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Empire man. Zealot
Empire man. Zealot
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Empire man. Zealot

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The Zerot (zeroot = zeref+root) – the traditional feudal elite

Zerot’s loop – the creating a solid cast, impenetrable social barriers. None of the lower castes can enter the feudal elite. The lack of social mobility pre-revolutionary situation.

The Remid – a new traditional elite, rulers, officials, authorities, teachers; Remid put actions for Zerefs, determine morality, laws, politics, reflection average-middle (remiddle).

The remid’s loop – the struggle of the elite with the brightest personality, the collusion of second and third parties against the hero and the prophet.

The Refag- person of a trading civilization in several generations, reflection is high, selfish, utilitarian refag (re + high).

The Zeremid is man of the first generation of traditional elites (or city, fresh citizen), has a half-hard social reflex custom, neither the inferiority complex that wants to cover up, so invents a new ancestry, creates fine root, and it has the fancy “tail” behind. If this is a modern Zeremid, it is usually a former villager who has mastered the culture of urban life superficially, he is half urban and half rural.

The first generation to undergo industrial and cultural modernization

Zefa is a man from the first generation of the city with inclinations towards the market and speculation, and to trade, at least what, he was forced by circumstances. The bourgeois stratum of socialist citizens who quickly converted to market morality.

The zeremid’s loop – the Zeremids are approximate imitators. They imitate the elite, any idea, any direction just to be good for their families. By imitation, hypocrisy, and even fanaticism, they harm any cause, state, or idea. The hypocrisy, pharisaism, fanaticism, the adjustment of marginal strata to the existing idea and order. When the elite religious organizations from governments accumulate the Zeremids, there is stagnation and crisis. The collapse of the idea and system of Zeremids conformity inevitable. They adapt to the system for the sole purpose of supporting their family. That is, they do the same thing as the Zerefs, but for this, they want to get into the elite, the privileged stratum, or the state system, they quickly learn, master new skills, and imitate the formal standards of idea and responsibility.

The Zelot is a superman, a hero, a prophet, the most gifted among the traditional elite. A Zelot is an ambitious but disinterested person, he is a fighter against the traditional elite (Zerots), with Pharisee officials (Remids, Zeremids), with the people, if the peoples are obsessed with dark passions.

Chapter VII

Land and water. What the empire consists of.

Once upon a time, Xerxes sent the Greeks parliamentarians. The parliamentarians told the Greeks “Land and water!”

The Greeks responded: We will not give anything.

Greece has been unable to create an Empire in every sense of the meaning of the word. Although the main criterion of the empire is the seizure of land, a large territory, super the area, although perhaps only a small part of this area is suitable for cultivation and exploitation.

For the pagan superman, the utilitarian part of his conquests is not essential, for the superman, the super territory is important as a guarantee that this Zelot will be compared to the gods. If his descendants will be represented as gods, then superman has fulfilled his super task.

Although in the pursuit of size, the Zelot often forgets to start a family. This is how he wants to appear as God. So great is his super-task in him. In fact, that is why he is a superman. All the conquered peoples, every Zeref, would be against the rule of a new ruler. And their rulers themselves want to be gods, calling on their people to go with them to fight against the stranger, scaring the Zerefs that they will no longer be able to pray to their gods, the gods which will die together with the aborigine and will not be able to help their people create families, have children. You will be enslaved! And the slaves have no family, no children!

What could be clearer than such a bleak prospect? And if the local natives go to battle with a foreign Zelot, what else can they do? With the mass of their small family interests, as if to block the ambition of another zealot, and to support the egoism of its aristocracy.

But superman is superman because superman must be confronted by the same a superman, otherwise, no mass of his relatives and people will save the local Zelot from defeat. So, the huge human mass of the peoples conquered by the Persians could not protect Darius III from death. Because Darius III was not a superman. And the mass of his Zerefs found a loophole for their small tasks.

Who cares who rules us? If the new Zelot promises the Zerefs not to touch anyone, just to change the administration, why should they fight with him? So they will solve all the Zerefs and sell their old master? Then such peoples can be taken with bare hands. Although the military leaders of Darius tried to lead the conquered peoples to battle with a cruel whip. Cruelty is also valid. Under the penalty of punishment, the Zerefs also go into battle. They do not yet know who will defeat, their Zerots-their own king or someone else’s king. Every local dictator is obliged to conceal any of the defeat of his troops. So, that the peoples conquered by him do not run over to the victor in advance in their small souls.

Napoleon, for example, could have taken Russia after the Battle of Borodino. The battlefield remains for the winner. Napoleon then took Moscow, which was abandoned by the Russian tsar and administration. If in the time of Napoleon there was a modern connection and the whole people would have learned about the tsar’s abandonment of Moscow, then Kutuzov would have had no place to recruit soldiers, some of them would have fled in different directions, and the horses would have died, the peasants would have beaten Kutuzov’s rear services, and not Napoleon’s quartermasters. The Zerefs don’t care who rules them. Just to create a family and continue your family they don’t need anything else.

Then it was still unknown what tasks the local administration sets each Zerot. Everybody hopes to make friends with a new conqueror. The only one who remains with the unfortunate local dictator is his relatives, the same small cell of the meaning of life of all traditional people.

Yes, yes! After a huge desire for glory equal to the size of the conquered territory, the empire lives only in one human institution – in the family. Family is the only meaning of life for all traditional people, without discrimination. If there is no family in the form of meaning for life, then do not look for an empire here. It was only in the 19th century that German thinkers started talking about the need for living space for Germans.

But the rational, perhaps the most rational people in the world – the Germans did not come up with the idea that to conquer the living space, you need a superman. They only saw vast areas of land. The huge areas of land were necessary for the German people. From the fact that the land is the main criterion for the well-being of the nation, we can immediately say that we are talking only about the empire. From here, the main criteria of the empire it there is land and family are immediately formed! These two criteria are inseparable.

If there is no land, then there is no possibility for the growth of a new population. If there is no family, the institution of the family is destroyed, discredited, people have turned into egoists, they have ceased to answer to their relatives, and therefore to the people, then why do they need land? The people who do not have people with super-responsibility can never become imperial people.

Similarly, cultured people will not be able to become imperial. The over-cultured Greeks failed to create an empire, for example. Alexander the Great did not create an empire because he wanted a lot of land. This ambitious superman wanted only one thing-fame. The Greeks built an empire on the corpse of the Persian Empire. And in general, to create an empire, the people must be the necessary way of life. Only savage peoples with the cult of the family created large empires. We will not consider all the victories of savages over cultured peoples.This is no longer necessary. Everything has already been said.

It would seem that the cultured peoples had better equipment, were organized and were led by educated strategists. But all this was a pointless exercise before the onslaught of any savage horde. All the barbarians, vandals, Horde people thought about how to feed their families. All civilized societies think about how to have a good time. To not get bored, to enjoy life. Enjoy your life! (Seize the moment! How similar it is to the modern cliché “every second of your precious life is precious”).

But none of the Imperial people do not think about the culture! In any case, about the culture of one person. The Imperial people propagandize the culture of society and the collective. You can tell the imperial people there is no need to propagandize anything. The cult of the family, the family, the people themselves will do everything as it should, correctly educate each person.

If you take away from any people the cult of the family, for which ideologists (Zerots, Remids) invent a living space, these people will again return to the original savagery. (For example, modern traditional peoples are very fond of the culture of democracy, although their culture, just even the genes, did not come out of the cult of the family. This leads to unbridled corruption, rot, and destruction not only of the state but also of society as a whole. These people can disappear even without the invasion of sudden barbarians, as it was shown in history. But the new barbarians with a real cult of the family will create a new empire in the vacated place. Only for the peoples for whom the cult of the family is not just a sound, a figure of speech, there is an opportunity to create a state. But this state is also powerless and doomed in the second generation of civilized barbarians. The means of communication have reached such heights that they accompany each Zeref all day, and he does not part with his smartphone until nightfall. Who will he listen to more, mom and dad or hip-hop music?)

So, every pretender to the empire thinks about living space, so about the future of feeding millions of new members of the horde.

Of course, we will not take completely wild hordes. So, the Dorian hordes took over almost the entire Peloponnese and the Dorians, like the Spartans, did not create an empire. Because the Dorians were forced to the cult of the earth. All those savages who run or wander anywhere will never create an empire. They are simply not old enough not experienced to see life beyond the ancestral settlement. Beyond the forest, beyond the river, beyond the valley, there is no life for them, that space beckons them and hunger can drive them at any moment. These people depended on the favor of nature.

And the first impulses of ambitious people who began to fight with backward elders, with the old elite with ancient roots, are the first signals that knowledge of geography at least will increase here. To create the prerequisites for an empire, it is necessary to generalize all the experience and justify the conquest of living space.

But look at Ancient Greece?

Ancient Greece never got out of the state of the polis, a city-state. Because they had a mossy elite, the ancestral aristocracy (Zerots) with thick tails of the glory of family ancestors. Then they developed a lot culturally. And for a philosopher, orator, or strategist, the family is not in the first place. The cult of the family and the meaning of life for its provision is the occupation of the Meteks, Helots, and another rootless rabble.

Could the most advanced and cultured Athens create an empire based on the cult of money and the struggle of the rootless for their rights?

That’s another question. After all, the modern global empire is created as a total democracy without any cult of the earth, and it is not interested in the traditional family. On the contrary, the financial empire does not need any traditional family. It does not allow to them to enjoy their freedom. The traditional family strains and violates the rights of women. The only available and guaranteed pleasure for everyone is informed. Information is the only thing that is needed in the modern financial Empire. Information also promotes so-called democracy. This is what distinguishes the past superman with his ambition, vanity, living space, war, cruelty from the modern superman, with his money and other opportunities.

Chapter VIII

Who wants fame

These heroes belong to the traditional elite. That is, not all active aristocrats turn into Zelots, but only the actual winners. Although the logical sequence of the tradition starts from the very bottom. The traditional chain starts with the Zerefs, but the Zerefs are soldiers, and the soldiers can never feel superior to the generals. All the Zerefs, every one of them, want only to repeat the tradition: to start a family, to continue themselves in children. In other words, they would just like to live, repeat the path of their ancestors. We are not talking about any sense of superiority.

But this only seems at first glance.

Yes, a sense of superiority is brought up in the elite, among the children of arrogant feudal lords (the Zerot). This circumstance can not in any way cancel the competition among the aristocracy.

The entire traditional aristocracy can also be called the people of the Empire. So, literally, the entire aristocracy is riddled with vanity? Yes, it undoubtedly.

And how can vanity be fed?

Only after personal successes, only after victories in battles, only after the conquest of foreign territories can be fed. The winner, who really grew the empire with new lands, drove thousands of new slaves to the fields, covered his name with unfading glory, that the image of a great figure is immediately cast in bronze, a record is made below. Such a Zerot can really be called a superman.

But even small people have ambitions. The Zerefs have vanity, too. Not so big as in the Nobles, but it’s there.

Zeref cannot be an imperial winner because of its scale, its low social status. The life of the Zerefs is simple. The goals of the Zerefs are simple. The Zeref, for example, can be the winner in a street fight with an equal Zeref. It is also a point of pride for the street mob. But this does not negate the possibility of Zeref being Zeref superman at the level available to him.

How can Zeref become a hero (a Zelot)?

And how can he help his people? Only as a hero soldier. Only as a victim. When Zeref sacrifices his life for his family. But Zeref’s family is not visible here. It recedes into the background. Although the Zerefs fight for their families, when Zeref sacrifices his life for the people. Only in this interpretation, after a feat on the battlefield for the nation, Zeref becomes a Zelot. That’s how every person, even the most simple and inconspicuous before the act, can be a superman and stand out from the rest.

All supermen are distinguished by a great act.

And it does not depend on the status that the hero occupied in the traditional hierarchy. The whole point is that traditional society is always hierarchical. Everyone gets a chance from the degree of the possible. But everyone has the opportunity to perform an extraordinary act.

Any greatness is determined by the social significance of the act.

Positive significance and, unfortunately, negative significance. But Herostratus, who set fire to the temple for glory, is certainly not a Zelot, he is a zealot. But it’s not an idiot, either. It’s seemed, handicapped person, filled complexes. And a person with such data always moves along the shortest path. Even if he is a Zeref, he also wants fame. Traditional people all want fame. This directly affects their status, the same painted tail that we talked about earlier. But what is the social significance of the destruction of the temple subservient to a madman? Therefore, Herostratus is not a zeref-zelot, much less a zerot-zealot, he is just a Zeremid, just a Zeremid, and that’s it.

Similarly, there are deceptions and dummies among the elite. Those of them who have great ambitions, a lot of honor, excessive pose, painted show-off. But there are no material facts. There is no proof of them real exclusivity.

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