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Книги автора David Buckingham

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What will be the fate of childhood in the twenty-first century? Will children increasingly be living 'media childhoods', dominated by the el…
What will be the fate of childhood in the twenty-first century? Will children increasingly be living 'media childhoods', dominated by the el…
античная литература, книги по философии, душа человека, трактаты, античная философия, основы философии, древние философы
Children today are growing up in an increasingly commercialised world. But should we see them as victims of manipulative marketing, or as co…
Children today are growing up in an increasingly commercialised world. But should we see them as victims of manipulative marketing, or as co…
Children today are growing up in an increasingly commercialised world. But should we see them as victims of manipulative marketing, or as co…
Children today are growing up in an increasingly commercialised world. But should we see them as victims of manipulative marketing, or as co…
Youth on Screen
Right from the origins of cinema, countless films and television dramas have offered sensational and seductive representations of young peop…
Right from the origins of cinema, countless films and television dramas have offered sensational and seductive representations of young peop…