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Trail Of Love
Trail Of Love
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Trail Of Love

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He wasn’t to be so easily mollified, though. ‘You should have told me you weren’t well, instead of taking it out on Mother. We could have left hours ago,’ he said testily, then, clearly feeling he’d made his point, relented. ‘I won’t come in. You’ll be better off in bed with some hot milk.’

Irritably, Kay thought he sounded just like his mother, then retracted the awful thought and its implications. She’d always liked Lance for his consideration. ‘You’re right, of course. Goodnight, Lance,’ she murmured.

He took her in his arms and his embrace was everything she expected—pleasurable, but unexciting, and when he let her go she felt disappointed and hated herself for it.

‘I’ll ring you tomorrow,’ Lance promised and left, his footsteps echoing down the stairs.

‘Damn,’ Kay muttered, annoyed at her own ambivalence. Turning to go inside, she shot round in alarm as a scraping sound came from the shadows at the end of the landing.

‘What didn’t you fancy, the milk or him?’ an all too familiar voice queried mockingly, and a darker shadow rose from the next flight of stairs and came towards the light from her door. Ben Radford stepped into the beam, eyes glittering in a way that set her whole system on edge. ‘That was Lance, I take it?’

She chose not to answer either question. Because the shocking truth was that she hadn’t wanted Lance’s kiss at all, but this man’s. Now here he was, tempting and taunting her with every breath he took. She didn’t know who she loathed most—him or herself.

‘What do you want?’ she countered ungraciously, although she could guess.

His slow smile said he knew. ‘To have that chat I promised. Aren’t you going to invite me in?’


KAY’S first instinct was to shut the door in Ben Radford’s face, but then she realised if she did that he would only keep on coming back until she did agree to see him. Better to get it over with now than have it looming over her head like the sword of Damocles.

‘It’s a little late for a social call,’ she pointed out acidly, yet reluctantly stepped back and allowed him to precede her inside.

Closing the door made her feel as if she had locked herself into the cage with the tiger. She took several deep breaths before she joined him in the lounge. He seemed to grow in proportion to the room shrinking. It was impossible for her to be anything other than vitally aware of his presence. He would dominate any room, but she was determined he wouldn’t dominate her. Which meant keeping some measure of control over the proceedings.

‘Could we keep this short? As you obviously overheard, I have a headache.’ She spoke to his back as he studied his surroundings.

He swung around then, the action smoothly graceful for all that his hands were tucked into the pockets of his trousers. He must have left his coat in his car for he was in shirt-sleeves, the cuffs tantalisingly turned back. It in no way minimised the effect of his presence—rather, it magnified it.

‘An interesting love-life you two will have, what with hot milk and headaches,’ he observed with lashings of irony.

To her chagrin, Kay felt her cheeks flame. ‘That’s none of your damn business.’

Her temper was water off a duck’s back to him as he shrugged. ‘Just making conversation.’

She snapped her teeth, tossing her handbag on to the couch. He was being deliberately provocative, and rising to his bait was simply playing into his hands.

‘What do you want?’ she repeated hardily, raising her head in time to catch him taking a long, leisurely perusal of her from head to toe. It was as if he had actually touched her physically. As her nerves jolted into vibrant life, a tiny betraying gasp left her lips.

Which brought his eyes to them in an instant. ‘Some coffee would be nice. I’ve been waiting for hours.’

It was stunning the way her lips tingled as if he had stroked them. Her immediate response was to fly off the handle. ‘I’m not your servant! And I’m not responsible for you wasting your time on my doorstep!’ she very nearly shouted, chest heaving.

Ben Radford ambled a step closer. ‘You have a very short fuse, Kay Napier, and something tells me Lance isn’t the man to deal with it.’

‘Your opinion leaves me cold. And stop talking about Lance that way. I like him just the way he is!’

‘Do you really? Wouldn’t you rather he showed some hot male blood? Showed he wanted you?’ he probed on regardless.

Her hands clenched into tight fists. ‘I know he wants me. He doesn’t have to prove it all the time.’

He shook his head. ‘He’s no match for you. You’re fire and he’s ice. You’ll scare the life out of him, so that he’ll never satisfy you. In the end you’ll emasculate him and he’ll hate you for it,’ he added derisively, making her gasp in indignation.

‘You’re loathsome!’

He backed off thoughtfully, eyes piercing. ‘Why so outraged? Do you think you want a nice, cold, sexless little marriage?’

That he should have discovered so easily the reason for her own sudden ambivalence made the need to hide it vitally important. Regaining control, she clasped her hands together. ‘You have no right to say those things to me. How I choose to live my life is my affair,’ she said with stolid dignity.

To her relieved surprise that brought him up short and he dragged a hand through his hair, a sign that he wasn’t so cool himself. ‘You’re right. That wasn’t why I came here. You have the uncanny knack of throwing me off my stride.’ His tone said he didn’t like that at all.

‘Totally unintended, I assure you,’ Kay snapped, and he laughed, albeit grimly.

‘Now that I do believe!’

They faced each other across the room, as if battle lines had been drawn up.

‘I thought you were intelligent enough to heed my warning not to contact Charles again.’

At least here, her ground was relatively firm. ‘For your information, he telephoned me, not the other way around,’ she pointed out.

He wasn’t impressed. ‘As I told you he would. I also, if you recall, told you not to see him,’ he added unnecessarily as far as Kay was concerned. She remembered everything about that day far too clearly for comfort.

Instinctively she defended herself. ‘I saw no harm in it.’

Ben Radford laughed drily, as if he had just won a bet with himself. ‘Why should you? As far as you were concerned you had nothing to lose and everything to gain.’

He was nothing if not persistent. ‘Except you’re deliberately missing the point. I’m not after gain of any sort.’

‘So you say,’ he agreed sceptically, and Kay saw red again.

‘I’m not in the habit of lying, or of having my veracity called into question, Mr Radford. Did you ask Sir Charles why he wanted to see me?’ she challenged, and watched his lips thin.

‘He told me to mind my own business,’ he said shortly, and Kay could no more stop herself from grinning than she could live without breathing.

‘And you didn’t like that, did you?’ she murmured with a certain amount of satisfied glee. It was nice to know he didn’t get his own way all the time.

His fascinating blue eyes narrowed to mere slits. ‘You’re a dangerous woman, Kay Napier,’ he pronounced tautly, and her eyes widened.

She was dangerous? The only one posing a threat was him, and not along the lines he meant, either. A line of reasoning she must keep him from at all costs. ‘Oh, come on! This is ridiculous. You’re tilting at windmills!’ she gibed, and couldn’t withhold a shiver at the look he gave her.

‘I’m glad you find it amusing. Perhaps you’ll also find it amusing to be out of a job,’ he drawled icily.

Kay froze, all humour dying rapidly. ‘What do you mean?’ she asked sharply.

Having caught her attention, he didn’t leave her dangling for long. ‘It just so happens that Matthew Winterbourne and my father were in the army together. A word in his ear and I doubt that you’d be employed there for very much longer. No financial institution would want their name connected with that of an attempted extortionist.’

Without looking in the mirror, Kay knew her colour had vanished. ‘You wouldn’t dare!’

‘Try me and see. All you have to do is continue to defy me.’

It was unbelievable, and she absolutely refused to kowtow. ‘Of all the hypocrites! I don’t know how you have the nerve! What you’re threatening is as bad as what you’re accusing me of!’

Ben Radford remained unperturbed. ‘I did warn you you wouldn’t like it if you crossed me.’

She slapped a hand helplessly against her thigh. ‘I don’t believe this! I’ve done nothing wrong. Nothing,’ she denied with total disbelief. She knew he could do what he said, or he wouldn’t have said it, and the implications this would have on her life. The reverberations of such a dismissal would spread like ripples on a pond. It was blatant manipulation and she despised him for it. ‘I won’t let you do this. I won’t let you run my life because of your own misconceptions. I’ll say it again, and I’ll keep on saying it. I’ve done nothing wrong.’

She was batting her head against a brick wall, for his expression didn’t soften one iota. ‘Obviously we see things differently. However, I’m hoping that from today we can begin to see eye to eye. All you have to do is sign this document, agreeing never to see Charles again, and renouncing all claim to being Kimberley Endacott.’ From his shirt pocket he produced a folded sheet of paper which he held out to her.

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