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Shattered Dance – Caitlin Brennan

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Once again the Aurelian Empire is in danger, and once again Valeria must risk more than her life to save it. With threats from without, including sorcerous attacks against the soon-to-be empress, and pressures from within–the need to continue the dynasty and Kerrec, the father of Valeria's child, the first choice to do so–Valeria must overcome plots and perils as she struggles to find a place in this world she's helped to heal.But her greatest foes have not been vanquished. And they won't be forgotten or ignored. Nor will the restless roil of magic within Valeria herself. Soon the threat of Unmaking, a danger to all the empire, begins to arise in Valeria's soul once more. It is subtle, it is powerful, and this time it might win out!

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781408976340
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В этот день...
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