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Mysterious Mountain Man
Mysterious Mountain Man
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Mysterious Mountain Man

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“Nice-looking woman.”

Jake placed a couple of bills on the counter. “I suppose.”

“Put that back in your wallet. You know your money’s no good here.”

“I thought we’d managed to get past that nonsense. Does that mean I’ve gotta keep stashing money around the place for you to find once you close? You know good and well I’m not going to let you feed me for nothing.”

Betty sighed. “You’re so blamed stubborn, you make a mule seem downright cooperative.”

He pulled on his coat and slipped his sunglasses over his eyes. “But you love me, anyway, and you know it.”

“Never said I didn’t. So what’s this lady doing here, did she say?”

“Guess she must have missed me,” he replied, grinning.

“She seems a little nervous.”

“You think so? I can’t imagine Ms. Adams has ever been less than completely composed.”

“Then you missed the fact that her hands were trembling the first time she picked up her cup of coffee.”

“She’s had a long day. Flew in from Seattle this morning.”

“She heading back now?”

He crossed his arms over his chest. “Uh-uh. I’m takin’ her home with me.”

During their conversation, Betty was wiping down the countertop, straightening each item along the way, but his last words caused her to jerk her head up.

“What did you say?” She stared at him with widened eyes.

“You heard me.”

She looked at him, looked at the rest room door, then back at him. “I heard you. I just don’t believe you.”

“Suit yourself.”

“Why would you take her up there?”

His smile couldn’t be more innocent. “Because she wants to see how I live.”

“A lotta folks have wanted to see how you live and where you live, and I ain’t seen you selling tickets for the privilege.”

He shrugged. “Maybe I’m getting bored. A little company might be nice for a change. Is it all right if we leave her rental car in the parking lot? I’ll bring her back tomorrow.”

Betty closed her mouth, suddenly realizing it had been hanging open since his announcement. “I would never have believed her the kind of woman to do such a thing.”

“Oh, for crying out loud, Betty. She hasn’t sold herself into slavery. What are you thinking? That I’ll get her up there and take advantage of her? Hell, she isn’t even my type!”

Betty leaned her elbows on the counter in front of her and raised her eyebrows. “I was talking about the long hike you’ve always gone to great lengths to describe to me. What are you talking about?”

Jake reached for his hat—still lying where he’d put it when he’d arrived hours ago—and settled it on his head. He tugged the brim down so it rested just above his glasses.

“She thinks she can do it. I’m willing to let her try.”

They both turned when they heard the door open and watched her walk toward them, carrying her small bag. The businesswoman was gone. In her place was what looked to be a seasoned hiker, if her small boots were any indication. They’d seen plenty of use, as had the jeans that fit her so well. She wore an unzipped windbreaker over a bulky sweater.

“Sorry to take so long,” she said, pausing beside him and gazing up at his hat. “I don’t think I would have recognized you in your hat and sunshades.”

“Hell, ‘Becca, you didn’t recognize me without ‘em.”

She glanced at Betty and gave a small shrug. “That’s true. I didn’t. I’d only seen him in suits before today.”

“We’ll leave your car here and you’ll come with me in my truck. We better get a move on, so we don’t run out of light.” Jake opened the screen door and ushered Rebecca out. He glanced over at Betty and winked. “See you later.”

Betty walked over to the screen door and watched as Jake opened the passenger door of the truck and steadied Rebecca as she climbed inside. She heard Mel come out of the kitchen and walk up behind her. “Whaddaya think?” she asked as the truck headed back down the highway toward the mountains.

“I think our boy’s just met his match and don’t know it.”

She turned around and, laughing, hugged her man. “It’s gonna be fun watchin’ how it all turns out, though. Bet he’s not goin’ to know what hit him before all this is done.”

Mel gave her a smacking kiss and returned her hug. “Us poor men never do.”


Jake glanced at Rebecca out of the corner of his eye once they were on the highway. She sat comfortably in his pickup truck, looking as regal as if she were in the back of a limousine.

He returned his attention to the road. The turnoff was unmarked, and he could easily miss it if he wasn’t paying attention.

He wasn’t certain what had prompted him to agree to Rebecca’s suggestion. Boredom maybe. Perhaps there was a hint of malice, as well. If she wasn’t willing to take his word for it that the trip to his place wasn’t for a city dweller, then he guessed she’d have to see for herself.

He’d never cared for Rebecca, although he’d kept his thoughts and feelings to himself. He’d been surprised when she’d admitted that he made her nervous. The truth was that he didn’t like the kind of woman he’d taken her to be—rich, spoiled and used to getting her own way. Now he was wondering if he’d been a little quick to stick a label on her.

Brock had thought his little darlin’ could do no wrong, and Jake had grown weary of hearing her virtues extolled. The only time Brock had hinted that he would like to see Rebecca and Jake as a couple Jake had quickly set Brock straight. He’d been hired to work in the company, not to participate in establishing a family dynasty.

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