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Point Of Departure – Laurie Breton

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Everyone assumes that successful Boston Realtor Kaye Winslow has it all. Until the day she goes out to show an expensive new listing and vanishes into thin air, leaving behind her credit cards, her BlackBerry and an unidentified male corpse. None of this makes sense–not to her husband, not to her business partner and not to the Boston P.D.But as the investigation ratchets up, homicide detectives Doug Policzki and Lorna Abrams discover the beautiful blond Realtor has an interesting dark side she's kept carefully hidden. Turns out a lot of people don't like Kaye, and many of them have a beef with her.But until the not-so-lovely Kaye Winslow is located, people close to her are just a little bit twitchy–because any one of them could be accused of murder.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781408976708
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