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A Stranger In The Cove
A Stranger In The Cove
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A Stranger In The Cove

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“He’s...he’s... Oh, damn it.” Kate slumped. “He’s hot. Really, really hot, but that doesn’t mean he’s trustworthy. He’s up to something. Something that can only mean bad news.”

“Just because some guy strolls into town and puts your knickers in a twist doesn’t mean he’s up to anything. Maybe you don’t trust him because he’s made you think about sex for the first time in far too many months.”

Kate huffed a laugh. “Ah, see? That’s where you’re wrong. I think about sex a lot. It’s the doing I haven’t done for months. That’s by the by. The point is, Mac admitted he’s in town looking for someone.”


“And the look on his face, all chiseled jaw and flashing blue eyes, when he said it, told me that when he finds this unfortunate person, he isn’t going to give them a hug. No, siree. The man looked more likely to bite their head off and feed it to the seagulls.” Kate shook her head and pushed the curls from her cheeks. “I don’t like it. Not one bit.”

“But you like him.”

Did she? Even after a night of almost zero sleep and hours of thinking about Mac, she still wasn’t sure what to make of him. “Yes. No. I don’t know.” She stood and walked around the seat before facing Izzy once more. “I have no choice but to find out what he’s up to. What if my instinct’s right and someone we know is going to be upset by Mac’s arrival, or whatever it is he plans to do or say to this person? Won’t I be in some way culpable?”


“Because I could’ve forewarned them. Maybe helped to smooth a few of Mac’s clearly ruffled feathers. You didn’t see his face. He’s up to something, and it doesn’t bode well.”

“But he’ll only see you as nosing into his business.”

“I’m not nosing, I’m concerned. For him and whoever he’s here to see.” She planted her hands on her hips. “Anyway, I’m trained for this sort of thing.”

“What sort of thing? Prying?”

Kate glared. “Caring. I’m a charity worker. I care about people. It’s what I do.”

Izzy stood. “Look, if this guy is looking for someone, there’s not a lot you can do about it. Leave him be. If, on the other hand, you like him, why don’t you drop by the Coast tonight and talk to him? Maybe he’ll tell you more about the reason he’s here. But if this is another one of your lost soul missions, Kate, you need to steer clear. I get the impression he spooked you. Maybe it’s better you leave him alone.”

“Spooked me?” Kate laughed, ignoring the pang of truth she felt at Izzy’s words. “Since when has anyone spooked me? Let alone a long-haired, teeth-flashing, blue-eyed, incredibly”

Izzy raised her eyebrows. “Are you forgetting who you’re talking to? What about Dean?”

“What about him?”

“He hurt you. Badly. Maybe this Mac guy spooked you because he reminds you of Dean.”

“He’s nothing like Dean.”

“Are you sure about that?”

Kate opened her mouth, but no words came out. Instead, a hundred comparisons between Mac and her ex flickered through her mind. She swallowed. “Okay, fine. You’ve nothing to worry about because Mac doesn’t seem at all interested in hooking up with a woman. He practically sneered at everything I had to say, and he was by no means impressed with Vanessa’s teasing.”

“Then the man must be an ass. Which is exactly what I thought about Dean when I first met him.”

“That’s not fair.” Kate whirled away and strode toward the painting Izzy had been staring at when Kate came into the studio. Her friend had hit on the nerve that had been the cause of the most fitful night Kate had suffered in months. Mac did have the same dark hair and broodiness about him as her filthy, cheating ex. Yet, there was something different about Mac. Something she wanted to explore.

Needing to change the subject and simultaneously lash out, she chose a new target. “Jay Garrett has really bad taste.”

“You think?”

“Well, not in gallery managers, obviously.” She flashed Izzy a smile over her shoulder. “But in paintings, yes.”

Izzy came to stand beside her and draped her arm around Kate’s shoulders. “Why don’t we talk about my wedding instead? Maybe that will take your mind off Mac Orman.”

“How are the plans going? Is there anything you want my help with?”

“Not right now, but you could come over later and help me drink a fine bottle of Chablis.”

Kate grinned. “Absolutely. Look, I’d better go, but I’ll come by your place around seven.”

“Perfect.” Izzy walked Kate to the front door. “So, what are you going to do about Mac?”

“I don’t know. Yet. But you’re right. I can’t afford to get mixed up with a bad boy again.”

“Dean was a long time ago. You can’t let one bad relationship put you off the type of guys you’re attracted to forever.”

“I’m not’s just that for a fleeting moment he seemed genuinely respectful of what I do for work. I liked that. My gut is telling me somewhere behind that angry exterior is a decent bloke.” She crossed her arms. “Maybe I could help him.”


“What? All I’m saying is, if I can stop him going in all guns blazing, I will. I know what it feels like to be backed into a corner. Mac seemed ultra-tense. Like he’s got no real idea how to speak with this person when he finds them. It was...weird.”

“Weird? Or just something you couldn’t immediately solve?”

Kate sighed. “Both. I’d better go.”

“Okay. See you later.”

Kate left the gallery and made her way along the high street toward the Teenage Support office, buttoning her coat against the late winter chill. Her head bent low, she wondered when it would ever feel like summer again in Templeton.

What she needed was a hot cappuccino and one of Marian’s breakfast rolls. A guaranteed diversion from Mac. She pushed him to the back of her mind and forced her focus on the day ahead.

Deserving and desperate kids and their families needed her full concentration and dedication. Maybe Izzy was right and Kate should butt out of Mac’s life. What drove her to reach out to people was her work with those who had been bullied—and experiences she had with her mother. Mac was a big boy who most likely knew exactly what he was doing.

Feeling more positive, Kate pushed open the door of the bakery and shook out her curls, already turning to frizz, thanks to the cold sea air. When she looked up, her eyes were drawn toward one of the booths. Mac Orman sat with some papers in front of him as he stared toward the counter, his eyes narrowed.

What looked to be a half-eaten breakfast had been pushed to the side. He turned his focus to the open notebook in front of him and scribbled something on the page, his expression grim with stony concentration.

Kate’s suspicions rocketed. Was whoever he was looking for in the bakery right now? Was he writing down their actions or day-to-day business for some reason? Was he stalking someone? She looked around. Nobody seemed to be taking any notice of Mac and his notebook. She took her time hanging her jacket on the old-fashioned coat stand as she furtively watched him.

There it was again. He looked at Ella behind the counter and made a note. Then he looked at an older woman Kate didn’t recognize. Made another note. What was he up to?

Mac glanced toward her and flinched. Aha! She lifted her chin. Caught red-handed. Whatever he was writing certainly wasn’t innocent. She straightened her spine and walked toward him as he quickly shut his notebook and slipped it on to the seat beside him.

* * *

MAC FORCED A slow smile and tried his best not to be distracted by the sexy, disheveled sight of Kate Harrington. Her deep, dark eyes were almost hypnotic, but he’d have to be half-blind not to notice the concern in her gaze when she’d questioned him last night. She seemed nice, sweet...and all sorts of sexy mixed in. Another time, another place, he might have been interested.

But not here. Not now.

He needed Kate to keep her nose out of his business. To let his cold façade slip would risk his pursuit of the elusive Marian Ball.

Judging by the suspicion in Kate’s gaze as she marched toward him, she’d seen him checking out the locals. She glanced toward the counter and back again, annoyance etched on her pretty face. Her shoulders lifted as though she were bracing herself before she dropped them and stood right beside him.

Here goes...

He stood in the hope she wouldn’t sit. “Morning.”

She stared. Her eyes assessing, judging.

He raised his eyebrows. “Getting breakfast?”

“And coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.” She eyed him carefully. “You?”

He tilted his head toward his table. “Breakfast done and pretty nice it was, too. This Marian, whoever she is, must be one hell of a cook.”

“She is, but Marian’s out of town. It would’ve been Ella or one of the other girls who fixed your breakfast.”

He stilled and tried not to inhale as her words knocked the wind out of him. How could he not have considered Marian Ball might be out of town? He forced his expression into cool nonchalance, but from the way Kate’s gaze bored into his, alight with interest, he knew he’d already been analyzed, and a calculation had been made.

He slid back into the booth. “How well do you know Marian?”



“Yes. It’s a simple enough question.”

Annoyed, Mac said, “I’m trying to be friendly here. Make a little conversation. If you don’t want that...” He tilted his head toward the counter. “Don’t let me keep you.”

“Fine. I know Marian really well.” Uninvited, she slid into the booth opposite him. “As do most people in town.”

Mac studied her. How much could he say, or ask, about Marian Ball without arousing Kate’s obvious distrust. “Is that so?”

“Uh-huh.” She held his stare, her eyes giving away nothing.

He blew out a breath. “So, this place is hers?”

“I’m pretty sure she owns it now, but it was Jay’s, and his father’s before him.”

Mac frowned and glanced toward the counter. “Jay?”

“Our resident millionaire. He’s as cute as hell and richer than Rockefeller, but the guy only has eyes for two women in town.”

“Two women?” Mac smiled. “You don’t strike me as the kind to talk so fondly about a guy dating two different women. You got a thing for him?”

“No, but Jay’s a great guy. He’s kind and generous, my friend’s fabulous boss, a loving husband, and a great father to his little girl, Sarah.”

“Ah, his wife and kid. I get it.”

“Do you?”

He frowned as wariness clouded her gaze. “He’s married, he’s a daddy. That’s the two women in his life.”

She leaned her forearms on the table, her brown eyes dark with warning. “You need to understand something about the people in this town, Mac. For the most part, we’re good and caring. We look out for one another. Certain people have done amazing things for me and they’ve asked for nothing in return. That makes me protect them and do all I can to ensure their happiness. So, if you’re here looking for somebody, I hope you’re not intending to upset or hurt them in any way.”

He clenched his jaw. “I’m here to resolve some unfinished business, remember?”

“Yes, I do. Personal business. Which, judging by the way you’re looking at me, might irritate the hell out of me.”

She slid her gaze to the side of his seat. “So, why the notebook?”

He glared. Who did she think she was? “Are you kidding me?”

“Far from it.”

“You think I’m going to sit here and let you question me again? For the love of God, I only met you last night.” He leaned forward, matching her posture. “You need to forget you met me. Forget why I’m here. I’m in the Cove for good reason—a reason that has nothing to do with you.”

Her cheeks flushed, but her eyes only hardened further. “Be that as it may, you’ve got me concerned.”

He sat back and crossed his arms. “Why? What business is it of yours who comes into the Cove? Regardless of their purpose.”

She stared at him before looking around the bakery. “I...” She met his gaze and slumped. “Fine. You seem on edge. If I can help—”

“You can’t.”

“Is it Marian? Is that who you’re looking for? Because if it is, you need to know she’s the boss around here.”

God, the woman was canny. He’d give her that much. He sighed, no more able to stay angry with a pretty woman than he could with his mother. “I kind of figured that.”

“Not the bakery. The town. Marian is the boss of Templeton.”

He searched her expression for the flashes of teasing and laughter he’d seen in her eyes at the Coast. She stared back at him, her gaze solemn.

“So, she’s a dragon? Is that what you’re trying to tell me?”

“A dragon? Marian?” She huffed a laugh. “Marian is the furthest thing from a dragon you’re going to meet. Of course, on occasion, she can be way too bossy, but her heart’s in the right place. She’s kind, caring, and supportive to everyone. Sure, she might breathe fire now and then if someone upsets one of her brood, but she’s got the people who deserve her love at heart. Which means, Mr. Orman, if you upset one of us and are still here when she and George return from vacation, your ass is going to be pinned to the wall before you have any chance to flash that sexy smile of yours.”

Marian flew from his brain, and he smiled. “Sexy?”

“I’m serious.”

“Well, thanks. I’ll take the compliment gladly.”

She looked away with a scowl. Mac studied her profile. He couldn’t decide if he was more attracted to her when she flirted or when she was angry. Either way, he wouldn’t be acting on it. Not in a town where the woman who could be his father’s birth mother lorded it over the residents as though she were some kind of guardian angel.

If Marian the baker was his biological grandmother, she was the woman who’d given her child up for adoption. He needed to know why and how that happened. The woman Kate described didn’t sound like she could be the Marian he was looking for. Would someone maternal, caring and protective really be okay knowing she had a child out there somewhere?

Kate slid from the booth. “I have to go.” She stared at him. “Just take my advice and don’t go upsetting anyone in town. Whatever your issue is, think it through carefully. I’ve known far too many people who have come close to destroying themselves by holding on to anger, planning revenge, or forever regretting something they can’t change. None of those things solve anything. Believe me.”