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Babe in the Woods
Babe in the Woods
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Babe in the Woods

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Babe in the Woods
Caroline Burnes

Rebecca Barrett had come to Mississippi to oversee the excavation of priceless artifacts at Blackthorn. But it was the search for a heard-but-never-seen baby that became the focus of her days. However, the harder Rebecca looked for answers, the more the danger increased, and she knew it was time to call in the enigmatic sheriff, Dru Colson….This wasn't the first time Dru had been called to the infamous property to investigate. But now sinister forces were determined to get Rebecca off the land and out of the state. Could Dru protect the only woman who'd ever touched his soul before the battle between good and evil came to a devastating end?

Babe in the Woods

Caroline Burnes (


continues her life as doorman and can opener for her six cats and three dogs. E. A. Poe, the prototype cat for her Fear Familiar series, rules as king of the ranch, followed by his lieutenants, Miss Vesta, Gumbo, Chester, Maggie the Cat and Ash. The dogs, though a more lowly life form, are tolerated as foot soldiers by the cats. They are Sweetie Pie, Maybelline and Corky.

To the staff of TLC, who treat their human patients with as much tenderness as their four-legged ones. And to Corky—irreplaceable.





















REBECCA BARRETT leaned into the whipping black mane of the stallion and gave him more rein. His pace increased, his huge hooves pounding as he raced through the dense green of an unfamiliar stretch of forest. She glanced behind her, her blood racing and her imagination running as wild as the horse. She couldn’t see them, but she could hear the hooves pounding after her. The men rode spectacular horses, but none were a match for hers. Yet they were gaining on her—the forces of evil. She alone could deliver the single message that would save the world, and her only route to safety was to ride so fast they couldn’t catch her.

A small tree had fallen over the middle of the woodland road. Rebecca suspected an ambush. Lifting out of the saddle only an inch, she felt the powerful muscles bunch beneath her, and then the horse curve under her as he sailed over the tree.

The exhilaration was almost more than she could stand. Diable was the finest horse she’d ever ridden, and she’d had more than her share of top-dollar rides. As a teenager in Tennessee, she’d been on the A Circuit. But this wasn’t a horse for the show ring. This was a horse for adventure. This was Lightning, Fury, Trigger, Silver and the Black Stallion all rolled into one.

It was still spring in Mississippi, but the temperature was in the eighties and after a few more miles, she let Diable settle into a ground-covering trot. The exciting ride had been a terrific fantasy, but the only thing chasing her was new job duties. She had a million things to do, but one of the things she’d promised Aurelia and Marcus McNeese was that she’d exercise Diable, Cogar and Mariah. Who could ever imagine she’d find the job of her dreams that also included three wonderful horses? Fate had certainly smiled down on her when she’d applied to Blackthorn to oversee the renovation of the estate and the work on excavating an old Indian burial mound that looked as though it might become the richest source of information yet discovered into the lives of the Mound Builders.

As she and the horse drew closer to the burial mound, she slowed her pace. By the time she walked Diable from the mound to his barn, he’d be thoroughly cooled. She grinned at the thought of the barn—a magnificent structure, with an apartment for Joey Reynolds. The barn had been the first thing Marcus and Aurelia McNeese had built in their dream of making Blackthorn their home. The caretaker’s cottage was where Rebecca called home while she worked at the estate. The newlyweds had big plans, and they’d hired Rebecca to make sure their plans were properly implemented while they took a long honeymoon in Europe. Rebecca had been left in charge of building, excavation and all other aspects of Blackthorn, including keeping an eye on Joey.

Rebecca reflected that the apartment for Joey was one of the biggest acts of kindness she’d ever heard of. And she’d never seen anyone love a place more than Joey loved Blackthorn. She could see him right now, weeding what had once been a formal garden. His back was soaked with sweat and the smile on his face seemed permanent. By the end of the summer, he’d have the garden back, blooming with lush beauty. Joey had a green thumb and infinite patience. He’d also put in a small vegetable patch that seemed to grow four inches every night. Rebecca teased him that he’d gotten the seeds from a magician and soon a beanstalk would be up in the clouds.

As enjoyable as Joey was, other aspects of the job were drawbacks, and the primary one was walking right toward her. “Get down off the horse. I want to talk to you.”

Rebecca had long grown accustomed to Brett Gibson’s imperious manner. She’d intended to dismount, so she did.

“I hope you’ve explained to that simpleton that he can’t just start digging up the ground and planting things wherever he’d like,” Brett said, using a glove to wipe the sweat from his eyes. “He’s started a compost heap. He’s wheeling barrows full of horse manure from the barn. I want him stopped right now.”

Rebecca glanced over to the area Brett had indicated and saw that Joey, was, indeed, making a compost heap and not all that far from the burial mound. In her opinion, it was located far enough from where Brett was excavating the mound that it wouldn’t bother him. It shouldn’t, but it did. But what really troubled Brett was the fact that she and Joey were on Blackthorn soil at all.

“Joey talked over all his plans with Marcus and Aurelia before they left for Spain. I’m sure he wouldn’t do anything they hadn’t given approval for.” She saw the anger flare in Brett’s eyes. He hated the fact that she was his superior on this job. At times, it seemed he hated her. “And please don’t call Joey a simpleton or any other names. He’s a kind and gentle man and something like that would really hurt him.”

“I didn’t come here to baby-sit ‘kind and gentle’ people. I came here to do what may prove to be the most important excavation in this region.”

“I understand the importance of your work, Brett. I’m trained in your field, though I chose the business side of it. But Joey’s work is just as important to him as yours is to you.”

“A garden isn’t of any significance to anyone.”

She could see the deep anger in Brett’s gray eyes. He was red in the face and a vein was pulsing at his temple. A bit more of that in the hot sun and he’d have a stroke.

“Why don’t you get a glass of water and take a break in the shade?”

“Don’t patronize me,” Brett said. His fingers closed on her arm as she started to turn away, but when he saw the look in her blue eyes, he released his grip. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to grab you.”

“I don’t want anything untoward to happen while the McNeeses are away,” Rebecca said. “We both know they left me in charge of everything that goes on at Blackthorn—including the new construction and the archaeological dig. I know you don’t like it, but there it is. And I’m telling you to get a glass of water and find some shade.”

She didn’t wait for an argument. She led Diable away from Brett and the mound and toward the narrow trail that looped back to the stables. Her blue eyes were flashing with anger, but her breathing was calm and regular. Brett really aggravated her. He was a jackass. If Marcus and Aurelia had any idea of how he behaved toward Joey, they’d fire him.

Rebecca knew she could track them down in Spain, but she had no intention of disturbing their long-postponed honeymoon with squabbles between employees. She was in charge, and she’d handle it.

She swung back into the saddle and continued to the barn. She had to cut through a stretch of woods, and she welcomed the cool shade. Dang, it was so hot already. Only May and the promise of true summer made her doubt her toughness. She’d grown up in Memphis, but she’d spent the last ten years away. First on a scholarship at UCLA and then later in San Francisco where she quickly rose to the top of a real estate management firm and became the resident expert on historical architecture. That interest had driven her to study more design. That, coupled with her business background, made her perfect for the job at Blackthorn.

A flit of movement caught her attention. Someone was in the woods with her. She felt a pinprick of concern. There’d been a murder in Blackthorn woods only a few months before. A woman had been killed. Aurelia had told her all about it—and about how Aurelia had been tried and found innocent of the murder.

Rebecca had been told to call the sheriff if there was any sign of meddling on the property. The intruder was hurrying along, unaware that she’d entered this part of the woods and had seen him.

“Hey!” she called out.

The man began to run.

“Hey! Come back here!” Rebecca gave chase. Diable was certainly faster than the man, but the woods were so thick the horse couldn’t get into them.

She saw the bushes quake and quiver, the new green leaves marking the passage of the intruder as he headed toward the highway.

“This is private property. No trespassing allowed,” she yelled after him.

It was probably some teenager, curious about what was going on at Blackthorn. Aurelia and Marcus had found the treasure that had been a source of hunts for decades. But some folks would only take that as encouragement that there was more treasure buried. Aurelia shook her head. Treasure hunts and casinos were two places it had never crossed her mind to believe she might get money.

She dismounted at the stables, unsaddled Diable, gave him a good rubdown and promised Cogar that he was next on the agenda for a ride.

When she got back to Blackthorn she went to the caretaker’s cottage where she was bunking. She dialed the sheriff’s office and dutifully reported the intruder. Rebecca was always good for her word.

SHERIFF DRU COLSON noted the overturned leaves. Someone had been in the woods at Blackthorn. Most likely just a curiosity seeker as Rebecca thought. Far more interesting than the disturbed leaves was the woman who’d reported them. He’d never seen eyes bluer than hers.

“Did you get a look at the intruder?” Dru asked as he rose to his feet. Rebecca Barrett was about five-six with honey-colored hair and a figure that did justice to the riding breeches and boots she wore.

“He was tall, a little on the thin side, sandy-colored hair. He was wearing some kind of plaid shirt, predominantly blue, and jeans.”

Dru raised his eyebrows. She was also pretty cool in a situation. Few people noticed so many details.

“Did he say anything?”

She shook her head. “As soon as I called out to him, he took off running.”

“I’m not happy with the fact that someone was out here. Most of the locals know the treasure is gone and after Lottie Levert’s death, Blackthorn is off-limits.”

“It was probably a kid.” Rebecca nodded at that assessment. “He ran off like a sprinter.”

“I’ll call the principal at the high school and get him to make an announcement to the students, reminding them that trespassing is a criminal offense. Kids don’t understand that any kind of trouble with the law has unforeseen repercussions.”

“Thanks,” Rebecca said. Her smile was warm, like sunshine.

“I knew the McNeeses had hired a crew up here, but I haven’t seen the changes. Would you mind giving me a tour?”

“I’d love to. Shall we start with the barn? They’ve framed in the house, but it’s a long way from show time.”

Together they walked through the filtered sunlight of the woods. Dru felt the tension leaving his shoulders. He was reminded of being a boy, those golden days of total freedom and innocence when he’d played with his school friends. They’d had endless adventures playing Robin Hood or war or Tarzan, some of them in the woods of Blackthorn.

“It is beautiful here,” Rebecca said, pointing to a cluster of wild orchids that were nestled in some pine needles.

“Blackthorn is one of the prettiest places on earth. I’m glad the McNeeses found the money so they can preserve the estate. How is work going on the main house?”

“Without a hitch,” Rebecca said. “It’s going to be a magnificent house. The plans are phenomenal.”

“Batson and Batson are the architect and contractor, right?”

“Yes. Regina Batson is here on the job.” She gave a crooked smile. “She came here to work with her parents, but I’m afraid her heart’s been captured by the thrill of archaeology.”

“Ah, the allure of the past. Still, it can’t hurt to have the boss’s daughter on-site. Batson and Batson stand behind their work. You shouldn’t have any problems.”

“That makes me feel better.”

Dru grinned. He liked the idea that he made her feel better. She certainly made him feel alive. He caught a glimpse of the new barn through the trees and let out a low whistle. “Marcus loves those horses.”

“Aurelia seems fond of them, too,” Rebecca pointed out. “Especially Mariah. She loves that mare. Who wouldn’t?”

“I’ve had a lot of training in the field of observation. You’re a horsewoman, too, aren’t you?”

Rebecca’s laughter was full and free. “Very good, officer. You caught me with my boots on.”

He felt a foolish grin touch his face and he didn’t care. He was acting like a high-school boy when the prettiest girl in school had time to talk to him. It was fun.

“Never underestimate the value of good training.”

She laughed again, and her hand brushed his arm. “I didn’t realize you were a comedian. Aurelia never mentioned a word about it.”

“I’m afraid Aurelia had a lot on her mind when we met. I never believed she was guilty of murdering Lottie Levert, but I had to charge her. All the evidence pointed to her.”

“She told me, and she never bore any grudge against you.”

“She’s a terrific woman. I’m telling you, when she came into Natchez as the heiress of Blackthorn, the whole town nearly dropped its collective teeth.”

“She and Marcus seem made for each other.”

“I couldn’t agree more. I was sorry to hear that her mother died. That was a blow to Aurelia, especially with the trial and then finding the treasure. I think they said they were going to Spain on their honeymoon?”

“Spain,” Rebecca agreed. “They’re traveling without an itinerary. They said they’d check in, but that I was to handle whatever came up.”

“May I make another trained observer comment?” Dru asked.

“Sure.” Her face showed slight concern.

“You look up to the task.”

She laughed again. “A comedian and a flatterer. I like them both.”

“Well enough to have dinner with me tonight?” Dru was shocked at the words. Since he’d broken up with his girlfriend of five years, he hadn’t even thought of dating. He knew too well the toll his job took on personal relationships, and he never wanted to go through the hardship of such a breakup again. Celeste was a great person. The fault had been in him and his total dedication to the law.

He could see that Rebecca was taken aback by his offer, and he wished he’d kept his mouth shut. Her blue eyes held his.

“Dinner would be nice,” she said. “I guess I just assumed you were involved with someone.”

“Is that a compliment?”