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I’m talking about the local people.
For fans of all sorts of show-offs, the theme of freedom and European choice is attractive, just a favorite. Who in real life is prone to show-offs and kitsch is certainly a fan at the mere mention of Europe. After all, this does not at all reduce the rudeness, rudeness, and ignorance surrounding us. This is even though the streets, that is, panel and brick houses in our country, began to be painted in a rainbow, and private owners’ mansions still compete with each other in height and breadth. That even a car has ceased to be an indicator of coolness. Even if a simple fashion model from a beauty salon can buy a Lend cruiser (and hit a sandbox with children in kindergarten by car, by accident, of course).
And finally, the most important thing.
Our secondary urbanization coincided with other people’s self-determination, on the Maidan. Many visitors from the districts, and then their children, saw an economic and cultural market pogrom, accompanied by a hitherto unprecedented influx of pretty high – quality European things – shortages of all kinds of colors and sizes. So this is also the subconscious solidarity of those who want everything and at once, a lot of recently arrived from our depressed areas and just areas with those who, as it were, have already received it all, overeaten, and gorged themselves in several generations of European bourgeois. But if possible, then without all sorts of wars there and, of course, without bloody dictators. In general, this is a banal consumer shock. And the same bloody shock animal desire.
Why is there a corrupt (thievish) regime? People come from villages and want everything at once. From above and below, everyone wants the same thing. And only a small group, a v
Chapter 10
Social network
According to legend, before his death, Sultan Suleiman called the army’s commander-in-chief and expressed his three wishes to him…
Let the best healers carry my taboo and let everyone see that even the best healers are powerless in the face of death. Scatter the gold I earned, let everyone see that the wealth we receive from this life remains in this world. Let everyone see my hands and learn that even the Padishah of the whole world, Sultan Suleiman Kanuni, left this life empty-handed.
© Fishki.net
Any such parable shows that nothing compares to the great equalizer, death. However, this is all in the past. Circumstances sometimes equalize the rich and the poor, the successful and the loser, the famous and the unwanted. Oh, my God! Social media, the great equalizer today, creates similar circumstances every second.
That’s how the great democracy between the worlds equals the democracy of monkeys when they are invisible and inaccessible on palm trees. This American howl «woooу!» when they like the show – the whole world screams like that anywhere – was brought from Africa by negroes. Before that, migrants: Irish, Germans, Spaniards, especially Jews and Italians had never shouted like that. They just liked the triumph of the chimpanzees on the palm trees when they were throwing a jaguar running and powerless against them from above. The Aborigines noticed it, parodied it by accident, and made the whole of Africa, America, and the whole world scream like that. This is a worldwide «voooу» invented for humans by monkeys. This is the cry of democracy for today. In developed countries, they shout like that everywhere. The whole underdeveloped world is not scared to keep up.
Chapter 11
Asian despotism
The expression Asian despotism has become a household word. Another common expression is «Asiatic,» as a reflection of something wild, uncivilized, not fitting into the bounds of decency or lack of culture. Asiaticism was broadly understood as a rigid autocratic power – Asian despotism. However, despotism was, in fact, everywhere where the European civilizers did not penetrate. And they have penetrated everywhere. Eurocentric cultural values have become a universal measure of all modern values. But in the beginning, the antipode still had to appear. It’s like day and night, light and shadow, good and evil, heaven and hell. Asiaticity, Asia itself, has become an expression of the negative for all world peoples. From now on, all civilized people, the intelligentsia, the nation’s flower, forever sought to resemble Europe. The reference point for Europe has gone even further and has now turned into a reference point for democracy. Everything from the heads of presidents, heads of government, officials, and other small fry, into whose mouth maybe drops of Soros urine are instilled – all these people talk about what they do not know, what they do not know. But they speak very confidently. It can be said that they report brazenly. Autocracy, also by analogy, eastern tyranny, and various dictatorships are pilloried. Once and for all. That’s what Democratic and liberal speakers think. Other chatterboxes, crooks, social networks, and other hype men, of which there are a million – billion today.
No one has yet answered the reason for the Asian despotism. Many big-headed people have tried. Even Karl Marx couldn’t.
They couldn’t. And what do you think?
And I answered simply.
I answered Poincare’s social theorem so simply that I became Kazakh Perelman.
The answer to this millennium puzzle is not only about mathematics. Mathematics is neutral. It is out of politics. Therefore, the eccentric Perelman was easily presented with a Nobel million of money.
What does this gift mean? About Jewish solidarity, most of all. Because this discovery does not give anything, it’s just an essential Jewish message for the whole world. It fits very well into the backbone bonds of world standards for underdeveloped peoples, including those from Asia. Residents from areas of despotism, autocracy, and dictatorship must always look somewhere and wear inferiority complexes. The peoples of the world are complex and looped everywhere.
So. What is the answer? Why despotism is common in Asia. Namely ignorance and cruelty. In Europe, an. d America, democracy, and prosperity are. And there’s less and less time for lying. The moment of the fall of the shore is getting closer.
Chapter 12
The «Great Migration»
Why the Huns staged the «Great Migration»
Since the 4th century, an unprecedented ethno-territorial perturbation has occurred in history. The warlike tribes of the Huns nomads displaced the equally fierce tribes of the German hunters. This bloody substitution of one nation for another was called the Great Migration of Peoples.
What forced the Huns to leave the banks of the Itil (Volga) – to go towards the Danube, no one really knows.
The climate pessimum
Experts say that a cold snap has come. Volcanoes have been revived since the 4th century. The sky darkened. Clouds of smog obscured the earth from the sun. There was a shortage of food in the steppe. People and tribes suffered from famine.
The climatic maximum. Before the 4th century, it was exactly the opposite
The sky was clear. So the sun was shining brightly in the sky. Harvests and livestock offspring inspired people with optimism. So, until the 4th century, a favorable climatic maximum occurred throughout the inhabited world: an abundance of food contributed to population growth.
After the population growth, there was a shortage of food.
This is understandable.
But why the Huns? Why not other nomads, the same Alans, who were «tired of Huns raids.» Were there no more starving nomads in the Great Steppe?
That’s the thing, they were. But it was the Huns who became the «scourge of God.»
Why the Huns were illegitimate
Before the Huns became Guns, the Guns were Huns. And they lived on the Mongolian plateau and lived next to the Celestial Empire.
They lived side by side restlessly. All the time, they inconvenienced the farmers with their raids. It was against them that Emperor Qing Shi Huang built the Great Wall of China. The Chinese wanted to assimilate the nomads culturally at first, but they failed. By the 1st century BC, they got tired of it, and the Han Chinese staged a genocide against the Xiongnu. The most warlike Huns («indomitable» according to Gumilev) fled to the west and reached the interlude of the Don and Volga. For 200 years of such movement, the Huns passed through the lands of the Ugrians, Sarmatians, that is, other lords of the steppes. They did not merge with them but took women from the Ugrians and Sarmatians because they left their Hunnic women in China and Semirechye to break away from the Chinese pursuit. That’s how some of the Sarmatians, pressed by the Huns and the Alans, ended up in the North Caucasus and the Black Sea region. From mixing with the Ugrians and Sarmatians, the Huns began pronouncing the «g» sound from the Alan phonemes. The Ugrians and Sarmatians lost some of their women but survived because they used the same tactics of flight and retreat. In addition, the Alans have not yet built any walls, like the Chinese built the Great Wall of China. It didn’t make the Alans feel any better. Meanwhile, some Alans settled down and began to build watchtowers. Other Alans went west with the Goths (so that the Spaniards would have the region of Catalonia – Goths + Alans, and the French in the 20th-century actor Alain Delon was born).
Let’s assume that the genetics of the «indomitable» Huns are to blame for everything. Wherever they settled, there was no peace for anyone. That’s how the Huns staged the Great Migration of peoples due to the earth’s cooling. The Xiongnu spread their wild energy across the earth. The entropy of this energy has been «shining» for many people for several centuries
Chapter 13
The beautiful spring of democracy
«Let a hundred flowers bloom; let a hundred schools compete»
Mao Zedong
When nature wakes up in the spring, no one is surprised. Flowers appear in the fields. The birds are singing. The nondescript-looking representatives of the fauna are divided into factions.
Unexpectedly, bright characters appear from the general mass of the same type. Against the background of white snow, bright coloring would attract predators. Now, the brighter the better. These are males! Females choose friends with the brightest plumage. This is a guarantee of the health of the future offspring.
What kind of spring makes people wear bright clothes?
Amazing! Expensive branded clothing performs the function of a painted tail.
But this is the case with young people.
And what should middle-aged people do? How can the elderly attract the young?
After all, old people cannot wear torn jeans and highlight bald spots (although such overly youthful characters are increasingly coming across)
«Scars adorn a man»
That’s what they used to say. The time for fights and duels has passed. War is not welcome. And in general, there is no war! All people are for peace. We don’t mind. Scars are no longer decorations. Instead of scars, people wear tattoos
Nothing can decorate a modern man like that, only money!
And to have money, you need to have power.
Americans ask, «If you’re so smart, why not rich?»
This expression is an American cliche for today, too, and does not keep up with events.
It is better to say: «If you are a Democrat member (a variant of a Republican, a member of the Democratic Party), why don’t you have millions?
If you want to be rich, support democracy all over the world – the surest way for today is to not look for pieces of peace all over the planet, that is, where there is no democracy yet, but instead, immediately become a Russophobe.
Therefore, the American cliche about wealth, as an accurate indicator of the mind, is better to immediately philosophy, «If you are a Russophobic, why didn’t you get rich»?
Do you think members of the American Congress need democracy?
Democracy is a reason.
With howling about democracy, interested congressmen, Americans cherish their dreams of wealth in their heads (the Biden clan, Pelosi did it well). With each billion dollars allocated to Ukraine, all participants in the transaction become richer. The allocation of money is a pyramid scheme. The «inventors of help» receive the most. Officials in Ukraine collect crumbs from billions, millions of dollars. Everyone should fight so hard for freedom! Parasites cannot be torn away from this project by any means.
Russia is an outcast country
Why is Russia an outcast?
There is no other country in the world where totalitarianism is a culture, only in Russia. In Russia, people have lived in a collective community for many centuries. Russia is a country of snow and eternal cold. There are a lot of bears in such permafrost. Russia is a country of totalitarian lepers – how else them to protect yourself from bears? Although you can make a fortune in Russia on Putin. That’s why «if you’re a Russophobe, why didn’t you get rich»? The Soros Foundation’s agents, these nobodies dressed up and spoon-fed, could ask precisely the same question. (If they were Americans). These greedy little people from underdeveloped areas are just representatives of philistinism. In the past, beggars. They like never seen anything in your life but want now live beautifully.
Everyone wants to live beautifully.
Birds spread their tails in the spring, so people worldwide look for democracy to wear branded clothes and «live like people.»
Chapter 14
Sweet poison
«A successful businessman will never become a good statesman; his only interest is the pocket, not the people.»
F. Roosevelt
Advertising is the engine of trade… and politics.
The seller praises his product and, at the same time, the buyer. Advertising inflates the product, the manufacturer, and the buyer of the product altogether. If the market trader does not praise the buyer, he will not make a profit. From here, all buyers become like perfection: short ones become tall, full ones become slender, and plain ones become ideal in beauty. That’s where free personalities come from, then just «personalities» who have the right from birth. The origin of the crowd of «personalities» as the sellers’ interest – is it clear to you?
Any conservative society (any society of tradition, traditional society) has clear criteria for social distinction. In other words, traditional society is distinguished by the presence of apparent strata, classes, and castes (the latter two have the most negative connotations). Therefore, any momentary relaxation during the purchase is pleasant in itself. A short, fat, and ugly customer wants to buy more goods and listen to the flattery of the huckster.
So, you don’t have to go to the market, and you don’t have to buy anything else. You can immediately choose your favorite seller as the mayor of the city.
The moment of transition from mass purchases to mass communication «for love» was described by Dale Carnegie. He wrote a training manual for all young buyers. From now on and forever, people try to sell themselves as a commodity with exceptional politeness, services, and silence – when another speaks. Those who are ready to listen and praise have a better chance, as Carnegie recommended to all low, fat, and other moral freaks to be hypocrites and chameleons. Whoever praises you will win!
That’s how playing with petty self-esteem turned into a means of control.
I’ve already told you. Before this tool took shape, people learned to sell and buy everything. The easier, faster, and more profitable it is, the more pleasant it is. Hence, the first mayor of Huckster, as I said.
From the mayor of the merchant to the government of the rootless is not very far either. And this mechanism also has a psychological spring of mass petty selfishness.
The first thing the government of Liberals and Democrats did was anathematize the old regime and state control, ridiculed officials, and conservative values. There is no duty, no service, no morality, no homeland. There is only one goal – pleasure, making a profit, and making a profit to have fun – laissez-faire!
The victory of upstarts and rootless people worldwide testifies to the fertility of all sorts of rabble. In addition, it is about the insidiousness and boundless imagination of the lower classes.
Do you think that with the proclamation of the power of an upstart mayor, a government from the smallest rootless rabble, all conservative values have disappeared?
You will be surprised. This miracle will be for you. Hierarchies do not disappear anywhere, hence classes and castes. And it was precisely because of the general crisis created by every hypocritical liberal creature because of their coveted insatiability, genetic greed (in the first generations anyway) – about it Karl Marx wrote in his Manifesto. The free market of philistines highlights and monstrously emphasizes property inequality. Napoleon himself was fucked up by what the French nouveau riche were doing.
All the nouveau riche creatures, without exception, are engaged in imitation of the aristocracy, but they do it pretentiously wildly.
But they can’t be an aristocracy! Couldn’t. And now they can’t.
And they climb into power solely for personal enrichment. To be praised by voters and hangers-on, as if Refags – their new politicians buys from them (but not the goods, but the votes).
Sellers have always weighed a moral crisis in the crisis of conservative values.
When the old elite got old. When the old elite is overflowing with incompetent descendants of heroes.
Chapter 15
Be a Kazakh
Where does patriotism come from? Where did the motherland come from?
The same question can be asked: where does despotism come from, and where does democracy come from? In other words, you would know what is what when there is an external and internal migration. When mass migration occurs, everything falls into place. Migrants do not need an old homeland. It abandoned them, and these people betrayed their homeland (such mutual contempt). However, you can’t throw the words out of the song. People are often overcome by nostalgia, and successful people are strongly remembered at home. What is broken cannot be glued together. This is not a sentimental foreplay. This is the clarification of the monster. A migrant never knows the word homeland, no matter how often he utters it in public and does not talk about it. Once betrayed, he will betray again. This is mutual hostility, invisible to the eyes of others. No one will ever see this struggle (just as no one will hear the thoughts of an orphan). It is only in the second generation that migrant children pronounce the word love. You can’t force migrant children back to return to the land of their fathers. From that moment on, democracy is born. That is, democracy is the homeland of all emigrant children, even though they have not yet been born until they know it. But when they are born, their parents try very hard to ensure they get a good homeland, that is, that the children have everything – and what is kindness? That is so that the children have property and land. There is no need for any other care. That’s how all the American Aborigines lost their lands.
The Indians, in turn, could pronounce the word homeland, but not because all the owners’ peoples understood this word. The Indians did not have a homeland like the Europeans, but they had a territory where they hunted. They did not have time to call their homeland their homeland, so they had to have an «Asian despotism.» The one in the form of the rarest wild civilizations of the Maya, Incas, and Aztecs, which was pilloried by the conquistadors and their descendants. In the civilizations of the Maya, Incas, and Aztecs, with one eye, everyone would see the causes of despotism. Despotisms, autocracies, and totalitarian systems are typical of the old homeland of migrants (that is, a world without democrats and their descendants). While migrant children are settling in, they are always democrats and bequeath democracy to the future (and then impose it on the whole world, by the way).
Just like that, we playfully answer the greatest mystery of mankind – where Asian despotism and Western democracy come from.
If you want a democratic system, migrate wherever you can, even to the moon. And there, download the rights to local lunatics. If you can’t move far away, then you are a backward person (at the moment, anyway). But all the nomads left on earth, or their descendants, want to build democracy according to European patterns. It’s like if all the Maya, Inca, Aymara, and Iroquois Indians are dressed in tailcoats – none of this will work. There is an inevitable evolutionary line (accumulation of skills, collection of experience) that cannot be jumped over (as one cannot jump over formations, although Marxist Bolsheviks tried to work miracles)
No matter what the nomads build, what they do not declare, or do not glorify, there will still be nomadism, and there will still be autocracy. Of course, it will differ from the Asian wildness, from the «Asiatic» – according to the Europeanized, but it will still be the khan’s prerogative (if we mean the nomadic Turks, then the Kazakhs as well). Nomads do not understand the word homeland by idea. No, of course, according to textbooks, manuals, and the system, all descendants pronounce this word. But these are all words for the air. Millions of nomads can pronounce this word in the chorus but do not understand (in fact, they will breed corruption of unprecedented proportions). For the concept of homeland to float across the sky at this moment, it is not obliged to travel through the historical epochs of European peoples. The people of the owners who had property came up with this word. First, these people settled down and stopped wandering. Therefore, they divided the plots and put up family signs.
However, what is done is done. The nomads had no experience signing land, but they could put tamga (mark) on the ears of cattle and sign new territories with the hooves of their cavalry. Modern nomads no longer need cavalry (the first cruise missile will bring their warlike fervor back to normal). The nomads gained knowledge. Yes, this is someone else’s knowledge. But this is knowledge. Knowledge allows you to control everything, even primitive instincts. First, to prevent nomads from fleeing to the steppe from responsibility (and today to run around the world for show-offs to show relatives: «I’m here in the USA and standing on the banks of the Thames in London!»).
Even the new migration of nomads worldwide does not make them non-nomads. Although in America, in Europe, all Kazakhs shout, «We are for democracy!». They don’t even realize they’re crying. This is a manifestation of their selfishness (and complexes).
Those who shout, «We are for democracy!» have received property in the first generation. They do not suspect themselves that they are calling, «We do not love our wild homeland of nomads» – the very place where the khan’s power should have taken place. But it did not occur, and the nomads are to blame. The current government declares a «desire for democracy,» but it still looks very much like an autocratic (uncultured, uncivilized) by European standards. And that’s right. This is our nomadic government. And do not run away from it in different directions, imitating white people. The white people have long since fled, which cannot be stopped. The end of the world has already been prepared for all nations.