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Non vowel resources of some good mood
Non vowel resources of some good mood
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Non vowel resources of some good mood

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Non vowel resources of some good mood
Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin

They say that what is called problems appears because of the lack of necessary information. Dedicated to those who grew up in an incomplete or in the so-called dysfunctional family…

Non vowel resources of some good mood

Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin

© Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin, 2021

ISBN 978-5-0053-9522-1

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Non vowel resources of some good mood

Every rational act is violence against one’s neighbor or oneself – these are words attributed to Charles Darwin.

If Charles Darwin meant rational actions to restrain what is called emotions and weaknesses, then he generalized everyone – there are people who do not interfere with their rational actions, and even vice versa – these are people about whom they say that they have no weaknesses and they are not emotional, therefore violence against oneself through reasonable actions can be considered when someone who is considered to be a person with weaknesses and emotions suppresses his weaknesses and emotions, or it will be more correct to say what is considered weaknesses, and is called emotions and? The most important thing is what is called weaknesses – the less weaknesses, the more you are free, but if they are, then you need to be able to satisfy them in order to feel comfortable? Neuroses, phobias, alcoholism, drug addiction – not only unsatisfied desires, but also the cult of excessive caution, as well as the fear that everything will turn out not perfect, not perfect in the sense in which ideality is understood, is to blame for the whole paradox who is not afraid of anything, has more chances to live to old age than the one who is afraid of everything, suppresses his fears with alcohol or drugs and instills confidence in the same? Why do some people who have linked themselves to faith quit drinking alcohol or drugs that they used because of the unfulfillment of practical or utopian ideas – because religion teaches that a person does not control the situation, at least completely, and everything goes as decided from above? In order not to become a neurasthenic, alcoholic or drug addict, you need not only not to restrain emotions, as some psychologists advise, but also to follow reasonable behavior? Competent economic behavior is when you always have a money «hitch» or, in other words, an «alarming suitcase» in which money or values, or a second job, or all together, then you don’t have much fear for your future and the present? Is psychology perhaps too ideal and not adapted to the living conditions of life? Are all those who are close to the critic, fools or wrong – are there people whose behavior is «tailored» to criticize the actions of other people? There is competition among those who carry information to the masses, as in most areas, and sometimes if someone else’s opinion somewhere clashes with yours, the brain of some carriers of these opinions will usually perceive this situation as aggression, and this it will be expressed in irritation, and subsequently in criticism, so it was worth writing this book not in the affirmative but in the interrogative sentences, or simply do not want to say everything in the affirmative – as they say, should the missionary hear the missionary work of another?

Attention: the author does not say anything in this material that something should be one way or another, therefore all affirmative sentences in this material should be perceived as interrogative, not interrogative, only because it is impossible to create any work only from interrogative sentences, reading any affirmative sentence written by the author, you should mentally put a question mark when it ends. Where the author categorically affirms something without the possibility of any other interpretation of what is written, there is a note: attention, this is an affirmative sentence.

Two years ago, a scientist named Rich Terril suddenly appeared on the science-fiction television show Through the Wormhole to tell us all about the mysteries of the universe. He was invited to the program to discuss the theory that our whole life is something like a metaphysical, advanced and very complex version of The Sims.

(Continued at the end of this work).

God is a programmer, as modern popular science films and articles say: science has connected with religion, with the advent of computers among some people, the theory that we are NPCs, programs that live in a virtual world located in a super-powerful computer, and we controlled by higher powers – are we a super-advanced likeness of the game The Sims or GTA Grand Theft Auto IV, and we were created just for the entertainment of the one who created us? Nothing exists, is everything just an intellectual design and attachment to beliefs that can be absolutely anything? What kind of posthuman civilization is it, what will the people in it look like, and will they even look somehow? Competition and a system of encouragement and punishment, when there are endorphins in the blood or when they are not there – does our life look like a computer game or just a computer game like our life? Does quantum mechanics hint that we live in virtual reality? Is there some evidence that we live in a virtual world, and there is no evidence that we do not live in it? When experimenting with two slots in which ultrafine particles are passed through them, in the case of non-observation of particles they behave like waves when you observe, they behave like particles – something similar happens when you play a computer game, especially in the one that requires more capabilities than your computer has, the image is loaded when you look at it after you give the command to the computer to show something that is in another location of the game?! The speed of light cannot be overcome at the moment, and this is because such is the power of something similar to the processor in the computer in which we exist?! We are composed of atoms, the constituent of atoms is electrons. We are made up of electricity, like computer game characters?! Our hosts controlled us with substances that cause pleasant and unpleasant sensations, and substances that cause pleasant sensations are called internal and n n of opioids – endorphins?! You can believe in anything, but the main thing? Does man have no free will, man is biochemical processes? I will not follow instincts: is it easy for someone who has decided to argue with higher powers if they have established these instincts? They say that in the world from which we came, there is no aggression, anger, envy, pain, suffering, pleasures, joy – all this is only in our world, and these are tools to control our behavior: did what is not prescribed is unpleasant, what you need – have fun? Higher forces guide us through chemistry in our body – discomfort until you do something, then, when you’ve done everything, it’s «letting go», and still have fun? What is aggression – is it a program, what is sexual desire – is it a program? There is no free will – is man the result of biochemical processes? With the help of knowledge about the presence of internal drugs that push living beings to certain actions, you can predict with 100% accuracy one action that almost everyone will do in life – almost everyone will have sex because higher forces want all living things to multiply, and made sex enjoyable? Why do some enjoy the fact that they are changing the world in the direction that they call the best, while others vice versa? Everything that is mentioned above is true, either simply hype and another opium for the people, or just some scientists want to receive grants from politicians for their research – everything in our world is confused, as in quantum physics or even worse, in terms of the ability to find the truth? For some, the main entertainment is to do what you can’t do? Did everyone have a feeling that he was in someone else’s hands, and that nothing depended on him? Trying to get to the truth, you come to nothing – everyone has their own truth and program, you need to learn how to implement it, otherwise you won’t get dopamine? There are those on planet Earth who like to kill and torment – we connect what is called imagination in our world and answer the question why, then, in the game we are supposed to be in, so much of what is called unpleasant is due to that the game is not finalized, or is it illegal, and not from the fact that the players from those who we call sadists or… does the game just have what are called computer viruses or their more perfect resemblance? Are computer virus NPCs who enjoy behaviors deemed inappropriate? Higher forces guide us in the way we understand? Are we controlled through what are called endorphins – do internal opiates that give pleasure and other chemicals produced in the body cause what is called fear, aggression, etc., determine our lifelong behavior? The impossibility of fulfilling one’s desires or ignorance of how to do this makes a person who is called unhappy: there are no such desires – there are no problems, there are such desires, and there is the possibility of their realization, then there are also no problems – is everything simple? Some people doubt the reality of our world and prove the possibility of unreality by the fact that dreams for us during sleep are also real, if dreams for us during sleep are real, why then reality should be reality, and dreams are unreal, because when we sleep, they are for us are real? Is the world as we see it, and not as it really is? Higher forces control us and talk to us through chemistry, that is, what is called internal opiates, the hormones of pleasure – what do you enjoy, do you and higher authorities need from you? The general program prescribed for all people is a reproduction program (it is expressed only in someone strongly, in someone weakly), do the other programs for each have their own, which can sometimes be similar, and sometimes individual? The secret of psychological comfort and health is to do what you want, as much as possible, since there can be any business that is more expensive than doing what you want? Do what your heart desires, or it’s more expensive – what is called cognitive dissonance born here? Cognitive dissonance – grab it or throw out a suitcase without a handle? Do what you must do, and be what will happen? Are all of us led by higher powers? Through chemistry in our body that causes pleasure or discomfort, a higher mind communicates with us, directing us to the right people and the right places, from the presence of which hormones of pleasure are released into the blood, or pushing us away from unnecessary people or places from which hormones are released, causing discomfort? You are next to a person of the opposite sex, from whose presence you feel great pleasure, so you are on the right track – does the higher mind let you know that you need this person? What kind of relationship will you have with the opposite sex – how between a man and a woman in the classical sense, or does gender difference not affect observance of prejudice and the creation of boundaries in communication? Opposites are attracted – does the emotional create a relationship or a family with a non-emotional person, «unearthly» with «down to earth»? Does a person consist of many competing desires? There is a struggle of needs, and a struggle with needs, and a struggle of one needs with the needs of others? Normal is happy, and yet when something from which he experiences happiness does not cause unhappiness to others? Some have problems because they don’t know what is really happening and don’t know how to achieve their goals? Does the concept of «bad» exist, and what sense organs or biochemical processes in the body indicate that everything is bad in a psychological sense? There is no thing that is called bad, and there is no that that is called good – are higher forces through the chemistry in the body that is responsible for the mood of the person that control everything? You don’t bother with a person with high sexual temperament – then you are impotent, you bother with a person with low sexual temperament – then you are preoccupied, dissonance due to the difference of what is called sexual temperament? Who is a friend – is he who has the same program in his brain as yours, or is it not always like that? There have been and will be many who want to give communication lessons or lessons on the topic of what is good, what is bad? Vitya went to the river to jump, and you’ll go – you need to have your head on your shoulders, I don’t care about other children and people – some parents say to their children, why then there are so many who want to teach you how, in their opinion, It’s right to live without even being your relatives, what is their interest in you, and is this interest explicit or hidden? What is called hypocrisy, lies, manipulation – are these types of communications? God alone, the providers are different – do some interpret religion to the masses in their own way? Do not show or tell anyone that you drink alcohol – does it immediately mean that you have psychological problems and what are called weaknesses? Everyone was happy – as a drug user would say, was it like swallowing amphetamine? Neurochemical processes could be changed at all times, berserkers that used before the battle, according to historical data, mushrooms that give fearlessness prove this, and nowadays there are even wider possibilities for medical personality change? Can a person be changed not only with medicines, but also with what is called propaganda and life experience? Does unnecessary junk of information spoil a person’s life by leading him in the wrong way? Do drugs and alcohol allow some to receive a portion of happiness bypassing higher doses by higher powers? Robots do not do everything for you and for you, so learn to overcome difficulties, and not hide in the «bushes» in the form of non-participation in something or in the «bushes» in the form of alcohol, etc., but if possible, do what do you want, since some of your desires (sexual instincts and others) are desires of higher powers, for the failure of which they reward the body with unpleasant sensations? What you remember best is what causes or evokes emotions, if you are not emotional, then there’s nothing to remember either, which means there are no problems with psychological stability if there are no emotions? Are people divided into those receiving endorphins artificially (100 grams after work or every day and every hour 100 grams) and those receiving endorphins naturally (trips to the seas and various other trips)? Each person should ideally live the way he wants, but at the same time not to disturb others from living the way they want – a complex dilemma that can only be solved by scientific progress, since sometimes the desires of some can harm others? In some places and cases, if someone begins to influence something and this interferes with someone, they begin to stop him by criticizing and labeling – is this a struggle for survival? Prison, army, hard manual labor, unemployed, homeless, civil servant, aristocratic lifestyle – should a psychologist have a diverse experience? A person grows up from problems – the richer the country of residence, the less problems, the less problems – the less growing up? Not a psychologist, but a specialist in relations with… reality? I’ll spit over my shoulder – everything will be fine, I will tie a rope – no one will jinx it; believe in signs, go to fortunetellers those who are called neurosthenics, nothing happens just like that, you need to act, do you need a specific plan of action, including to protect your interests? Believe everything inexperienced in objective information about something people who do not know how everything really works? Some life attitudes can make a person what they call a neurosthenic, psychopath, alcoholic, or drug addict – you cannot control everything, higher powers do it, you cannot delay someone’s death, believing that you will wash your hands every hour and therefore don’t if you catch a deadly infection or count to a certain number, and nothing bad happens, those who have reached a deadline measured by higher powers die, so calm down with an obsessive hand wash and an intrusive account? Is a programmer a translator translating from a human language into a language understandable by a machine? A magician, showing some tricks, creates an illusion to distract attention from reality? Are many programmed to seek the truth? Does everyone have their own social task? Someone has developed a sense of smell, someone has something else – each creature perceives only that reality, which it is prescribed to perceive in any way according to its sense organs? Not natural selection – what is job interviewing, is it… artificial selection? Are resources to achieve goals time and health? You are emotional, often manifest what is called aggression, and experience what is called love and sexual desire, are inclined to what is called suggestibility – you will never become an IT specialist or an astronaut, since in an emotional state the human brain cannot process information qualitatively and can not perform some tasks? It is said that Antoine de Saint-Exupery said: «Love begins where nothing is expected in return.» Is love a special chemical process that takes place for people to be together for a period of time during the growth of a child, do scientists and writers see love differently? For some professions, the more independent is the psyche, the more ideal is it, or is it the same in life? For some places and times in history, some human behavior may be inadequate, for other places it may be normal – is everything relative to someone or something? What behavior can be considered defective, and what is it to follow the example of defective behavior? What kind of program in the brain that forces people to «bother» with animals and people is said that the killer-doctor Marcel Petier showed signs from his childhood that he could be called a psychopathic future – he left the birds without food and watched them die from hunger, then he began to kill people. Why do some get endorphins from socially unacceptable behavior, who programmed them that way? Is the devil a programmer too, only with negative programs? In order, as they say, to socialize in modern society, is it necessary to have the least qualities inherent in an animal? What do higher powers want from you – so that you do what pleases you? Is software a soul and a hardware program is a brain? Some people are sure that they know how to live and do something similar to missionary work, but if I myself know how to live, should the missionary hear the missionary work of another? Does everyone have a scientific rationale? Someone beat someone for a girl for being in her company, and after several months of living together with the one who beat her, she «surrendered» him after a drunken scandal to the police, and this could be who was beaten? The psychologist must teach what parents did not teach, the main thing is that he knows what to teach, for this he must be in the thick of life, that is, in different places and situations? Psychotherapy – the world cannot be changed, but can you change the concept of the world? Change the line of behavior, if something does not work out, try to behave differently for a couple of months? Some say: «I live for myself» or «I live for children» – live according to the prescribed guidelines for higher powers? Mosquitoes, pathogenic microbes and other biological nano-organisms – does a person destroy everything that prevents him from living? Some half-lives learn how to satisfy what is considered weaknesses, while those who know how to satisfy their weaknesses or weaknesses do not earn money and an old-age pension? When genetic engineering creates people with precisely defined properties, everyone can fashion anyone without making the efforts that were previously required – remove aggression, sexual desire, and now nothing prevents you from focusing on science and becoming to scientists? What will happen when a person can remove from himself what is called an emotion or an animal component – there is no more fear, joy, aggression, sexual desire, anticipation of something pleasant or unpleasant, emotional attachment, love – after all, it is with the help of emotions programmed into a person do higher forces direct his line of behavior? Each civilization is transformed into superdeveloped, after which it begins to create more advanced civilizations? Yes, perhaps all of the above is true, the world is quantum, etc., etc., but there are beings, including humans, who experience pain in all its manifestations and other unpleasant sensations, what to do with it and why? Do people struggle with unpleasant sensations and with the causes that cause them throughout their entire human history? One of the keys to mental health is objective information about everything? Could someone’s opinion be a measure of all values? Should the function of a psychologist or even a psychiatrist be performed by a retired specialist in psychological operations or a professional politician? Is the author of a book or work a cast from the reality in which he is or was? They say that those whom they call psychologists, in connection with the increase in the rhythm of life, the development of technology and in connection with other factors relevant to the current time, they do not undertake to predict what a person will be like in 20 years – how to make everyone in a comfort zone and, no matter how trivial it sounds, could, thanks to being in a comfortable psychological state, work qualitatively for the good of the state and civilization? Those who believe that only suffering falls on him do not what they need to do, or don’t do what they need to do – they «float» against the tide, not listening to the signals of higher forces (nature), along which path do they need to go

Lyrics: in some cases, the headhunters of some will be the police or the police? The world is full of those who were called losers, who became those who are called winners, and those who were called winners, who became those who are called losers? Why is the term «called» used in the above sentence because there are no winners and losers, are there just those who perform some kind of action that someone once called? Can we really live in a huge supercomputer or is this information just an invention of those who need it and profitably in order to distract and entertain people? Some want to reprogram someone to fit their needs – is this commonly called manipulation? Who has the brain «locked up» in doubt? Every word, every kind, every action of something can be and is a long or short associative chain with something? Carry out independent research in what is called psychology, and form them into any product?

Noticed that the bosses, who are called neurotics or psychopaths (emotional – political correctness), pick up a calm, not emotional subordinates? One of the things that annoy emotional people is when they are being deceived? … In civilian leadership positions, sometimes those who were called nervous, ambitious people were sometimes noticed, in which former employees of power structures, who did not take root in the service due to their character and found themselves in civilian work, accurately guessed. They expressed their «burrows» in dismissing subordinates who didn’t like, and they didn’t like them because they (the former security officials) dared to deceive them at least once, the revealed facts of deception caused great irritation, although they didn’t negatively affect the quality and result of work, another leader would have turned a blind eye to this, but not the former… In countries called civilized, are emotional security officials and civil servants not held up for long? It is precisely for identifying and «screening out» excessively emotional and «stuck» people on any considered unpleasant situation that psychological tests were created when passing through selection in power structures, and if someone is somehow too emotional, bypassing testing by acquaintance or other ways, got into the service, he again will not last long there, unless, of course, his relatives have a business, part of the income from which they give to their bosses? For power structures, the ideal person – quickly forgetting everything that is considered stress? … It’s accidentally noticed that it’s possible to «work together» only with simple, not proud people, and also that he created a family with a simple, not proud person… If he’s «hard» in character, then in any case your boss should be simple, and husband or wife are the same? If you are proud and run into as proud as yourself, then there may be trouble – be vigilant with the same as yourself? Can the power of propaganda come from oneself?

One ounce of practice costs one ton of theory.

Words attributed to Mahatma Gandhi

Eugene Ionesco is said to have said: «I saved myself – self-analysis, self-discipline, self-education, self-improvement.»

A manual on non-theoretical (non-laboratory) psychology – is it when everyone who is not a psychologist by education, voluntarily or involuntarily conducts research in the field of psychology independently, based on their life path and experience and documents their research in order to share it with others? High technology does not stand still – augmented reality with virtual glasses will tell you how to disassemble, repair and which nut to unscrew in front of someone who has never done this before – what about augmented reality in terms of psychology, you can here to combine the knowledge of software engineers and those who know how to correctly adjust in any situation?

Valueology is the science of a healthy lifestyle. In 2000, a fashion for a healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle) appeared in the civilized countries of all continents: everyone strives to create a beautiful and healthy body – exercise, eat right, but you can’t hear someone talking about healthy lifestyle, because physical health depends from what is going on in the head? Everyone knows that it is contrary to the rules of healthy lifestyle, and few know what is contrary to the rules of healthy lifestyle? What is it, hygiene – who will make a list of what is considered harmful to mental health, like a list with information about what is harmful to physical health? A sea of propaganda of an unhealthy lifestyle is pouring down on you, conduct self-promotion of healthy lifestyle – watch, for example, movies about sports training? How are HLS, Dam Square and Red Square related? Self-propaganda is not only movies about sports, but also viewing on your computer through street online webcams connected to the Internet, what happens in the cities of your dreams, which you would like to visit or would like your family to visit, it gives an incentive to earn money and some not to spend money on chemical stimulants of chemical content (alcohol, drugs), but to save for a trip. You enter in a search engine, for example: «Amsterdam Dam Square webcam» or «Russia Red Square webcam». Initially, the oral list of what is harmful to the psyche is made up by the parents of their children, and if there are no such parents, then there is no list of how immunity is strong for a cub of an animal that was taken away from its mother early because it did not drink its milk? Let’s just say there are people who are programmed for a moderate emotional reaction to stimuli, and how to respond to stimuli to those who are called emotional people, if modern psychologists say that holding back emotions is harmful and that this subsequently leads to inappropriate behavior? To become a psychologist, you do not need a psychologist’s diploma and an office – you need to know life, for this you need to direct yourself to the most standard and most extraordinary places and situations, try to find ways to realize your needs, can anyone become an independent researcher in psychology? Sometimes in some places does politics interfere with the quality of psychological assistance? Can someone who did not burn in the tank in a moral sense give advice on behavior? With age, «direction finding» your and others in the sense of interests? What is the best way to find out – looking at the battle from the sidelines or participating in it yourself? Who is «trampling» the paths of the rules of relationships between people – psychologists, ordinary people, or both? The life experience of someone who gives advice cannot be limited to studying at the institute and working in the office? Does anyone who writes scientific dissertations to improve people’s lives, having seen a drunk man lying in the snow in the window of his apartment or office, come out and help him get home? Unmet needs shorten life? The book called on the road – should everything be recognized in practice? Everyone can change and create their own social norms – not only artists and politicians? Discipline is a decision to do what you really don’t want to do, to achieve what you really want, do you pass by desires alone (sex, alcohol), if any, to achieve another most important desire? War and struggle even in individual minds – the most common psychological conditions in the civilized world are cognitive dissonance (in simple terms – this is the clash of several conflicting beliefs that prevent one decision from being made, sort of like a psychological, ethical or other dilemma) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (actions associated with rituals such as spitting three times over the left shoulder, bypassing the place where the black cat ran, bypassing triangle-shaped lamp or telephone lines foreheads, etc.)? They say that Carl Gustav Jung considered the belief of everyone in something supernatural and the worship of something unknown by a world neurosis? Nobody is your enemy and friend – they just have a «program» of behavior towards you that can be changed? Karl Leonhard coined the term «stuck personality» – forget about everything negative, forget about everything quickly – the psyche is considered ideal, which allows you to instantly forget about everything that is considered bad, and what to do if everything is vice versa, and modern science cannot help this? Why are there extremal scientists among those working in extreme conditions, for example, geologists at the North Pole or extremists who have tested their latest medical products on themselves, and why can’t I hear about extremists among psychologists working in extreme psychological conditions or, so to speak, in the «field»? Come to life as a researcher? What to do when some people have emotional chaos in their head, if they were deceived or offended, and it passes only when the product of this chaos splashes out in the form of negative emotions? The key to psychological comfort and mental health is the fulfillment of desires, regardless of whether they are dictated by higher powers (for example, sexual instincts) or were some people inspired by other people or inspired by themselves (ambition)? The main thing is to find ways to satisfy your desires, and no longer need to look for any other means of existence? Higher forces or nature are your desires, with the help of them they communicate with you and with the help of them they realize their desires? Higher forces or nature realize their plans through your desires? Why should I look for the meaning of life, if everyone has his own, and for everyone everything was decided by higher forces by means of a genetic code and so on: live your desires, any your desire is a desire for higher forces? Fear, an overdeveloped sense of self-preservation, in a word, a lack of frivolity prevents one from realizing one’s desires? Not to pay attention to fear is not a call to what is called recklessness, but a call to not pay attention to fear when reaching any goal? Where does what is called neurosis and phobia come from from the cult of the instinct of self-preservation – don’t often think that something unpleasant can happen to you like a soldier does not think about it in a war? Is frivolity good for the psyche? Some want to emigrate to countries that are considered rich, with a developed economy, so to speak, there is no economy – are there countries that in the past used to «snatch» a large piece of material wealth pie and now use it? If you live in a country considered rich, can you stay what you call an infantile (child) for life? How did material prosperity «sail» to some due to the exploitation of slaves and wars of conquest with the extortion of minerals from the conquered? How objective is the analysis in someone’s works? All psychological problems due to the lack of the necessary information and certain skills – forewarned, then armed – some not warned, who in most cases are some? If you are from that family, which is considered complete and prosperous, then you do not need to look for information on the healthy lifestyles (psychologically healthy lifestyle) on the side – will you be taught a psychologically healthy lifestyle in the family? Do and do the same events affect everyone in different ways? Unlucky for someone who, so to speak, is not prepared for life, or depending on what kind of life and where to live, there are «sweet» places where you don’t need to prepare for anything? If you haven’t been prepared for what is called life, parents, do you need to prepare yourself in order to compete with those who were prepared for life? What kind of «facade» is the cause of most psychological problems for some due to the fact that they only see the «facade» of life, and they don’t have objective information, since they don’t know how everything really works? Does a person study the environment and learn from what he has learned? Does information material turn into thoughts? Is cognitive dissonance simply replacing one person with another, one man or woman with whom you live, on others, a glass or bottle for a family? Let all the flowers bloom or there are harmful sources of information and the information itself – in terms of what is considered psychological health? Harmful information for psychological health and comfort needs to be suppressed, and who benefits from what is considered harmful information? In a global sense, the so-called bad information is beneficial to the competitors of those people who control you? Is it written somewhere that people in the future will become immortal and will ask for death? Some are very worried when someone dies, they get what they call a nervous breakdown, but imagining yourself immeasurable is no less frightening than dying? Excessive caution leads to what is called mental illness: the key to psychological health is to understand that higher powers have already been decided when you die, and calmly do what you want?

Is there a healthy mind in a healthy body or a healthy body in a healthy mind? There are considered undeniable facts that have been announced by scientists that affect life expectancy: a sedentary lifestyle – minus 6 years of life; chronic lack of sleep – minus 5 years of life; overweight – minus 8 years of life; high blood pressure – minus 10 years; smoking – minus 10 years of life; regular intake of alcohol – minus 23 years; drug use is minus 34 years. You can add one more point: grew up in a family called dysfunctional – minus several years?

They used to say that fitness is useful, in 2018 they say that an hour of fitness reduces life by a certain amount of time, what to do and who to listen to?

Some, faced with a power hostile to them, which they cannot destroy, instead of trying to destroy this power, destroy themselves, others long for their death when, as they think, there is no other way to solve the problem, the first and the other is just a conviction by these some?

The material in the work is almost 100% collective and does not pretend to be the new teaching of life, it simply compiles and offers to analyze the statements and behaviors of people from the category of «random acquaintances» and just acquaintances with whom the author had to communicate regarding everything than almost any average person faces in everyday life. And most importantly, those whose statements and lines of behavior, as already mentioned, are collected in the work, considered themselves to be completely satisfied with life by people (they were also considered by those who knew them), therefore, the fact that these people are satisfied with their life, says that they lead a psychologically healthy lifestyle with respect to their own mental component, and this should mean only one thing – their way of thinking and methods of responding to any situation are somehow valuable if this provides them with psychological comfort Hg and does not harm others. Also in the work are materials from other sources indicated in it. Once again, I want to emphasize that all the information in this material is not of any propagandistic nature, it is not intended to offend someone’s interests or insult someone, etc. – is only familiar with the line of behavior, way of thinking, the knowledge of ordinary average people who, as already mentioned, consider themselves and whom others consider to be successful people, and therefore the work is not clearly written in the «teacher of life and student» mode – only an introduction.

According to historical data, earlier, when there were no hospitals and ambulances, life expectancy was 18—20 years, those who were 40 were considered old people. Now in some countries, when medicine has reached the level where for the most part everyone has been living for more than 40 years, another problem has arisen – some are destroying themselves, despite the benefits achieved by civilization associated with increasing life expectancy.

Not only smallpox and typhoid kill people? Parents are deprogrammers who «clean» the brain of a child from harmful programs, are parents like an antivirus program, if they are not there is no protection against «virus» software? Are there parents who themselves are crammed with harmful programs and therefore cannot protect the child from them, as a rule, this happens in the so-called socially dysfunctional families? As a child, I found a book at home «Raising a child in an incomplete family», in which there was a lot of «water», but it was not said that a child from an incomplete family, when he grows up and when he grows up, will have competitors in the form of children from full and full-fledged families – Is there parity between those who have parents and siblings and those who do not have them, can the first achieve what the second can achieve? Do those from an incomplete family or from the so-called dysfunctional family need at least the same level of development as those from a complete family in order to achieve something? You will not become a general, since the general has his own son? When you are alone, you walk alone through life’s obstacles, but when those (parents) who have instincts to help you surround you, you walk without obstacles, or not always like that, because when all obstacles are removed, they become those who are called non-self-reliant?

What to do for those who have not become a scientist and come into life on a common basis or almost on a common basis, since he does not have a parent or parents, he is alone in the family or he does not know how to do anything? For a simple layman, everything can be described as follows: money is needed, and if money is given as a pie, then the chances of tearing a piece out of it are different for those from a complete and prosperous family, and those from an incomplete and dysfunctional family, provided that the needs of one and the other are the same? Life experience is an opportunity to predict people’s reactions to your actions: some do not have close people with life experience, and they are forced to do wrong things because of this? An incomplete family is also the absence of siblings – who can give advice on more intimate questions that some parents do not know the answer to? An acquaintance who is 40 years old, who has never been married, has not lived with a woman or a man, and whom I have never seen with a woman or a man, and who has a mother and father, but has no siblings, periodically drinks alcohol, possibly, due to the fact that he doesn’t have a sexual partner (perhaps because I didn’t specify the reason for drinking), that is, he has an unhappy sex life, because there is no information or the opportunity to establish relationships with a partner of interest to him? There are times when you need to come to the solution of a super-delicate problem yourself, because even in complete families they will not tell the answer to them? A housemate gave birth to a child from a married one, perhaps thinking that she would keep him near him, but he left her and refused to buy a crib for a baby, it turned out that she was from an incomplete family, lived without a father, if there was a father, this would not be happened since father has life experience? A child born in an incomplete family due to the fact that there is no necessary information from a missing family member will have to fill up more «bumps» than those who grew up in a complete, considered adequate family (considered adequate, because complete – this is not always the one that is called adequate)? Living in the next entrance of the house where my relatives live, the guy from the family, which is usually called dysfunctional, went to the automobile bridge and rushed down – died in the hospital, that he from this family contributed to the adoption of the line of behavior that he chose? A work colleague goes to a psychiatrist for antidepressants – is she also from an incomplete family? I ask her a question – for sure, her father left her in childhood. Does it really play a role, where did you grow up and with whom? After all, many great people grew up in an incomplete family, for example, Korolev, the designer of spaceships from the times of the USSR, or were these just other times? Does the historical time in which a person from an incomplete or dysfunctional family lives plays a role in shaping his personality?

Dedicated to all those who are from that place, which is called a dysfunctional family, an incomplete family, those who are called non-self-reliant, and all those who destroyed themselves.


The work does not mean that somewhere someone violates the rights of any social group – simply, according to the author, there are people who lack certain information necessary for a comfortable life.

To learn more, you need to live longer. Some people from science say that after death, everything transforms into a quantum state, and with this comes absolute knowledge of everything, but don’t die in the pursuit of absolute knowledge, you can assure everyone that you should live up to 70 or 80 years, and then in this non-quantum world absolute knowledge will come if not about everything, then in psychology they will surely be complete or almost complete, everything will be decomposed into «bolts» and «nuts» in a social sense.

How to find out the rules of the psychological healthy lifestyle – do you need to ask a person who is happy with his life what he lives with, or does each Abram have his own program? Are signs of following the right healthy lifestyle rules a constant presence of pleasure from life? What is absolute knowledge – the ability to separate the present from the fictional, and 70 years is the time when some finish manipulating you and you start to «load» some? To clearly see the dark and bright sides of life is a purely philosophical concept, and everyone can perceive everything that is happening around him as he wants, but is there an objective reality that is around us – is it like that, and nothing else? Some have their own pseudo-reality, and does it interfere or help? Could it be that someone’s pseudo-reality will become an objective reality? Is there an objective reality? Who can change the «record», change the objective reality to one degree or another – scientists, politicians, businessmen, millionaires, or any person? Any society can be changed the way one wants, people will be the way one who wants and can change the rules of people’s lives – all are suggestible, but only the level of suggestion is different for everyone? The seemingly independent social movements are in fact absolutely all acting in the interests of certain politicians? Higher powers endowed everyone with instincts and other needs, but not all provided with instructions, how to satisfy these instincts and needs – is philosophy a forest that philosophers and ordinary people have been wandering for centuries in search of such instructions? Among some philosophers there are those who have lost their way in the forest of life, in connection with which they are trying to convey to people what does not work in life? Do people continue in our time to learn to communicate with each other? How do you need to live and how not to do it – all this is indicated in the laws, and the laws stem from the psychological needs of people? The one who does not want to live by the law is in prison, the one who cannot, in psychiatric hospitals? Laws are based on the majority opinion about what laws should be? Like it or not, you need to find a compromise when the situation requires it, if you live among people? If you don’t observe ethics and morality, you will annoy others, and therefore both morality and ethics are not just words that are meant to be manipulated by someone, but unwritten laws that follow, like those written, from the psychological component of people – that annoys others shouldn’t show up? The human brain is a very plastic material, and anyone and anything can be molded from a person, but as is commonly believed in scientific circles, a child under 6 years old generally lives almost under hypnosis – is it super hypnotable and suggestible? Does modern man need to live in multitasking mode? Is there such information, recognizing that anyone will change their lifestyle, because it will affect his lifestyle, or does any information change something in everyone? There is always a war with oneself, both in the physical sense – for example, when you endure hunger, observing a diet for weight loss – and in the psychological one, therefore the assertion that the body needs to be given what it asks is not always true, because if it asks alcohol or drugs, and if you give them to him, will it ruin him? Anyone who does not know how to communicate with people and is in a state of chronic pride, he goes constantly «hungry», including «hungry» in the presence of the opposite partner he needs, since he pushes everyone away from himself with his pride? How to properly respond to someone’s attention or questions from someone else? Do you need to be able to protect your lifestyle or do you need to be able to change it? Neurosis and other borderline disorders are the result of a psychologically incorrect lifestyle – how is cirrhosis with a physiologically incorrect lifestyle? Why leadership training, why be a leader? The astronauts are not leaders, although everything is fine with fortitude, and moreover, according to the documentary, their psychological tests exclude the presence of leadership qualities, we need a simple and space-controlled person with completely zero what is called «ambition» – the belief that if not a leader, then this is not good, is this the result of ordinary suggestion? For the sixth time, American doctors successfully performed a heart transplant on a famous billionaire David Rockefeller, RIA Novosti reports – does anyone who enjoys life want to live? By the age of 40, having made a retrospective of his relationship, he noticed that all my bosses with whom I worked for a long time were simple people, the same thing with the opposite sex, and those who were nervous and arrogant quickly disappeared from my life path – this is why, that I myself am like those who disappeared from my path, which means that opposites attract, or aren’t opposites attracted, or in different cases differently? The older the average person becomes, the more he becomes like everyone else – with age, what is called an individual is lost? After 40 years, most people are only interested in material issues – health and money? For those over 40, it becomes more difficult to manipulate, since they themselves can manipulate? Remember that the envy of the blind begins to see, the dumb to speak, the deaf to hear, envy is a natural signal that there is a competitor for what you need? Higher powers have specially invented what is called envy – is this for the presence of competition? Is it possible to consider as manipulation what gives a bilateral, but not a one-sided benefit? What will help people, teaching how to live, material well-being, or both? In some countries that are considered rich, there are many people who can lead the same way of life as kings and kings? When it seems to someone that everything’s bad for him, agents of someone’s influence inspired him or he inspired himself: the tsar or the king didn’t have a TV and a computer before – some don’t understand that they live better now than kings and kings used to live, why then should some people organize revolutions or leave somewhere? In some deemed wealthy countries, young people do not want to work, receive large unemployment benefits and go to other (mainly Asian) countries to look for the meaning of life, but for some reason these young people do not leave to find the meaning of life, working as workers in construction sites, factories and to farms? The word Pasteur comes from the old Russian «shepherd»? National building – can you create a state with people of any beliefs, with those that only you want? What seems strange to some, for others, the norm – feminism, an open family, child-free, the LBBH community, libertarianism, sologamy, etc. – are the social products of only rich states, since there people don’t think about earning money for food but thinks only of spectacles, everything is according to the Maslow pyramid – is all of the above possible when basic human needs are satisfied? Does the term «human syndrome have everything» exist? Is everyone benefiting from the very fact of his existence? Is it possible to change life for the better with the help of information or only with the help of material goods? Happy are those who know and are not afraid to do what others do not know and are afraid to do? In countries with low and average living standards, are relationships different from people in countries with high living standards? Every 6 minutes in the world, one child dies of hunger – they say that this is the official statistics of the UN, which takes place in countries considered to be poor, no one informs about this? As the scientists say, the concept of the passage of time is relative: when it is pleasant from something, it flows quickly, when it is unpleasant, it flows slowly – what should one do to whom endorphins are not produced from anything, and accordingly there is nothing pleasant in life? The reward system donated by higher powers to man is endorphins – are the so-called endorphin «traps» controlling everything? There are people who live in the past, there are people who live in the present, and there are people who live in the future, but there is also a mix, where there is something more, something less? Depression begins when old life strategies are broken, but there are no new ones yet, a person cannot live instincts like animals – does he have to carry any ideas, even those that are considered primitive? They took the drunk to the police – they interfere with life or help to make the right choice? You can look at fire, water and anyone’s extraordinary eccentric acts for an infinitely long time? What governs the life of everyone, what is called fate, or a combination of circumstances? How to study a person in terms of his instincts and emotions, and at the same time to be the bearer of the same instincts and emotions – is it difficult to study robots when the robot itself, or vice versa, does this simplify everything? Who are you, a gangster, but you without a doubt could also be a scientist, if you find yourself in a different environment. Me, you and all people are plasticine from which you can fashion anything; the question is in whose hands this plasticine is, and heredity plays a secondary role? A person is a tube into which you can fill anything, in any percentage of something – why is it not the other way around because you «poured» into yourself or others «poured» into you this and not other information? The words attributed to Hajj Nasredin are as follows: «No matter how you say halva, your mouth will not be sweeter.» Or is he wrong, and vice versa – a person, not only by suggesting someone, but also by self-suggestion, can «blind» any person out of himself? Most people are very suggestible? A person is considered to be someone who believes little and criticizes everything? It has always been fashionable for some to be like others or the other, or is it one of the instincts present in some as opposed to such an instinct as «I am special», or are these not instincts, but the results of upbringing? Raising a child, but do not break his will? Does the fate of the child (and not only the child, but also the family as a whole) depend on the propaganda abilities of the parents? Fashionable for some to be different from the people – am I special? Even the amount of what is considered various mental illnesses is different at different times – during Freud’s time hysteria dominated, in the 20th century schizophrenia, in the 21st century depression and panic attacks? Endogenous depression is a malfunction in the production of serotonin and dopamine. Does such depression happen or is failure a consequence of depression? In our time and in our places of life, the cult of caution and self-pity is to blame for everything, so now depression and panic attacks dominate – take less caution and pity yourself less? Behind every seemingly spontaneous social movement created are certain people who created it for pragmatic reasons? Does your character affect your fate and the fate of those around you? Everyone is an IT-person at a biological level – does everyone program people? Managing people is simple: are they all drawn to the one who can fill their body with hormones of pleasure, or the one who can remove the chemicals that cause a bad mood from their body? Can’t you sew a fur coat from words or can you sew with some? Quantum physics is right – everything is simple, because as you can educate someone, you can educate someone who has more knowledge and will, that educates him, and the world consists of those whom someone educated in in the same way in which they are now?

«… people are a flock of sheep, they need to be led…» are the exemplary words of one of the heroes of the film «Raised Virgin Sole» (USSR, 1959—1961, director Alexander Ivanov).

Civilization itself regulates its development. Words attributed to the Soviet scientist S.P. Kapitsa.

Look at people living in countries that are considered rich – they (the majority) do not criticize themselves and their behavior, do not listen to someone else’s criticism, but defend their lifestyle and find material opportunities to support it?

Reality shows and proves (I want to emphasize that it is reality, supported by facts of the reality of what is happening, and not rumors) that under certain conditions and circumstances it is possible to change reality, and on a global scale, suppose if you are a millionaire or a billionaire, you can influence the social the life of a society, creating various social movements in it, while completely rebuilding relations between people, between a man and a woman, creating matriarchy in a single country or in several states, or patriarchy, the question is only, whether they want the authorities of these countries to pursue your social experiments and how far will you go in this, if you want all the same.

Then, when you «take root» and your movement gains a global scale within the state, the psychological component will undergo a fusion with the legal: the parliament will pass laws to please the social community you created, and if we continue to talk about matriarchy or patriarchy, it will be laws, such as banning men from meeting women in public places and interpreting attempts to meet as sexual harassment or banning women from meeting men on the street, or even -That. A man is no longer a man if he does not take the initiative in meeting a woman – in the classical understanding of a man in his relationship with the opposite sex? It is said that in countries where laws prohibit men from meeting women in public, men are afraid to take the initiative in dating, women themselves are suitable for men, and women become the main ones in the family when it is created.

They also say that some guys who came to such countries from countries where the relationship between a man and a woman remain classical (where a man meets a woman) like this situation – when women themselves come up and get to know each other, as the local man will not, he is afraid of responsibility for breaking the law, saying, as already mentioned, that showing attention to a woman in the form of an offer to get acquainted can be regarded as sexual harassment. To recall that the above is of a real nature, if you wish, on a world map you can find some countries where what is called the feminization of society has occurred and where it is legally expressed in the form of the above prohibition on a man to take the initiative in getting to know a woman, this will still be mentioned.

As a rule, all social movements are created in the rich (in the rich, where people don’t think about what they think in the non-rich – where the first steps of the Maslow pyramid are passed) countries with a high standard of living, in poor countries people think, again as a rule, how to earn a living, and even if there are social movements in poor countries, they are created there by representatives and citizens of countries with high living standards, in any case, as many sources say.

A person can be brought up, as you like, and upbringing, according to modern statements, is the main thing in the formation of personality, not psychogenetic heredity, as there are proofs of this and there were countries (not just one person, but entire states), in some of which people are like «cogs» what they are told they will do, in others it’s the same ethnic group, but the situation is different.

There is nothing eternal, and this applies to the human psyche, it is also not eternal in the sense that it changes with age, and it is different for different people at different times and in different places, and the evidence given above speaks about this (if we recall the rich states, we can ask where did the warlike people who inhabited them and made their country go, what happened to the warlike psychogenetics of their descendants living). The richer you are, the more you and your descendants become weaker, because you become dependent on the servants and other attributes of a rich life, and you become weak not only psychologically, but also physiologically – you don’t walk, drive a car, and this is not entirely positive for health?

Therefore, I want this fact that the human brain is a plastic material, as well as the fact that in connection with this fact it is possible to fashion anyone and anything from a person, like plasticine, by a red line across the entire lower material of this work in the process of reading it. Also, based on the above, it must be said that you, being now fearless, could be careful, and vice versa, if you are careful, you could be fearless and not forget that this is confirmed by the facts that have already been said: it all depends on education or, if someone does not like the word «upbringing», from the environment.

There may be several options for the development and formation of what is called your psychic constitution – depending on the time in which you were, or on the place or places of your stay during your life, and also on who you talked to: you how a personality could go in several ways – this is similar to the assertions of theoretical physicists that according to quantum physics your copies can be many, many copies in the sense that here you are doing one thing, one work, and your copies are doing other things, and life in general they have developed differently.

The second red line to keep in mind is the need for some to constantly «fiddle» with the endocrine system, which is responsible for the production of pleasure hormones by any action, both harmless and unhealthy in ways – alcohol, etc. Around the hormones of pleasure and “ human behavior revolves, it is endorphins that regulate and control human behavior, regardless of how these internal opiates are received – naturally, from any favorite occupation, or artificially, through drugs or alcohol, that is, as narcologists say, drug addicts and alcoholics enjoy pleasure without any strong-willed and intellectual efforts, that is, if higher powers give pleasant things only for something, then some want endorphins to be brought to them «Saucer».

If all those human qualities, which will be discussed below, disappear only, for example, after 40 years of a person’s life – is it a delay in mental development or what is called infantilism – eternal childhood? Is an adult when all that is considered weaknesses in modern society disappears? A sign of adulthood in the modern sense is autonomy, independence from someone and from anything, for example, the absence of an uncomfortable psychological state in the absence of friends, the lack of emotional attachment to someone or anything, and so on in this sense? It’s normal to feel psychologically uncomfortable in some cases, because if everyone felt psychologically comfortable, then if we take into account the sexual factor, then no one would reproduce, and almost everyone without the opposite sex has discomfort, which is expressed in different degrees for everyone – Is it not a mobile (stable) psyche only for single people, for example, for the same astronauts? The average person – how does he differ from the non-average person, and what is the psychological portrait of both? The struggle for males and females – some do not take part in it, since they sincerely do not need and are not interested, are they all different? Units are not subject to what is called propaganda? Propaganda is a quiet weapon – it’s easier to deceive a crowd than one person, does the criticality to one’s and others ’actions turn off in the crowd? When an investigator invites a minor child to investigate, the boss sometimes tells him «Work with him (with the minor) ” – we extrapolate this into civilian life. Work with him (inspire) – with your husband, wife for a harmonious relationship? Propaganda propaganda – those who do it do it so that their refrigerator is full, and you watch not in the TV, but in the refrigerator: for some, the main thing is their economic assets? Cosmonauts and IT specialists do not spend time on emotional experiences, such as fear, love, aggression, sexual desires – since they do not have them in such volume as the majority, which gives them the opportunity to do what they do – their work and the implementation of those tasks that most will not cope with? According to the films about the training of astronauts, the people who are preparing to be sent to space are put into enclosed space for several weeks and watch them how they endure their deprivation of liberty, if someone has a «roof» from unfulfilled desires, so there’s one conclusion: no desires – no psychological problems from the impossibility of their implementation? There is not what is called weakness of spirit – are there people whom the majority and who are ordered by higher powers to have what are called weaknesses, for example, the instinct of reproduction? If everyone was like astronauts, that is, without what is considered to be weaknesses, and could restrain their sexual instincts, or if they were almost absent, who would multiply then – with higher powers everything is thought out in advance, there are no weak and strong ones in spirit, there are those, to whom one is prescribed, and those to whom the other is prescribed? Do not envy anyone, for it is written in the Gospel – to whom much has been given, much will be asked? Cosmonauts are those who don’t need what the majority needs, that is, they don’t have what they call weaknesses or their minimum – do the astronauts have no cognitive dissonance? Someone’s torment is when this someone does not do what the higher forces want from him? PSOG (psychologically healthy lifestyle) is the knowledge of the ways that you need to go to achieve the tasks set by higher forces, for example, higher forces tell you in a hormonal way that you need some person of the opposite sex, but you don’t know how to approach him, and you are already unhappy – an unfortunate one who does not do what higher powers say to him? Cognitive dissonance is when there are several tasks, and you don’t know which one to perform, and also when there are several ways to solve problems, and you don’t know which way to choose: there is a basic law (constitution), there are simply laws that should not contradict the basic law (constitution) – can this be brought to life? Most people, as a rule, think about the bad, criticize themselves – do I have an ugly nose, ears, eyes, body, etc.?

The most commonplace questions we are asked are «How do you manage in space without vodka and women?»

Cosmonaut Sergey Ryazansky.

The title of the material, «The Unspoken Resources of the Good Mood of Some,» could have continued: «… for those who have the needs of an average person or average person …”. (By the definition of «average person» the author means only the way of life inherent in some people, nothing else is meant by the term «average person» – he does not mean the intellect of a person, his level of income, etc., etc.)

Unspoken, not because they are forbidden to voice them, or it is decided to popularize the work with this name, but because not everyone voices them, not everyone uses them, and not everyone knows them. Why this happens and who does not voice them, does not use and does not know, is considered in this book.

If you start from school, some can be distinguished by the fact that they do not have or are present, but not in full, the qualities that others possess – while everyone is at school, there are those whose studies dominate other interests, they are rare either they don’t meet with the opposite sex at all, rarely or never at street companies.

Probably, each person should either suppress or fulfill their needs, with age they can go away on their own: as they say, he «outgrows» them or he’s «gone crazy» – if everything goes smoothly from the point of view of modern psychology and sociology. Some of them remove their needs for companies and disappear, like a lizard’s tail, other needs, which are also called weaknesses, in the end they are equalized with those who did not need companies at school, that is, the needs of some of them become minimal, but they they already lost time by spending it on the satisfaction of their desires, not related to study and education, and, therefore, they did not receive the knowledge that was obtained in educational institutions by someone who did not have what is called weaknesses. What is considered weaknesses makes it difficult to concentrate on learning?

There are non-emotional people (such as people of the exact sciences, pilots, astronauts, IT specialists, military personnel of special forces, doctors with their medical cynicism – in any case, their professions provide for the absence of what are called weaknesses), which, as a rule, are completely independent from their emotions, they don’t have them at all, or if there are, then at least there are those who are included in the category of emotional people (among them, as a rule, humanities and not only), it is precisely such people who usually have a lot of problems related to emotions, as they say – eople art sometimes dramatize the situation, but to live with especially difficult creative.

The astronauts are probably the most controlled people who can cope with any task, those who can do what they are told: say they need to lose weight – lose weight, are ordered to sit in isolation for months – will be in isolation, ordered to expose life of danger – they will endanger life, and also these are people who can be deprived of pain for a long time, people with a minimum of needs. What does it say? To the fact that everyone can find out how much he is able to carry out those tasks that are performed by those who are called strong spirit, for example, someone tried to lose weight, but failed, and some are capable of it.

A person with the psyche of an astronaut or almost like an astronaut has complete psychological comfort, because he does not have emotional needs or they have, but in the smallest amount, some people have a psychologically stable state only when they satisfy their instincts and needs, and here there comes a time when some do not know how to satisfy their emotional, and psychological stability because of this does not occur at all, or the emotional component is satisfied by methods dangerous to the carrier of emotions and for those around him.

What if ordinary classical psychology doesn’t help some or doesn’t help some? There is not only legal, but also psychological illiteracy? Sometimes when shooting a stuntman’s film, when he does his job, they will be replaced by those who are called a sugary guy who is afraid of everything that is associated with risk during the filming, and he will continue to act as the main character – this is a life consisting of the present and fake? All that is needed for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing, and what is good and bad in general, and can everything be good at all or when someone is good, is it because of this someone is bad? Can life be made better only at the expense of others? What do «winged» phrases mean – truth, or an attempt at what is called manipulation by someone, or something else? The main troubles of an emotional person are unconstructive fear, aggression and other emotions, as well as the inability to adequately respond to psychological and other aggression and ignorance of acceptable and effective ways to satisfy psychological needs? It is necessary for everyone to feel good, and not for the minority or the majority, if you think that you have decided to help people in need, but how can this be done? You walk along the street and see a drunk and dirty person lying on the ground – if you have «overvalued» ideas about the perfection of society, then try to help someone who is drunk to get home and only then will you understand if your reasoning has weight or is it just the demagogy of an ambitious person, start small, and then think about big? What is stress – is it when they have done what is called an insult towards you, and you did not say anything, and it gnaws at you? Are there truths that people don’t want to see and that they don’t want to talk about, or those that not everyone knows about? Are there some who know more than others, and they control those who know less than they? Without certain knowledge, the human brain is not ready for logical and rational operations? There are many works focused on the regeneration of what is called a damaged psyche, but people still die from what they call post-traumatic syndrome, and not only from this?

Some are trying to hide the truth, we are trying to pull it out.

Words by Michael Moore, director of documentaries, including Fahrenheit 9/11.

Either Michael Moore is truly an idealist, or by earnestness he earns his living. I wonder for whom he pulled out the truth, or was it a simple enthusiasm?

Nobody says that classical psychology and modern psychology are not necessary or not right – it’s not so, just classical and modern psychology probably doesn’t explain everything, because this psychology was not created by someone who works at a factory, at a construction site, in the field and was in other places close to reality, and there is evidence for this – the existence of people who have psychologically uncomfortable states after working with psychologists and psychiatrists, and there are people who, having talked to people who do not have any diplomas of psychology and have forgotten what a psychological discomfort.

One of the foundations and central issues of this material is a search in all objective reality, its separation from fictional, possibly with errors, an attempt to identify and distinguish between the objective and the subjective that a person faces in life, predicting situations after any actions, and also, if you can call it that, unspoken psychology, the term is not very scientific, but no one talks about science: examples of psychological and legal actions that can be learned from official sources are collected, probably, it will not be possible, affecting standard issues related to human-human interaction.

Preventive psychology – actions aimed at protecting from what is called stress, and regenerative psychology – actions aimed at eliminating negative results from what is called stress, this is what the unspoken psychology partially consists of, or the unspoken resources of good mood, because there must be an alternative to conventional classical psychology, higher forces or nature in general love the presence of competition in everything.

Why are they unofficial and by whom are they unofficial and for what purpose? We can say that they are not advertised because of something unknown, and why dig deeper? It is of interest that they don’t talk about them, and for what reason – they simply don’t know about them or whether they are beneficial to someone – it is secondary, and it’s difficult for everyone to please: ants are good when they pull a grasshopper into an anthill for that to eat later, but the grasshopper feels bad, is this the case when someone’s interests do not completely or completely radically coincide with the interests of others, so there are situations when classical psychology can not advise people? Mosquitoes, cockroaches, locusts, worms – bad people who interfere with life are called bad?

There is no freedom of some without the lack of freedom of others – in the classical understanding of freedom? Was what is called a revolution for the sake of freedom useless or useful, since any freedom of some is possible only at the expense of the non-freedom of others, until civilization sets in, and robots will do everything for everyone? It’s a paradox, but suffer from freedom – drug addiction, alcoholism and death – from them are the products of freedom in its generally accepted sense? Who will work for the one who becomes free? Ants and grasshopper: this is how it works in nature – someone, helping someone survive, or threatens the existence of another by his own existence or interferes with another’s quality life, is like killing a coronavirus or rhinotracheitis that has settled in a kitten so that it survives, but the virus it’s not a pity, although he is alive, like a kitten, but a pity for a kitten, is it somehow strange, is the virus also alive, or are people programmed with higher powers? The effect of a grasshopper and ants in nature – is it when one can be good, only when the other is bad, and vice versa? It is impossible to please everyone, both ants and a grasshopper, someone who, from the point of view of modern society, has inadequate needs or needs are adequate, but they are satisfied in an inadequate way, they are isolated from society? Science and perfected virtual reality, which will become reality, will enable everyone to satisfy their needs? Is there a rigid scientific foundation in every behavior? Life is a book written in the style of the book of becoming, that is, becoming what you are and who you will become?

«Imagine that you are a whole army, though consisting of one soldier,» are the words attributed to billionaire and US President Donald Trump.

Soldiers in the trenches of life. To supplement Trump’s words: «You must be a soldier of a psychological and legal nature – to know and anticipate the results of your actions»? Billionaires do not have the life experience of an average citizen, but they have a lot of time to think, since they, as a rule, and as it should be for millionaires and billionaires, do not work anywhere, which means they do not sell their free time to employers, as an ordinary person does, and when you do not sell your time to the one you work for, you, as already mentioned, have time to think, although there are professions where you can think as much as you like, for example, sweeping the streets.

As already mentioned, the work contains the unspoken methods collected by the author as opposed to the unspoken methods of forming psychological comfort (in no case is it something radical, but simply the unspoken, so to speak, «underground» currents of human relationships that only good relatives can tell about if there are any, but what to do when they are not?). These methods and information are not entirely new, many know about them, and these are, as a rule, those who have everything in life well, and those who, as a rule, are not very good about them. The material also has a lot of other, «utility» information related to the subject under discussion and not only it.

Can a psychologist prepare someone whom they call fighters, or is a fighter a psychologist himself? What is and who are psychological special forces? Can one learn to survive in the psychological sense, as well as mental health, at least partially from the units of psychological operations of the armies of countries in which such units exist, since only there all actions are based on a more or less objective psychology? As some women say, the best weapon between your legs?

The inscription on the emblem, found in the Internet: Psychological operations because physcal wounds heal. (Sample translation: «Psychological operations because physical wounds heal.») Perhaps it means that physical wounds heal, but psychological ones do not.

I did not read the book of the former head of the CIA Alan Dales, but they say that he allegedly wrote in it how people who were considered not quite normal (feeling uncomfortable in society) and living in the territory of a geopolitical opponent used for their own purposes.

Some of those who are called businessmen can play a scene during a telephone conversation to impress someone they call up with (for example, who they see as a potential lover, mistress, it doesn’t matter what kind of sexual orientation they call), saying, for example, to someone in his office about loading or unloading wagons, but at the same time so that the person the businessman calls up to hear this conversation happening in the office about supposedly loading and unloading, the question of which was actually not at the time of the conversation resha tsya. The one with whom the businessman is talking will think that yes, this person is rich, if in his conversation with someone in the office we are talking about deliveries on the scale of wagons – that’s how the two people involved in the business really behaved, the meeting with whom as a result brought to meet with them only lunch or dinner in a regular cafe for the usual amount.

Is manipulation an attempt to force someone to act in anyone’s interests? Does manipulation instill a sense of inferiority? Involuntarily politeness? Is it easier to manipulate with emotional people, are they more suggestible? Learn to identify threats to your interests? How to find out the mechanism of the relationship between people? Confidence and good mood are transferred from one person to another, some confidence and good mood are taken away from others, insulting and humiliating them? Is the interaction between people in some cases a battlefield in the psychological sense? Unhappy is he who cannot get what he wants, because he does not know how?

A person must bring up another person who has caused him psychological wounds, after which he will recover from psychological trauma, and this can be called compensation for psychological trauma or regenerative psychology, and these methods have long been known – write a statement to the offender to the police, and the system will take revenge? Some who do not have tools for implementing regenerative psychology treat psychological injuries with alcohol and drugs? A tool for regenerative psychology has long been created – is this the law and its principle of inevitability of punishment? What happens to the one who caused you trouble – they deprive him of freedom, and he feels uncomfortable, as he can’t satisfy his needs?

Old psychology is an old lamp-powered radio, a new one is a semiconductor radio, the digital era and the era of «digital» psychology are the end of the «analogue» psychology: the mysterious name for something is a decoy, a beautiful wrapper in the psychological sense – what’s more effective the name of something, the more appealing the bait and the more you want to swallow it? A lot of those who imagined that they are writing a new bible, can everything be checked only in the «does it work or not in practice» mode? Is innovation always a different perspective on things and the world? When moving through life, you need to follow some rules? About whom they say that he is not adapted for life, and who therefore needs either an independent husband or an independent wife: what is independence – when there are no weaknesses, and when help is not needed? The time has not yet come when robots will do everything for everyone, so it’s too early to relax, do you have to take part in creating such a time yourself? There is a physiological and psychological threshold of sensitivity and tolerance, the psychological threshold, like the physical one, is different for everyone – it’s like the body’s reaction to the amount of alcohol consumed, everyone has a different threshold: someone needs to drink 200 grams of vodka to be drunk, someone enough to achieve the same state of 50 grams of the same drink?

Everyone should have a «package» of duty motivational phrases to defend their interests?

There are phrases designed to encourage someone to reconsider their position (motivational phrases or, in the negative sense, «wiring» – if we are talking about fraud), such will still be in all chapters of this work. To someone who does not want to accept someone’s conditions, a friend said the following phrase: «He imposes his previously losing position.» Either this acquaintance said, when there are no on-duty arguments: «You are carrying some nonsense» or «He is sick.» The task of psychological warfare in everyday life is to bring someone out of the category of normality? Fear and suggestibility limit the scope of actions?

As they taught at school, there is already a bit of politeness inevitably, in the political sense: this has happened since the advent of atomic weapons – countries that possess these weapons have not physically fought against each other for a long time since atomic weapons made this pointless. Could politeness come involuntarily in a socio-psychological sense – in everyday life, between ordinary people, maybe people will become polite to each other when they know that impolite and rudeness can only do harm? Do some affect the psychology of people and in what ways?

As they say, any policy is implicated in the economy, and any manager wants everything in his household to be good, for this you need to do something and you need someone who will fulfill the desires of the manager on the ground.

And again about the divisions of psychological operations, we will make sure that the information about them is interwoven for some time in the material with other information in order to deprive the material of monotony without building it on one analysis.

They say that all units of psychological operations (PsO) perform approximately the same tasks (as of 2018) in:

oral propaganda, including work with the local population; distribution of propaganda literature and other necessary information; creation of propaganda groups in localities consisting of local activists, their organization and coordination of actions, assistance to the work of «their» journalists, collection of information and identification the most acute problems of the population for using this in the future as an information occasion; monitoring the current moral and psychological state of the local population; providing a group necessary material and technical property; direct holding of rallies, protests and dissemination of propaganda materials. creation and circulation of printed materials; creation and broadcasting of television and radio broadcasts to a designated area; transmission of necessary messages through broadcasting media; use of the Internet in the «right» channel; creation and broadcasting commercials on television and radio channels in the interests of PsO; involving mobile operators to ensure transmission propaganda textual, photographic, sound and audio-visual messages using mobile phones;

From this conclusion, which will be discussed further: it is possible that various services and mass media of various countries of geopolitical opponents partially participate in the formation of personalities of people.

But not only humans can control humans, but microorganisms as well: what is toxoplasmosis and is it true that toxoplasma controls the behavior of living organisms, including humans? Who is interested in information about toxoplasma and toxoplasmosis, we are looking for information on the Internet.

The main thing to know for what to live? Existence must be in tune with destination? Now the purpose is determined very simply – with the help of psychological tests? Those who know what they live for do not always know how and where to achieve what they live for? What is the best way to achieve the goal? When there is a goal, and you want to achieve it, you need to go to it, no matter what, and you should be stopped only by the question of your life and death, although some (famous scientists who tested everything on themselves), as history shows, and this didn’t stop – after all, will we all die sooner or later? When I did what was required for this material, some stopped saying hello to me and laughed at me: don’t be afraid to «break off» if you are engaged in any business, perceive everything as production costs, since people will react just like that, because they were programmed by higher forces? To feel comfortable, you need to live one day, like in a war, while not forgetting that there is a future? The task of modern psychology should be that each person possesses objective knowledge in this area, so that the theory does not differ from reality? Providing anything without evidence can be attributed to rumors and gossip? Not everyone is comfortable with people who go with «measuring devices» in their heads, measuring everyone how far he has moved away from their unwritten personal or public moral principles, collecting gossip, analyzing and criticizing the actions of everyone, and vice versa – comfortable with someone who is not does? Some, when they insulted someone, will bear it like a crown, saying to themselves «I did it», and get pleasure from it – what is the pleasure received from that behavior, which is called inadequate? The law – this is the thing that allows you to take revenge on the one who caused you trouble, is this regenerative psychology or regenerative psychiatry? The 2000s is a fashion for a healthy lifestyle – a physically healthy lifestyle – but what about a fashion for a psychologically healthy lifestyle, what needs to be done for mental health? Mental health is possible without pharmaceuticals; how is sport possible without anabolic steroids? We do not generalize anything in particular to the situation: you don’t need to see either pluses or minuses in everything, in each case there are pluses and minuses – we think in this category, since this is not self-hypnosis, and does it contribute to the correct analysis of the situation? Where it has departed, has it arrived? First we find out what mental health is and who or what takes it away, then we take measures for prevention and recovery? If you compare your favorite business or something that someone lives with a chair, is it worth knocking him out from under him sitting on it, and he immediately has depression and loss of meaning in life? Where are they, radically new ideas at the level of the achievements of modern science to curb what is called aggression? Lawyers say that you can’t release it – prison, psychologists say that you can’t release aggression, since its containment and accumulation in the end can lead to inappropriate behavior, or there are legal ways to release aggression – for example, by writing what is called a secret denunciation or official statement on the offender? All that some psychologists say is dogma or just working hypotheses – do you yourself need to personally be in the «shoes» of everyone to give the right advice? There are many causes of aggression: one of them, when some needs that are different for everyone are not satisfied – in some it is basic, in others it is superbase? The more needs a person has, the greater is his chance to become aggressive when they are not satisfied? When does what is called kindness and good mood end in everyone? What will happen if you create a state and educate people in it with a large number of requests and needs that first satisfy, and then stop satisfying these needs and requests? Those called neurotics are people with unmet needs? The one who is called neurotics, alcoholics and drug addicts are ideologically crushed people? A revolution in the brain, or instead drugs and alcohol – how to change the wrong thinking that leads to the use of alcohol and drugs? One is told about the elephant – he thinks «Elephant and money», the other is said about the elephant – he thinks «Elephant and love», the one who is called a neurasthenic is told about the elephant – does he think that the elephant will think about it or say it? Some say that xenophobia – the difference between their own and others – is built into most biological creatures, do we read the work «Aggression» by the zoopsychologist Konrad Lorenz? The film «Brain Games», which was shown in May 2018 on the Psychology 21 TV channel, speaks of a certain warrior gene, if not mistaken with the name, NAOA, that supposedly those who are called psychopaths have it, and those whom they call normal, if the meaning of the film was correctly understood, it should not be – but what about the fact that not one of the thousands who had to communicate in the army, in prison and outside these organizations, in which a large number of people are concentrated who grew up without a father was not aggressive, and aggression was manifested only about Are those who grew up in a complete family, with father and mother, parents and the environment educate and educate, or do genes still indicate a line of behavior, or a combination of genes and environment? Again, based on information from the movie «Brain Games», are there more people who are called psychopaths in business organizations in one country than among the population of the whole country? There is no resentment, just as there is no scamming – these terms are just a product of competition among people for a comfortable existence: you don’t like that someone wrote a complaint against you, so he is a scumbag or is he a resentment? If the law does not allow «breaking off» the offender physically, find loopholes to «break off» the source of irritation psychologically? In order to provoke the necessary reaction of someone to something, you just need to name the same thing in different ways, for example, not litters, but sparring partners? Having chosen the way of writing what is called complaints, the main thing in life, you may encounter the fact that when you retire, you won’t even have a money «hitch», because you devoted all your time to writing letters, but not to saving money? Those who are called non-self-sufficient and spoiled people always blame someone for their problems – is resentment inherent in them? What is it, the prevention of what is called crimes on an emotional basis – is it for you in the face, and are you for it in freedom or in its money? How to behave in a decent society, and does it even exist? Is flashing new programs in your head required if you feel psychological discomfort? The former, who is called an alcoholic, will not go past the current one when he asks for money for alcohol, and gives him them – do people help their people, those whom they identify with themselves? A programmer is, more simply, a translator who knows programming languages and translates information into a language understandable by a machine, a person can also be programmed, moreover, it consists of various programs, an example of programming a person with phrases can be as follows: «Not» cool «for someone who is not afraid of death, everyone is cool, since everyone will someday die? ” Each gopher is an agronomist – how many people, so many opinions, or are there those who express opinions and those who listen to them and follow them? Whoever screams and gets nervous, and also drinks alcohol, is called non-self-reliant? They say that healthy lifestyle – sex, sleep, sports?

Lyrics. The report of the man who came from the war: «Please send me to serve in the war zone, because I can not stand the horrors of peaceful life.»

Resentiment (fr. Ressentiment / rəsɑ̃timɑ̃ / «resentment, grudge, bitterness») – a feeling of hostility to what the subject considers to be the cause of his failures («enemy»), impotent envy, «painful awareness of the futility of trying to improve one’s status in life or in society». The feeling of weakness or inferiority, as well as envy towards the «enemy» leads to the formation of a value system that denies the value system of the «enemy». The subject creates an image of the «enemy» in order to get rid of guilt for his own failures.

The concept of resentment was first introduced by the German philosopher F. Nietzsche in his work «On the Genealogy of Morality». According to this philosopher, resentment is a defining characteristic of the morality of slaves, which opposes the morality of the masters. Resentiment, according to Nietzsche, actively manifests itself in the «revolt of slaves»: «The revolt of slaves in morality begins with the fact that the ressentiment itself becomes creative and generates values…» – these words, in fact, introduce the concept of resentment.

Resentment is a more complex concept than envy or dislike. The phenomenon of resentment is the sublimation of inferiority into a special moral system.

Source: Resentiment

Regeneration (restoration) – the ability of living organisms to restore damaged tissue, and sometimes even entire lost organs, over time.

Lyrics: «Such people give meaning to life,» one former military man said ironically about those officials to whom he wrote complaints. Those to whom he wrote were morally and legally unclean bosses; by imparting meaning to life, he meant his complaints and their outcome. «What is this?» They asked him, pointing to written envelopes with information about illegal activities. «These are the instruments of education that violate the laws of the big-bellied and pot-bellied – I am the second teacher of Makarenko, Makarenko 2».

Lyrics: some go to trainings to become a leader and to develop leadership qualities – dismiss your boss from work with complaints revealing his possible immoral and illegal weaknesses, and then your wings will «grow», you will «fly» crowded with endorphins, you will have something like a «star» disease – and so you will become a leader?

Once again that in each situation there are both «cons» and «pros». Call any situation that has a minus sign, and there will be pluses, for example, you were fired from work – this is from the category of what can be classified as minus, but there is a plus in this, because the loss of the old is an acquisition new: where it departed, it arrived. In this regard, ideally, no one should accumulate negative emotions on anyone (referring to those who caused troubles in life (minuses)), since offenders can also bring «pluses» (there are no situations with radical cons when they beat someone half to death). But human nature dictates its own – negative emotions in relation to the offender accumulate in many people.

An example of analysis for the pros and cons of serfdom and its absence: according to historical data, after the abolition of serfdom among former serfs, general alcoholism began after they gained freedom. Pluses – while the serfs were serfs, their owners controlled their behavior, therefore, alcohol was not so accessible, and health due to alcohol did not deteriorate, the liver was not threatened with cirrhosis. Cons – harm to physical health due to the use of alcohol because of the freedom gained.

So at work, as long as there is work, there are bosses who do not give large quantities of alcohol to anyone who is interested in drinking, as soon as there is no work and bosses, what begins is called alcohol abuse, which is clearly not a healthy lifestyle. When there is so much work that you don’t like that there is no time to fulfill your needs, then it’s better to find a job in which the realization of your needs will become your work.

An example of an analysis of the pros and cons in legal and commercial senses in the presence of the criminal article «Speculation» (that is, reselling something) in the criminal code of the USSR, and after the collapse of the USSR in the absence of this article: pluses – while commerce was considered speculation, and for this it was possible to go to jail, those involved in illegal trade were very few, respectively, the profits from this type of activity were huge due to the lack of a large number of competitors. Cons – as soon as the article «Speculation» was canceled, and a lot of people started to trade, every entrepreneur’s profits from trading fell, and some were forced to quit commerce altogether.

Therefore, we recall once again that in each situation there are pros and cons.

Attention, this is an affirmative sentence: you do not need to commit crimes on an emotional basis, only within the framework of the law you need to «get out» to solve emotional conflicts.

According to the author’s personal statistics, it is precisely people from the so-called dysfunctional and single-parent families who commit crimes on an emotional basis – perhaps they simply don’t know and cannot correctly respond to the situation.

Psychologists have projects for the psychological recovery of the population, there is even one that says that emotions should not be restrained, but everyone is inclined to interpret this in their own way, judging by the news according to which crimes are committed around the world on an emotional basis – starting from bodily harm damage, ending with murders, but emotions can not be restrained in other ways, while not committing crimes and at the same time maintaining and restoring their psychological balance, because the main thing is to force the body continue to produce endorphins, when there was an obstacle to this, if not, then some pleasure hormones will be produced artificially by vodka or drugs? Living in harmony with nature in a psychological sense is to do what you want, because it was nature that created your basic needs in you? Some do not grow claws and teeth in a psychological sense, so is it difficult for them against the background of those who have them? Higher forces probably want competition among people, and people themselves call the presence of competition the engine of progress, which is why the human body produces endorphins if someone defeats someone or someone over something, like someone defeated someone or something, internal opiates are immediately developed, for example, you went through an interview for a job you really wanted, or you won a fight with someone, or you discovered some kind of scientific formula – and you just «Fly» after this, but not go, this happens in animals, for example measures, after a fight for the territory, the higher forces award the winner with a portion of the internal hormones of pleasure, how does the trainer treat his pet with delicious food, do the higher forces show us the path and the correctness of action with endorphins? How to restore psychological imbalance caused by insult without breaking the law? Anyone can become the director of their internal high-plant? Someone else’s inconvenient behavior is called syndromes and diagnoses for someone else – if someone began to actively try to attract attention, then they immediately call it Munchausen’s syndrome or there are no syndromes, and they were invented to «break off» those who wants to intentionally or inadvertently «take someone’s bread», depriving him of his work by his behavior? Not litigation and a trial between someone, but a struggle of ambition? I heard on the bus how two women spoke among themselves, one told the other that her daughter had a bad husband, that he only drinks whiskey, even when there is no money for whiskey, he doesn’t drink cheap alcohol, he borrowed money from people for expensive alcohol, to which she answered that it’s infantile that it was necessary to marry her daughter to a military man, since there is psychological testing when hiring, and civilians with a majority of mental defects, supposedly the state takes the best to their service – is it true or is it about a variety of personalities, one of oryh suitable for a single case, for each other? The one who hit you is not cool, he just has not «broken off» in his life yet – some do not understand their weakness, and some do not understand their strength? Those who have no obsession with anything or at least a passion for something are worried about something: take an example from scientists, are they obsessed with science, and are they not interested in the rest? Express dissatisfaction in a civilized way? Angry but not sinning? How to get a diverse life experience, you need to meddle in all places and situations, even in those in which everything is alien to you?