. Every time she’d seen him over the course of the evening he’d been alone. She didn’t want him to be alone.

Slowly their lips parted and his strong arms surrounded her, holding her close.

“The music stopped,” he said, his voice deep and raspy. “I could use some fresh air. How about you?”

When she nodded her agreement he took her by the hand and headed for the door. Outside he continued to lead her down the worn sidewalk, where they were surrounded by revelers who didn’t seem to have a care in the world.

Tallie hated for the evening to end. This was one night she would never forget. “Thanks for dancing with me. I love to dance and don’t get to do it very often.”

“It was my pleasure. Let me walk you back to your hotel.”

“Thank you. It’s this way.” She pointed then frowned. “Oh. No, it’s that way.” She looked back at him and detected humor in his eyes. “I can’t remember how I got here. But I’ll figure it out. You don’t have to stay out here because of me.”

“What’s the name of your hotel?”

Surely she could remember. But she finally had to admit she didn’t have a clue. “It’s something in French.” She absently chewed her bottom lip, shook her head and once again looked around where they stood.

“How about coming to my place? We can have a bite to eat, make some tea and I’m sure your memory will come back.”

The delicious drinks were clouding her mind. Even outside in the evening air, her head was still spinning.

“You know you really are a very nice man.”

“Don’t think I’m too nice,” he said, taking her hand and leading her down the darkened street. “Not when I have a beautiful woman in my arms.”

Since she had never been considered beautiful in her life, his words struck her as funny. Tallie couldn’t stop the giggle from leaving her throat.

She felt light on her feet, as though she was floating on air. Then she realized that he’d picked her up and was carrying her in his arms. After that, everything was a blur. A bell dinged and doors opened in front of them. She rested her head on his shoulder thinking what an incredible night it had been.

She caught a glimpse of his face through the darkening shadows. So very male. The deep indentions on both sides of his mouth seemed to make him that much more delicious. But it was those golden eyes that consumed her.

She had a vague realization that they were in a private apartment, although there was no light in the room. He set her on her feet.

“I’ll put that tea on,” he said and stepped back from her.

Tallie stepped forward, her hands running down the front of his shirt. Standing on her tiptoes, she placed her lips on his. The passion between them surged.

He pulled back. “Be very careful of what you ask for, darlin’. You’re playing with fire and you’re likely to get burned. I don’t do relationships.”

“What do you do?” Tallie was acting out of character, but it felt good. For the first time in her life she was actually flirting with a man.

“I think I’d better make the tea.”

“Do you really want tea?”

He stared at her in silence. She had her answer and suddenly she felt foolish. She could feel the blush crawl up her neck and cover her face. “I’m not looking for a relationship, either,” she said, turning away and picking up her purse. “And I know when I’m not wanted. Thanks again for the dance. Good night.”

Tallie walked toward the door.

Before she could open it he was in front of her, ensuring the door remained closed.

“Where are you going?”

“Back to my hotel. I’m just having a little trouble remembering where it is.” The humiliation burned inside like acid, acting as anti-venom for the passion she’d felt only moments ago. It stopped her from doing anything else stupid but couldn’t reverse the damage already done. She should never have accepted his offer to dance. “I’ll get a taxi.”

“And tell them to go where?”

He took her purse from her hand and tossed it behind them on the sofa. Then he picked her up again and carried her to a bedroom, setting her down gently next to the bed. His lips found hers again in a smoldering kiss. She was dimly aware he was unbuttoning her blouse. She sensed coolness against her back and a freedom from any restrictions and hazily realized he had removed her blouse and her bra. She ran her arms across the cool, silken sheets. The scent of incense hung heavy in the air around them. With one fluid movement his jacket and T-shirt hit the floor and she heard the zipper on his jeans.

His body was magnificent and Tallie knew they were about to cross a line, one that seemed to be growing blurrier by the second. If she didn’t say no immediately, he was going to make love to her.

As if sensing her apprehension, he raised his head, watching her through the dim glow of the subdued lighting, his eyes almost black with desire.

Her gaze moved over his face, finally coming to rest on his mouth.

“Are...are you married?” she whispered, running one finger across his bottom lip.

“No.” He lightly bit the tip of her finger before sucking it gently into his mouth and then releasing it. A shot of pure heat speared through her. “I’m going to make love to you. But I need to know you’re okay with this.”

“Yes,” she said. More than he might ever know. Any other time her timidity would step in and she wouldn’t think of admitting such a thing. She wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol she’d consumed or the man.

“I was hoping you would say that.”

Bracing his weight on both his arms and one knee, he hovered over her, kissing her cheek and trailing his teeth across her jawline, causing a surge of heat to flood her lower regions.

Oh, yes. She was very sure she wanted this. To hell with caution and rational thinking. She reached out to touch his face and felt the coarse five-o’clock shadow. In his arms she ached, overwhelmed with the feeling she was incomplete, needing him to make her whole. He kissed the palm of her hand then proceeded to suckle her fingers one finger at a time. His heavy body settled over hers. She felt his erection, hard and unyielding against her core, and heard him emit a deep growl. Pure liquid heat ran through her veins and Tallie was lost. Her head fell back on the pillow as the world spun. She pressed against him out of pure instinct, needing more, her body demanding it.

This incredible man was about to make love to her. And she was going to let him. A complete stranger. She’d gone around the bend to insanity. She inhaled a deep breath, the need for him destroying the last of her common sense. Her body was on fire. Was she dreaming? Or was this her prince charming in disguise? In this moment it didn’t matter. She was his. And she really couldn’t imagine anything better.

He stripped her of her jeans and panties in short order. She heard his own jeans hit the floor and then he was back. The strands of gold, blue and red beads fell around her breasts. They felt cold compared to the heat that was raging through her. His hand slid down over her stomach and farther, testing to ensure she was ready for him. He adjusted his body over hers. She knew a moment of panic as she noted the immense size of him. She wouldn’t be able to compete with his overpowering strength. She suddenly felt small and helpless as she realized she would have no control.

“This is your last chance to say no,” he told her, as if reading her mind, his voice both deep and hoarse with emotion. His breathing was shallow. She felt the blunt end of his sex positioned at her core. “Once I’m inside you, I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to stop.”

All Tallie could do was nod her head and hope her instincts about this man were right. She wanted this. Just once in her life she wanted to be with a man who could give her the experience she’d previously only heard about. Just once.

In what seemed to be slow motion, his lips again descended, finding and suckling her breast. His large hand kneaded the other, gently pinching her swollen nipple, making her arch her back as she swelled under his touch. Then he cupped her head in his hands, as though holding her where she needed to be. She inhaled the raw scent of him, lost in the heady potency that surrounded him. She felt her body relax, her mind clear of all thought, accepting what was to come without any thought of denying him what she knew he was about to take. The breath left her lungs on a sigh as the world grew dark and he was all that existed.

He pushed inside and the last remnant of her mind disappeared. Even though he went slowly, careful not to hurt her, she’d never been filled to such a degree. She hadn’t realized how muscular he was; how much bigger his body felt against hers. She inhaled a shuddering breath. As if understanding, he stopped.

“Take it easy, hon,” he whispered against her ear. “Just let yourself relax.”

Seconds passed and the pressure turned to incessant need. When she pushed against him, he began to move. Deeper. Harder. It sent her spiraling and, almost instantaneously, with a cry, she exploded. He held her close, encouraging, speaking words that made her climax go on and on.

She heard the foil packet being ripped open and seconds later he returned to her. He raised her hands above her head and kissed her neck and breasts as he entered her and once again began to move. This time more forcefully, almost urgently, his strength obvious in the way he held her; the way he took her. He pounded into her until it was both too much and yet not enough, bringing her to the edge then backing off, over and over until she wanted to scream.

She whimpered her frustration.

“What is it you want, sweetheart?”

“Please,” she whispered, straining against him. “It’s so hot.”

The excessive heat between her legs burned and there was only one person who could give her relief.

He began to move again and this time it was with one intention. She became separated from reality, her body one with his. She couldn’t open to him enough as he fulfilled her every need, bringing her to orgasm then joining her. The groan he made as he found his release was the sexiest sound she’d ever heard.

He fell to her side and pulled her next to him, her head on his shoulder. She experienced the feeling of a warm, cozy cocoon, his heavy arms around her, holding her close. Later in the night she was awakened and, once again, knew mindless passion. Then, once again, she slept.

* * *

“Tallie!” a woman’s voice called out, followed by a knock on the door. “Tallie, where are you?”

She opened her eyes and looked around the room at the strange surroundings. “I’m in here,” she responded in a sleepy voice. The door opened and Ginger and Mac sailed into the room.

“When you never came back to the hotel, we got pretty worried,” Mac said, walking around the room. The soft morning sunlight attempted to enter through the edges of the lush, thick draperies. “Then early this morning some man called from your phone and left a message saying you were okay and where we could find you. He must have seen our panicky texts.”

Tallie sat up, immediately realizing she had on no clothes. Covering herself with the sheet, she rubbed her eyes and yawned. “What time is it?”

“Almost eight, you wicked, lucky girl.” Ginger smiled and winked at Tallie. “Who would have ever thought that, of the three of us, Miss Quiet Mouse would be the one to get lucky?”

“ the morning?”

“Yep. We need to get back to the hotel and pack. Our flight is at noon,” Mac reminded her. “And you will have two hours to tell us every naughty luscious tidbit of last night’s little escapade.” She tossed Tallie her clothes. “And this is one you’re not getting out of.”

“Are you going to see him again?” Ginger asked. “I couldn’t see him very well in the bar. Is he cute?”

Tallie didn’t know what to say. Cute was not an adjective she would use to describe him. Sixteen-year-old boys were cute. This was a man in every sense of the word. As far as his looks, she hadn’t gotten a very good look at him—everywhere they met, it had been dark. Would she recognize him again? Possibly. Possibly not. “I would have to say he was handsome,” she told Ginger. “And definitely sexy.”

“Yeah, we kinda got that.”

“He had a sexy voice when he called,” Mac added.

As Tallie moved to get out of bed she felt sore in places she never knew she had. She smiled to herself. He had been an exceedingly patient and proficient lover. Amazing. Just as she put her feet on the plush carpet a sight caught her eye. A folded store receipt. On the back was written “You are the best. Thanks, C—”

“What is that?” Ginger asked.

“Did he write you a note?” Mac asked, walking toward the bed. “I hope you got his phone number!”

Still staring at the receipt in her hand she slowly shook her head, still stunned that she’d lost all control last night.

“I don’t even know his name.”

Three (#ulink_95a039f2-f505-52ae-b956-75ca6c9acf0f)

Three months later

Tallie looked around her at the open farmland extending as far as her eyes could see. A river snaked through the golden, knee-high wheat, feeding huge trees that grew sporadically in giant clumps near its edge. An old trapper’s shack that a sneeze could probably blow down sat under the branches of a giant, towering oak. To the east were cliffs, their dark red composite a vivid contrast to the white-gold of the wheat. Dark impressions on the face of the cliffs gave indication of caves, which could have at one time been home to ancient people.

It had taken her an enormous effort to get the huge bulldozers and other machinery to shut down on this site. But she’d finally ascertained which man was the head of this operation and waved the court document under his nose. Now, with the motors of the huge machines turned off, only the sound of the wind blowing through the wheat and the occasional call of a bird remained.

Somehow in this mass of timber, cliffs and cultivated soil that went on for miles she was supposed to find confirmation that an ancient people had, at one time, existed. A tribe of Native Americans never referenced in any record book in history. Never mentioned by scholars or spoken of in the homes of the people. Except one: her paternal grandmother’s. The day before she’d died.

When a person so dear to her heart asked Tallie to find her people and, with trembling hands, opened her palm and dropped a tiny token into hers, Tallie had no other option but to promise she would do as asked. A sense of calm had overtaken her ipokini and, with a smile, she’d handed Tallie one other item: a doeskin about two feet square, rolled and tied with a braid of leather.

On the inside of the doeskin was a crude, hand-drawn map. One large area, marked in faded red powder, must relate to what her grandmother had asked her to find. It encompassed an area from a river on the west where the water washed the roots of a massive oak tree to just beyond cliffs to the east. At various points inside the red circle were rudimentary images similar to those found in caves. A horse. A deer. A warrior with a lance. A teepee village. At the top, a cryptic design indicated mountains. Across the bottom the word Oshahunntee. The tribe of no existence. Like many of the words taught by her grandmother, it was also unknown to all but a few.

Her ipokini was not a wealthy woman. Her gold was encased in a heart as big as Texas and spread among all the people she’d helped for almost one hundred years. For her to give Tallie something that must have been so special to her was a great honor. Tallie had promised her then—and in her heart now—that she wouldn’t let her down.