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Blue And The Heartless Little Girl – Blake B. Blink

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Описание книги:

«What’s the matter?»
«Why do men fire?»
«Because they are unsatisfied.»
«And why are they unsatisfied?
«They don’t mean anything to anyone.»
‘Blue and the Heartless Little Girl’ is a dark fairy tale with pure white hues and brilliant sensitivity contents.

This is the story of Blue, the blue eyes big boar, and of Cotton Ball, a transparent lovely heartless
little girl.
This is the story of an unbreakable friendship and of a bond that goes beyond the apparent
This is a story about the importance of creating indelible memories, because anyone is taken for
granted, and about the certainty of a pure and unconditional affection that blows up in the heart,
even if one of them doesn’t have it anymore.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9788873043973
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