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Книги автора Claire Boyd

Без серии
фэнтези, магия / колдовство, книги про волшебников, магические академии
Anxious about managing medicines? Worried you’ll make a mistake? This handy book is an essential guide for all nursing students, enabling yo…
Anxious about managing medicines? Worried you’ll make a mistake? This handy book is an essential guide for all nursing students, enabling yo…
публицистическая литература, современная русская литература, саморазвитие / личностный рост, публицистика
The fast and easy way to pass the Nursing Calculations test Is the maths behind the medicine making you maudlin over taking your Nursing Cal…
The fast and easy way to pass the Nursing Calculations test Is the maths behind the medicine making you maudlin over taking your Nursing Cal…
Care Skills for Nurses
научная фантастика, медицина / здравоохранение, медицина, книги по философии
Survive clinical skills training with this essential guide for all student nurses. Providing words of wisdom and advice from real-life stude…
Survive clinical skills training with this essential guide for all student nurses. Providing words of wisdom and advice from real-life stude…
фэнтези, детективная фантастика, попаданцы
Survive placements and practice with this essential guide for all student nurses. Providing words of wisdom and advice from real-life studen…
Survive placements and practice with this essential guide for all student nurses. Providing words of wisdom and advice from real-life studen…
Survive academic study with this snappy guide to research techniques and strategies for all student nurses. Providing words of wisdom and ti…
Specifically designed for student nurses, Clinical Skills for Nurses provides a handy, portable introduction to both the knowledge and pract…
Providing nursing students with words of wisdom and advice from real-life student nurses, Calculation Skills for Nurses enables you to calcu…
[b]An invaluable nursing handbook to increase your confidence with medicine management [/b] In the newly revised Second Edition of [i]Medici…
[b]An invaluable nursing handbook to increase your confidence with medicine management [/b] In the newly revised Second Edition of [i]Medici…
[b]Calculation Skills for Nurses[/b] [b]Calculate the correct drug dosage every single time with help from this essential nursing guide [/b]…
[b]Calculation Skills for Nurses[/b] [b]Calculate the correct drug dosage every single time with help from this essential nursing guide [/b]…